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Benson Arthur Christopher: more books (37) | ||||||||||
81. About Rachmaninoff Beautiful 1893 Don t You See? Arthur Christopher Benson(1862 1925)English Poet February. Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875 - 1956 http://www.webconcerthall.com/archive/artist/rachmaninoff/aboutrachmaninoff.htm | |
82. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters A,B Arthur Christopher Benson. (1862 1925) English Poet February (NM).Edmund Clerihew Bentley. (1875 - 1956) English Journalist and http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/poem-ab.html | |
83. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection 1934) Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1944 ) Benjamin, Walter (1982 - 1940) Benson, EF (1867 1638)Dowson, Ernest Christopher (1867 - 1900) Doyle, Arthur Conan (1859 http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.browse.pl?au=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ |
84. Alphabetical Index Of Authors: B. Indexes To Anthologies. Bartleby.com 18861950, His Ally (MAP). How to Catch Unicorns (MAP). Benson, Arthur Christopher.18621925, Phoenix (OBEV). Binyon, Laurence. 18691943, A Song (MBP). http://bartleby.school.aol.com/verse/index2b.html | |
85. Dictionary Of British Classicists dg Bell, Harold Idris (18791967) ge Benson, Edward Frederic Archibald (1652-1713)mas Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748 1887-1974) ei Platt, John Arthur (1860-1925 http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/class_entries.htm | |
86. Elgar's English Twilight Part One The words were by Arthur Christopher Benson, 1862 1925, one of the trio of confirmedbachelor brothers, sons of the Archbishop of Canterbury and all great http://www.btinternet.com/~j.b.w/elg1.htm | |
87. SWAN /All Libraries Yang 1930 1987 1 15 T Ao Han Chang 2000 1 16 TB 1596 1666 See Shirley James1596 1666 1 17 TB 1862 1925 See Benson Arthur Christopher 1862 1925 1 18 http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,1915/search/at/at/13,2042,5000,B/browse | |
88. Mid-Hudson Library System /Catalog Allsop Thomas 1795 1880 1 5 T And C Film Ag 2 6 TB 1596 1666 See Shirley James1596 1666 1 7 TB 1862 1925 See Benson Arthur Christopher 1862 1925 1 8 http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?t |
89. LEO ABSE Labour Politician & Author Monsignor RH Benson (18711914) Brother of the above. Christopher BIGGINS (1948-) Actor, director and pantomime dame. Arthur HOWARD (1910-95) Comic actor. http://www.nakedblog.com/gaylinkspage.htm | |
90. West Orange Public Library translated from the Polish by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh.; Adult; 891.851SZY 1998 TB 1862 1925 See Benson Arthur Christopher 1862 1925 T Ball http://opac.wopl.org:90/kids/1899,2126/search/dt ball juvenile literature/dt bal | |
91. AIM25: Institute Of Germanic Studies: Breul, Karl Hermann (1860-1932) include Hermann Hager, 18861893; Robert Priebsch, 1896-1913; Arthur Napier, 1888 1913;Arvid Johansson, 1905-1913; J Kirkpatrick, 1906-1912; AC Benson 1904-1914 http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=31&coll_id=5879 |
92. James, Henry, 1843-1916. Correspondence And Journals Of Henry James Jr.: Guide. (22) ALs.to Henry James; London? 30 Apr 1894 1s.(4p.). Benson, ArthurChristopher, 18621925. (23) ALs.to same; Cambridge, Eng., 16 Oct 1911. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00300.html | |
93. HDIS - Late Nineteenth-Century English Poetry Table Of Contents Verses of varied life (London Elliot Stock, 1882). Benson, ArthurChristopher (18621925) Le Cahier Jaune (Eton Printed by Geo. http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/engpo11-toc.html | |
94. WebGED: Family Tree Data Page b. 1845 father Duxbury, Christopher(1821 ) mother Duxbury, William(~1843 - ) motherBenson, Sarah(~1845 - ) Mary(1862 - ) spouse Bell, Arthur (*1890 - ) - m http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~duxbury/tree/wga17.html | |
95. A C Benson Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors B AC Benson. Fantastic Fiction, AC Benson (ArthurChristopher Benson) UK (1862 1925) (Brother of EF Benson and RH Benson). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/A_C_Benson.htm | |
96. Ghosts In The House GHOSTS IN THE HOUSE by AC RH Benson edited, with an Between them, the three brothersArthurChristopher (18621925), Edward Frederic (18671940 and http://www.ash-tree.bc.ca/atp13ghostsinthehouse.htm | |
97. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: B] French poet (1612 1691) Noah benShea, poet and philosopher Arthur ChristopherBenson, English educator, scholar, poet and writer (1862 - 1925) Ezra Taft http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathb.htm | |
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