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41. William Beckford - Bibliography Summary William Beckford Bibliography Summary. Pub Biblio Summary AlphaChron Main Menu Search Beckford, William (UK, 1760-1844). http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?William_Beckford |
42. BECKFORD-GGIII.html CARNERO, Guillermo. William Beckford (17601844) o el erotismo de fina stampa. 0297. Beckford, William (1760-1844) In The Handbook to Gothic Literature, Ed. http://www.toolcity.net/~ffrank/BECKFORD-GGIII.html | |
43. William Beckford At Author.co.uk Sidney.Blackmore@btinternet.com. Promotes interest in the life and works ofWilliam Beckford (17601844). Produces The Beckford Journal annually. http://www.author.co.uk/authors/beckford.htm | |
44. BECKFORD-GGIII.html FRANKLIN, Michael. Beckford, William (17601844) (pp. 20-23). Has a five-partintroduction 1. Life of William Beckford 1760-1844. 2. Oriental Tales. http://www.pagedepot.com/thesicklytaper/BECKFORD-GGIII.HTM | |
45. William Beckford: Free Web Books, Online William Beckford (17601844). Biographical note. from Wikipedia. Works.The History of the Caliph Vathek read download . Other links. http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/b/beckford/william/ | |
46. Other New Publications On Queer Art, January 2002 Beckford, William. William Beckford 17601844 an eye for the magnificent.Derek E. Ostergard, editor; essays by Philip Hewat-Jaboor and others. http://www.artcataloging.net/glc/qcan021/qcan021j.html | |
47. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BEC Beckford (Suzanna) Peinture 1 (en 1756); Beckford (William)(17091770)Peinture 1; Beckford (William)(1760-1844) Peinture 1. BECKHAM http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bec.htm | |
48. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : BEC 17091770) Painting 1; Beckford (William)(1760-1844) Painting 1; BECKHAM(J. Crepps Wickliffe)(1869-1940) Group photo 1. BECKHAM (Walter http://www.onlipix.com/personages/bec.htm | |
49. Anecdote - William Beckford - Fonthill Abbey (long) once remarked, is his getting rid of it. Beckford, William (17601844) Britisheccentric, collector, and author noted for his Oriental romance Vathek (1786 http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=8683 |
50. Associates And Influences Of Clark Ashton Smith Baudelaire, Charles (18211867) Charles Pierre Baudelaire Biography; Beckford,William (1760-1844)William Beckford The Fool of FonthillWilliam Beckford s http://www.eldritchdark.com/misc/associates.html | |
51. Recorrido Biográfico Translate this page Beckford, William(1760-1844) Escritor inglés, autor de Vathek (1782), novela encuyas diez últimas páginas se describe el Alcázar del Fuego Subterráneo http://fst.com.ar/b.htm | |
52. Beckfordiana - The William Beckford Website ANNOUNCEMENT As of April, 2001, Beckfordiana (the online website devoted to the worksof and about William Beckford of Fonthill 17601844) has been moved to http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/exlibris/2001/05/msg00262.ht | |
53. Catalogue Of The Papers Of Boyd Alexander (1913-80), Relating To misc. e. 1236; Portuguese c. 1). Personal names (NCA Rules). Alexander Boyd 19131980 writer Beckford William 1760-1844 author, MP, art collector. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/modern/alexander-beckford/ale | |
54. Dick Claésson | Litteraturvetenskapliga Institutionen, GU Publikationer 1995 William Beckford av Fonthill, Wilts., 17601844.En forskningsöversikt, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen http://www.hum.gu.se/~litwww/lwclaesson.htm | |
55. William Beckford - Pitbook.com Translate this page William Beckford (1760-1844). Ses oeuvres - Vathek conte arabeEcrivain anglais né le 29 Septembre 1760 à Londres, il est issu http://www.pitbook.com/auteurs/beckford_william.htm | |
56. William Thomas Beckford [en] William Beckford, 17601844 An Eye for the Magnificent by Derek E. Ostergard,Philip Hewat-Jaboor, Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts http://www.archinform.net/arch/24652.htm | |
57. Ombres Asonores du récit fantastique, William Beckford (1760-1844) mérite également http://membres.lycos.fr/trinity/oa24.htm | |
58. Untitled Document Sources. Beckford, William. The Grand Tour of William Beckford (17601844).Harmondsworth,Middlesex, England Penguin Books, 1986. http://www.umich.edu/~ece/student_projects/grandtour_tourism/sources.html | |
59. Leisure - Entertainment 6th February 14th April 2002 William Beckford 1760-1844 An Eye for the MagnificentDulwich Picture Gallery Gallery Road, Dulwich Village SE21 7AD Tel (020 http://www.dulwichontheweb.com/leente.htm | |
60. Book William Beckford Of Fonthill, 1760-1844; Bicentenary Essays media service info. William Beckford of Fonthill, 17601844; bicentenaryessays. authors. Fatma Moussa Mahmoud. data. ISBN/ASIN 0804616345 http://www.book-info.com/asin/0804616345.htm | |
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