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         Bergson Henri:     more books (41)
  1. Bergson and Modern Thought: Towards a Unified Science (Models of Scientific Thought, Vol 3) by Papanicolaou, 1987-01-01
  2. Bergson and Phenomenology
  3. Bergson: Thinking Backwards (Modern European Philosophy) by F. C. T. Moore, 1996-01-26
  4. Philosophy and the Adventure of the Virtual by Keith Ansell-Pearson, 2001-11-09
  5. Bergson and the Stream of Consciousness Novel by Shiv K. Kumar, 1963-01-01
  6. From Pascal to Proust by Gladys Rosaleen Turquet-Milnes, 1977-06
  7. Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism (ND Maritain Collected Works) by Jacques Maritain, 2007-04-01
  8. The Crisis in Modernism: Bergson and the Vitalist Controversy
  9. The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely by Elizabeth Grosz, 2004-01-01
  10. Bergson and his Influence: A Reassessment by A. E. Pilkington, 1976-10-29
  11. Bergson-Arg Philosophers (Arguments of the Philosophers) by A. R. Lacey, 1999-07
  12. Studies in the Philosophy of Creation With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead: With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead (Collected Works of Newton P. Stallknecht, Volume 3) (v. 3) by Newton Phelps Stallknecht, Donald L. Jennermann, et all 2001-02
  13. Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections
  14. Bergson, Eliot, and American Literature by Paul Douglass, 1986-12-31

21. Henri Bergson --  Encyclopædia Britannica
, Henri Bergson Nobel eMuseum Biography of this French Nobel laureate, for Literature, in 1927. , Henri Bergson (1859-1941) Nobel e-Museum, The Nobel bergson

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Translate this page (Añadido Dom May 12 2002 Visitas 1088 Puesto 9.50 Votos 2) Calificar. Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859-1941) Abrir en nueva ventana - Filósofo vitalista y
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Translate this page 15) Calificar. Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859-1941) Abrir en nueva ventana - Filósofo vitalista y espiritualista francés. Nació en
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24. - Great Books -
Henri Bergson (18591941), The French philosopher Henri Bergson, b. Oct. 18, 1859, d. Jan. 4, 1941, was internationally known for
Henri Bergson
The French philosopher Henri Bergson, b. Oct. 18, 1859, d. Jan. 4, 1941, was internationally known for his concepts of inner duration, creative evolution, and the limits of human intelligence. After beginning his teaching career at Clermont-Ferrand in 1883, he joined (1900) the College de France, where his lectures enjoyed unparalleled success until his retirement in 1921. In 1918 he was accepted into the French Academy. During World War I he participated in diplomatic missions designed to bring the United States into the conflict. Afterwards he participated in the League of Nations, presiding over the creation of the Committee for Intellectual Cooperation, later to become UNESCO. In his later years Bergson was forced by crippling arthritis into virtual seclusion. He was unable to accept in person the Nobel Prize for literature awarded him in 1927.
As a student, Bergson was tempted to pursue a career in mathematics; he was also a disciple of the mechanist Herbert Spencer. But by the time of his doctoral thesis, Time and Free Will (1889), Bergson had rejected the primacy of mathematical and mechanical concepts. He pointed out that the flow of experienced duration cannot be measured and that human personalities, as they grow in duration, express themselves in acts that cannot be predicted. These key insights were expanded in

25. Great Books And Classics - Henri Bergson
AZ). Selected Reading List All Works ? Change Selected Language All Change. Author Chronological, Henri Bergson (1859-1941),

26. Great Books And Classics - Henri Bergson
Selected Reading List All Works ? Change Selected Language All Change. Author Alphabetical, Henri Bergson (1859-1941), AB

27. Zitat Henri Bergson
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28. Books Gurdjieff Internet Guide
Henri Bergson. (18591941) French philosopher who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927. Bergson argued that the intuition

