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81. William Beckford: The Fool Of Fonthill Few men attained greater celebrity during the late eighteenth and early nineteenthcenturies than William Beckford (17601844), the wealthiest man in England http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/beckfor1.htm | |
82. Magazine Antiques: William Beckford, Collector - Bard Graduate Center For Studie A mere fraction of Beckford s immense holdings have been drawn together for anexhibition entitled William Beckford, 1760 1844 An Eye for the Magnificent http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1026/is_4_160/ai_79030135 | |
83. AllRefer Encyclopedia - William Beckford (English Literature, 1500 To 1799, Biog William Beckford 17601844, English author. A wealthy dilettante, Beckfordhad a great desire to ascend to the nobility. Unfortunately http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/Beckford.html | |
84. The Norton Anthology Of English Literature: The Romantic Age: Topic 4: Texts And William Beckford (17601844) has already been briefly introduced in the headnoteto the Vathek pages in the Norton Web site for Literary Gothicism. Though http://www.wwnorton.com/nael/romantic/topic_4/beckford.htm | |
85. The Norton Anthology Of English Literature: The Romantic Age: Topic 2: Texts And William Beckford s Vathek is regularly mentioned in discussions of late eighteenth BesidesVathek, Beckford (17601844) is also known for having built http://www.wwnorton.com/nael/romantic/topic_2/vathek.htm | |
86. SciFan: Writer: William Beckford (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) home about links email. Writers William Beckford (1760 - 1844,England), Bibliography, Get pricing and availability through http://www.scifan.com/writers/bb/BeckfordWilliam.asp | |
87. Lettera B Dei Link Alfabetici A Personaggi GLBT William Beckford - The fool of http://digilander.libero.it/giovannidallorto/link/linkabc/b.html | |
88. Archive he Dulwich Picture Gallery are hosting an exhibition of the work ofWilliam Beckford (17601844). Part of Oriflamme s remit is to http://www.zyworld.com/Oriflammejournal/beckford.htm | |
89. Gothic Literature By Study Guide William Beckford (17601844). William Beckford, known as both the richest and mosteccentric man of his time, was born September 29, 1760, in London, England. http://www.bookrags.com/guides/gothicliterature/repauth.htm |
90. Gothic Literature Representative Authors William Beckford (17601844) William Beckford, known as both the richest and mosteccentric man of his time, was born September 29, 1760, in London, England. http://www.enotes.com/gothic-literature/30991 | |
91. Información útil Sobre Inglaterra | Museos De Inglaterra | Bath Translate this page Torre de Beckford William Beckford (17601844), en su época el hombre más ricode Inglaterra, mandó construir una torre donde seguir cultivando su gusto http://www.sprachcaffe-england.com/caste/muse_bath_beck.htm | |
92. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - William Beckford BIOGRAPHIES. Last update May 4 th 2003, William Beckford (1760 1844)UK Writer and politician. Few men attained greater celebrity http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/biob1/beck6.html | |
93. Beckford Suite De Contes Arabes Translate this page La publication par nos soins de six de ses uvres fait que limage de WilliamBeckford (1760-1844) auteur du seul Vathek, auteur à la vie ébouriffante http://www.jose-corti.fr/titresromantiques/suitedecontesarabes.html | |
94. Les Baladins De La Tradition Translate this page par Rosine de Beaucourt. Je découvre un autre auteur et un autre livre WilliamBeckford of Fonthill (1760-1844) de Fatma Mahmoud, édité en 1971. http://www.bldt.net/Om/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=24 |
95. Àðõèâ ôàíòàñòèêè The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://archivsf.narod.ru/persona/beckford/beckford.htm | |
96. The Romantic Era 17581800); Robert Burns (1759-1796); Thomas Park (1759-1834); WilliamBeckford (1760-1844); Richard Polwhele (1760-1838); Henry Kett http://www.sonnets.org/romantic.htm | |
97. Romantik-Links Translate this page 1797. 1760. Johann P. Hebel 1760-1826. Mary Hays 1760-1843 WilliamBeckford 17601844. 1761. 1762. Johann G. Fichte 1762-1814. Joanna http://www.romantik.litera-tor.com/links/autorenchrono.html | |
98. ÁÅÊÔÎÐÄ, ÓÈËÜßÌ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/37/1003777/1003777a1.htm | |
99. Storia Dell'Archeologia Medievale: Fine XVIII - Prima Metà XIX Secolo Fonthill. | |
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