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41. WAG Looking Backward (Preface-VII) Looking Backward 2000 to 1887. Edward Bellamy (18501898). Author s Preface.Historical Section Shawmut College, Boston, December 26, 2000. http://www.thewag.net/eprose/bellamy1.htm&e=747 |
42. WAG Looking Backward (XV-XXI) Looking Backward Penguin $10.95. Looking Backward 2000 to 1887.Edward Bellamy (18501898). XV. When, in the course of our tour of http://www.thewag.net/eprose/bellamy3.htm&e=747 |
43. BellamyBiography Edward Bellamy (18501898) (BEHL uh mee) Born in an area now knownas Chicopee, Massachusetts; Authored multiple works of fiction. http://clawww.lmu.edu/faculty/fjust/Millennium/UtopicPhotography/BellamyBiograph |
44. Literature On The Web B Eliot) 18271879; Behn, Aphra 16401689; Bellamy, Edward 1850-1898;Belloc, Bessie Rayner Parkes 1829-1925; Bellow, Saul 1915 http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/b/b.html&e=747 |
45. BilimKurgu 2000 Yazar Yazarin Sitemizde Kayitli Kitaplari. Edward Bellamy. 18501898. http://www.bilimkurgu2000.com/asp/Yazar.asp?inNo=151&e=747 |
46. Turn Of The 20th Century Novels Contributor s Form (list 257). Bellamy, Edward (18501898) Looking Backward(1888); Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1914?) The Devil s Dictionary; http://nancykeane.com/rl/257.htm&e=747 |
47. Stories, Listed By Author There Will Be War v1, ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Tor 1983. Bellamy, Edward (18501898)(chron.) * The Blindmans World, (ss) Atlantic Monthly Nov 1886 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/s23.htm&e=747 |
48. Chronological List Bellamy, Edward (18501898) (stories) The Blindmans World (ss)Atlantic Monthly Nov 1886; from Looking Backward (ex) Ticknor 1888; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/d12.htm&e=747 |
49. Looking Backward By Edward Bellamy Edward Bellamy (18501898) is also of compelling interest to studentswho enjoy biographical criticism. Attorney, newspaper reporter http://www.teachervision.fen.com/lesson-plans/lesson-3606.html&e=747 | |
50. Auteursregister [B] Op De Boekenplank 1954); Belden, Wilanne Schneider; Beliard, Octave; Bell, Clare; Bellamy, Edward(18501898); Belling, Michèle; Bemelmans, Ludwig (1898-1962); Bemmann, Hans (geb. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/b/&e=747 |
51. Stories, Listed By Author There Will Be War v1, ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Tor, 1983. Bellamy, Edward(18501898) The Blindman s World, (ss) Atlantic Monthly Nov, 1886 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s21.html&e=747 |
52. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 1 Charles) (1952 ); BELL, MARVIN; BELLAH, JAMES WARNER (1899-1976); Bellamy,Edward (1850-1898); BELLEM, ROBERT LESLIE (1902-1968); BELLING http://contento.best.vwh.net/q1.html&e=747 |
53. Selections Bellamy, Edward, 18501898, Looking Backward, 1888, Novel, Search, X, X, X, Boas,Franz, 1858-1942, Mind of Primitive Man, The, 1911, Anthropological study, Search,X, http://www.ditext.com/archive/savants.html&e=747 |
54. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Edward Bellamy Quotes is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close second. ~ Edward Bellamy (18501898)American author, best known for the utopian novel Looking Backward. http://www.zaadz.com/quotes/authors/edward_bellamy/&e=747 |
55. YALE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN LITERATURE MANUSCRIPT MISCELLANY expand/contract this heading, BEER, THOMAS 18891940. expand/contract this heading,Bellamy, Edward, 1850-1898. expand/contract this heading, BEMENT, PETER. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.ycalmisc.nav.html&e=747 |
56. ZA LETTER FILE expand/contract this heading, BELL, LILIAN, 18671929. expand/contract this heading,Bellamy, Edward, 1850-1898. expand/contract this heading, BENET, LAURA. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.zaltr.nav.html&e=747 |
57. Events And News Press Release Indexes the public. Edward Bellamy (18501898) is best known as the author ofthe utopian novel Looking Backward 2000-1887. His great-grandson http://www.usi.edu/NEWSINFO/RELEASE/press_detail.asp?num=1102&e=747 |
58. Bibdetail Bellamy · Virginia IndyPublish , 200 180p. ; 23 cm Bellamy, Edward, 1850-1898 AU00028212 http://library.nakanishi.ac.jp/cgi-bin/ilis/bibdetail?%5BTY00063798%5D&e=747 |
59. Relación De Obras Translate this page Edward Bellamy (Massachusetts 1850-1898) foi o autor da famosa novela utópicaO ano 2000, publicada en 1888 e que superou o millón de exemplares. http://www.bivir.com/obra13.htm&e=747 |
60. Les Femmes Dans L'uvre Utopique D'Edward Bellamy (Numéro 2002-24) Edward Bellamy (1850-1898), écrit en 1887 et publié à Bostonen janvier 1888 chez l éditeur Ticknor, est le plus célèbre des romans http://rh19.revues.org/document370.html&e=747 | |
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