29. Bergson
Translate this page Henri Bergson. (1859-1941). Bergson nasceu numa família judaica, em Auteuil (Paris), em 1859, foi professor nos liceus de Angers
Henri Bergson Bergson nasceu numa família judaica, em Auteuil (Paris), em 1859, foi professor nos liceus de Angers e de Clermond - Ferrand, Henrique IV de Paris, e depois na Escola Nacional Normal Superior e no Collège de France, onde ministrou a cátedra de Filosofia Ocidental. Em 1927 recebeu o Prémio Nobel de Literatura. A filosofia de Bergson assenta no conceito da evolução como uma dimensão espiritual da vida humana, associada à questão da liberdade da consciência e do tempo, que considerou como uma sucessão de instantes conscientes. Na sua obra a Evolução Criadora (1907), desenvolve o problema da existência humana e define a mente como energia pura,o élan vital ou impulso vital, responsável de toda a evolução orgânica. Nas últimas décadas procurou relacionar a sua filosofia com o pensamento cristão. A sua filosofia inscreve-se na corrente intuicionista que surge em finais do século XIX como reacção ao positivismo. Obras Ensaios Sobre os Dados Imediatos da Consciência; Matéria e Memória(1896); Tempo e Lvre Arbítrio (tese de doutoramento,1889),o Riso (1900), A Evolução Criadora (1907); As Duas Fontes da Moral e da Religião (1932) . Edições e Comentários Bergson , Henri- A Evolução Criadora.Lisboa.Edições 70, 2001

30. Catalunya 1714 - Filosofia - Henri Bergson
El filòsof i escriptor francès Henri Bergson (18591941) és autor d una teoria de l evolució basada en la dimensió espiritual de la vida humana, que va
Henri-Louis Bergson
La rialla El pensament i el movent Henri Bergson

31. Henri Bergson
Translate this page Henri Bergson (1859-1941) La philosophie morale du héros. Sa vie fut une réussite professionnelle et sociale, et son oeuvre eut
Henri Bergson (1859-1941) La philosophie morale du héros Sa vie fut une réussite professionnelle et sociale, et son oeuvre eut un succès considérable dans la première moitié du XXème siècle.
Sa philosophie de l'élan vital est positive. 1. La vie et l'oeuvre Né à Paris en 1859 Henri Louis Bergson est le fils du pianiste et compositeur polonais Michael Bergson (1820-1898), qui avec ses frères Jacob et Leopold, prit le nom de Bergson (ou Berkson, son of Ber(ek)) à partir du nom de leur père Ber ou Berek Zbitkower ou Sonnenberg, un "personnage considérable" de la communauté juive de Varsovie, issu d'une famille de financiers. Sa mère, Katherine Levinson, est de nationalité anglaise. Henri Bergson fait de brillantes études secondaires au lycée Condorcet et entre à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure en 1878. Agrégé de philosophie en 1881, docteur ès lettres en 1889, il est succéssivement professeur de philosophie aux lycées d'Angers, de Clermont-Ferrand, Louis-le-Grand et Henri IV à Paris. En 1898 il est Maître de Conférences à Normale-Sup. puis Professeur au Collège de France de 1900 à 1921. Il entre à l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques en 1901, à l'Acamédie française en 1914. Il est Prix Nobel de Littérature en 1928.

32. Bergson Henri From FOLDOC
Bergson Henri. history of philosophy, biography french philosopher (18591941). Rejecting sterile mechanistic accounts of the natural Henri

33. Henri Bergson
Translate this page Henri Bergson (1859-1941). Le philosophe reproche à l’intelligence de ne donner qu’une vision arbitraire et pragmatique du monde
Henri Bergson Le philosophe reproche à l’intelligence de ne donner qu’une vision arbitraire et pragmatique du monde, de morceler et de solidifier la réalité mouvante. Selon Bergson, il y a sous les apparences créées par la vision artificielle de la raison, une vie secrète, frémissante et inconnue, surgissant de profondeurs abyssales où seule l’intuition peut nous donner accès. Ainsi en dehors et au travers du réseau des lignes purement idéales que la connaissance trace sur le monde, semble apparaître une réalité vierge avec laquelle l’homme ne peut communiquer que par l’intuition. « Le philosophe n’obéit ni ne commande; il cherche à sympathiser. » L’élan vital bergsonien , courant de vie qui traverse la matière organisant et créant toute forme, anime toute espèce vivante. Source cosmique de toute existence ou, comme l'inconscient freudien vie intérieure et profonde de chaque individu, c’est une puissance secrète, impénétrable aux analyses superficielles de la raison. (Russ, Jacqueline. Les Chemins de la pensée. Philosophie

