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81. The Golden Cheresone And The Way Thither By Isabella L. Bird Isabella Lucy Bird. Isabella L. Bird (18311904) a feisty Victorian travelerand writer. She was the first woman member of the Royal Geographical Society. http://planet.time.net.my/CentralMarket/melaka101/ilbird.htm | |
82. Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. Bishop, Isabella Lucy (Bird). http://www.bartleby.com/65/bi/BishopIL.html | |
83. Special Events Thursday, February 26, 700 pm A Lady s Life in the Rocky Mountains by IsabellaL. Bird (18311904) During the fall and winter of 1873, a middle-aged English http://www.wabash.lib.in.us/ladyslife.htm | |
84. Index The Devil s Dictionary Fantastic Fables An Occurrence At Owl Creek BridgeBird, Isabella L. (18311904) The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither http://www.eshunet.com/list1/en3000/titles/index-b.htm | |
85. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 56 Bird seye views1950. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),1831-1904Homes Haunts. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),1831-1904Journeys. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects56.html | |
86. Salida Regional Library: Tara Road. Binchy Maeve. ladys life in the Rocky Mountains. Bird Isabella L IsabellaLucy 1831 1904. day Lincoln was shot. Bishop Jim 1907 1987. Cape refuge. http://salidaarchive.org/SRL/pages/audio.html | |
87. 2000 Women In Photography - A Millennium Project 1905 ); USA documentary and portraiture Bird, Isabella Lucy (1831 USA; lesbian issuesBishop, Isabella Lucy (1831 documentary Watson-Schutze, Eva L. (1867-1935 http://www.womeninphotography.org/nominees.html | |
88. Women's Autobiographies Of The American West GP Putnams s Sons, 1879) Rockies Isabella Lucy Bird 1990) South Dakota Mary BraveBird b. 1953 History Dept., 1949) Colorado Kenneth L. Holmes, Covered http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/lavender/389auto.html | |
89. ** Bark Cloth, Hawaiian Vintage Rattan Furniture And Fabric The Hawaiian Archipelago (1875) a machinereadable transcription Bird, IsabellaL. (1831-1904) Transcribed, encoded and edited by Perry Willett TEI formatted http://trafficseo.com/vintage-rattan-bark-cloth-3.htm | |
90. Special Collections | Exhibits | Past | Discoverers Botanic Garden is part of the George L. Creamer Library donated by Anna and NathanH. Creamer in memory of their son. CASE III Isabella Bird 18311904. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/spc/exhibits/past/Discoverers/discoverers.h | |
91. Browsing The Inventory Of JE Duplice Books By Author: K Soft Cover. Very Good. Bird Isabella L LUCY 1831 1904 WOMEN BIOGRAPHY TRAVELERS ADVENTUREADVENTURERS AUTOBIOGRAPHY GENERAL TRAVEL. (Inventory 000371) $ 38.95 http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/author/k/19088.html | |
92. Milando - Literatur & Romane - Produktsuche, Preisvergleich Translate this page B C D E F G H I J K L M N The Englishwoman in America Der Arzt hatte Isabelle Bird(1831 - 1904) einen Klimawechsel Isabella Bird wurde 1892 als erste Frau in http://www.milando.de/kategorie_3210.htm | |
93. Author Index Biggers, Earl Derr, 18841933 Bigges, Walter, d. 1586 Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904 Bishop, Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
94. Bird IsabellaLucy Bird est l auteure de plusieurs livres. Ceux-ci relatent http://cf.geocities.com/melagirard/bird.html | |
95. Korean Bibliography: Topical Terms: 9 warfare, Korean War Biological warfare, United States Biotechnology, IndustriesBird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),18311904Journeys Birth control Birth http://lcweb2.loc.gov/misc/korhtml/korbibSubjects09.html | |
96. Freya Stark Ed Il Viaggio Femminile Ad Inizio Novecento dopo 1881 Ho solo un grande rivale nel cuore d Isabella l Asia centrale http://www.archividonneticino.ch/studi/freya_stark.shtml | |
97. EDT - Estratti http://www.edt.it/estratti/estratto.php?id=8870633748 |
98. }Ú×îñ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=1&code=21614655 |
99. Korea Travel: Korea And Her Neighbours: A Narrative Of Travel, With An Account O This page hosted by Click11, a Novato business committed to buildingthe community, one website at a time. Family Friendly Search. http://bookstore.myasiacenter.com/n_0804814899.htm | |
100. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Numéro 3/2004 - Index Des Auteurs P l entreprise), 05879. http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/M3_04.H/IndexAuteurPhysique-2.html | |
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