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1. Biographies: Persons Of Literature: The Classical Fiction Writers: Arnold Bennet Short note on the life and work of the writer, Arnold Bennett Arnold Bennett. ( 18671931) Arnold Bennett was a successful English playwright, novelist and Wells and John Galsworthy, Bennett http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Literary/Bennett.htm | |
2. (Enoch) Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) Quotations, Famous Quotes - Quote Database. Over 15 000 Quotations and Famous Quotes. ( Enoch) Arnold Bennett (18671931) quotes and quotations what has happened." ( Enoch) Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), British writer, novelist http://www.quoteworld.org/author.php?thetext=(Enoch) Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) |
3. Creative Quotations From Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) Arnold Bennett in quotations to inspire creative thinking Creative Quotations from . . . Arnold Bennett. ( 18671931) born on May 3 Search millions of documents for Arnold Bennett. Creative http://www.creativequotations.com/one/321.htm | |
4. A Biography Of Arnold Bennett A biography of Arnold Bennett with a bibliography of his works Arnold Bennet (18671931) by Frank Swinnerton http://www.ourcivilisation.com/smartboard/shop/swnnrtn/bennett | |
5. Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) Arnold Bennett. 18671931. Profile. Novelist, playwright, essayist,critic and journalist. Born in Hanley, Staffordshire, the eldest http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/bennett.htm | |
6. Arnold Bennett's Bursley The following extracts are taken from the work of Arnold Bennett (18671931)where he describes the town of Bursley, based on Burslem, Staffordshire. http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/bursley.htm | |
7. Freedom Party Of Ontario (CANADA) - Freedom Bookstore - Arnold Bennett Arnold Bennett page in the online bookstore of the Freedom Party of Ontario, an officially registered political party in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Arnold Bennett (18671931) Arnold Bennett http://www.freedomparty.org/bookstor/bennett.htm | |
8. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > B > Bennett, Arnold, 18 There is no description available for this text. Author Bennett, Arnold, 18671931Keywords Authors B Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931; Titles G ; Literature. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
9. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Subject > Ethics this text. Author Bennett, Arnold, 18671931 Keywords Authors BBennett, Arnold, 1867-1931; Titles H ; Subject Ethics. Letters http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Su |
10. Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) Arnold Bennett (18671931) Arnold Bennett - Biography One of the best biographies about Arnold Bennett because it gives great detail on his involvement with the War Propaganda Bureau during World War I. - AMW http://library.marist.edu/diglib/english/englishliterature/20thc-engdramatists/a | |
11. (Enoch) Arnold Bennett Quotations, Famous Quotes - Quote Database. Always behave as if nothing had happened, no matter what has happened. (Enoch)Arnold Bennett (18671931), British writer, novelist More about the author, http://www.quoteworld.org/author.php?thetext=(Enoch) Arnold Bennett |
12. Project Gutenberg Titles By Bennett, Arnold, 1867-1931 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Bennett, Arnold, 18671931. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Bennett, Arnold, |
13. D.13 Bennett (Arnold) Papers, 1909 1931. University Of Rochester D.13 Arnold Bennett PAPERS, 19091931. 1 box (144 pieces) Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) was born at Hanley, Staffordshire, England. His father was successively a potter, a schoolmaster, and a solicitor http://www.lib.rochester.edu/RBK/BENNETT.HTM |
14. Blintz! Arnold Bennett Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold (18671931),. English Previews by Thumbshots, Arnold Bennett(1867-1931) Open in new window Arnold Bennett. 1867-1931. Profile. http://www.blintz.com/directory/Arnold_Bennett/ | |
15. Arnold Bennett - Son Of Stoke-on-Trent Arnold Bennett Son of Stoke-on-Trent. Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold (1867-1931),.English novelist, playwright, and essayist, born in http://net1.netcentral.co.uk/steveb/bennett.html | |
16. EARLY 20th C ENGLISH LITERATURE & Texts (e-Book, E-Books, EBooks, EBook) Bennett, Arnold, 18671931, The Grim Smile of the Five Towns sordidlife in the pottery industry region , 1910-16, Txt-G, n/c, GutenbergUS. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010litenglish20athca.asp | |
17. Search Books by Bennett, Arnold (18671931), Go back. Jump to Grand BabylonHotel, The, Grand Babylon Hotel, The by Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931). http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/s/results.html?qSrc=AUTHOR(Bennett, Arnold (186 |
18. MSN Encarta - Bennett, Arnold Translate this page Bennett, Arnold. Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931), romancier, auteur dramatique etcritique britannique, célèbre pour ses romans régionalistes. Médias. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761578881/Bennett_Arnold.html | |
19. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Bennett Arnold Translate this page Arnold Bennett. Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931), romancier, auteur dramatique et critiquebritannique, célèbre pour ses romans régionalistes. 2. Arnold Bennett*. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Bennett_Arnold.html | |
20. Arnold Bennett Quotes - ThinkExist.com Quotations Arnold Bennett Quotes. 15 Quotations of 29. British novelist, playwright, critic,and essayist, 1867-1931 1. The price of justice is eternal publicity . http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/arnold_bennett/ | |
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