34. Henri Bergson En El Diccionario Soviético De Filosofía / 1965
Translate this page Montevideo 1965, página 44. Henri Bergson (1859-1941). Filósofo idealista francés, representante del intuitivismo. Profesor del Collége
Ediciones Pueblos Unidos, Montevideo 1965 Henri Bergson intuitivismo. (vitalismo).

35. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Henri Bergson Quotes
L ©lan vital ~ Henri Bergson (18591941) French philosopher from L Evolution Cr©atrice (Creative Evolution), 1907, ch. 1. More quotes about Spirit

36. WIEM: Bergson Henri
Filozofia, Literatura, Francja Bergson Henri (18591941). Bergson Henri (1859-1941), francuski filozof. Czlonek Akademii Francuskiej
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Filozofia, Literatura, Francja
Bergson Henri
Bergson Henri (1859-1941), francuski filozof. Cz³onek Akademii Francuskiej od 1914, profesor École Normale Supérieure (1898-1900) i  (1900-1914). Po wybuchu I wojny ¶wiatowej (1914) walczy³ jako ochotnik na froncie. Jeden z najbardziej znanych filozofów XX w. Przedstawiciel intuicjonizmu oraz tzw. filozofii pêdu ¿yciowego. G³osi³ irracjonalizm , przeciwstawiaj±c siê pogl±dom pozytywistycznym, zw³aszcza determinizmowi mechanistycznemu i darwinowskiemu biologizmowi ewolucyjnemu. W swojej wizji ¶wiata podstawow± rolê przypisywa³ pêdowi ¿yciowemu ("élan vital") - czynnikowi ewolucji twórczej, do którego dotrzeæ mo¿na by³o poprzez samopoznania i poznawania ¶wiata zgodnie z zasad± wolno¶ci, za pomoc± intuicji oddaj±cej niepowtarzaln± ci±g³o¶æ istnienia w czasie i przestrzeni - odrzuciwszy uprzednio ograniczenia spo³eczne i religijne oraz zasady logiczne, które dziel± i deformuj± postrzegane zjawiska. Stworzy³ pojêcie niezale¿nego w znacznej mierze od rzeczywisto¶ci spo³ecznej i materialnej "ja g³êbokiego", którego udzia³em jest ci±g³e wewnêtrzne do¶wiadczanie trwania.

37. Henri Bergson
Henri Bergson. (18591941). The son of a Jewish musician and an English woman, was educated at the Lycée Condorcet and the École
Henri Bergson
Bergson's English background explains the deep influence that Spencer, Mill, and Darwin had on him during his youth, but his own philosophy is largely a reaction against their rationalist systems.
Bergson developed his philosophy in a number of books that have become famous not only for their fresh interpretation of life but also for a powerful employment of metaphor, image, and analogy. In his Time and Free Will ], Bergson offered an interpretation of consciousness as existing on two levels, the first to be reached by deep introspection, the second an external projection of the first. The deeper self is the seat of creative becoming and of free will. The method of intuitive introspection, first employed in this work, is developed further in his An Introduction to Metaphysics ]. In Matter and Memory Creative Evolution ], Bergson developed the theory of time introduced in his other works and applied it to the study of living things, while in Les Deux Sources de la morale et de la religion The Two Sources of Morality and Religion ], he explored the moral implications of his theory of freedom. In

38. Banco De Imagens - Henri Bergson
Bergson, Henri (1859-1941).
Bergson, Henri - (1859-1941)
Walter Benjamin
George Berkeley

39. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
1. Bergson, Henri The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 Bergson, Henri Bergson, Henri , 18591941, French philosopher

40. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
5. Bergson, Henri The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 Bergson, Henri Bergson, Henri , 18591941, French philosopher. Bergson

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