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41. Australian Studies -- Australian Literary And Historical Texts -- Electronic Tex Becke, Louis. (18551913) By Reef And Palm, and Other Stories. Becke,Louis. (1855-1913) The Mutineer. Binns, Kenneth The Fisher Library. http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/oztexts/ozlitbrowseB.html | |
42. Australian Studies -- AustLit Articles 1890) The Balance of Pain and Other Poems Baynton, Barbara (18571929) Bush StudiesBaynton, Barbara (1857-1929) Human Toll Becke, Louis. (1855-1913) By Reef http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/oztexts/austlittexts.html | |
43. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors B-Bk Becke, Louis(18551913) By Reef and Palm, and Other Stories (HTMLat SETIS). Becker, George Ferdinand Education Its Relations http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libb.htm | |
44. Links the north of one arm of Fitchett Street. Named after George Lewis ( Louis )Becke (18551913). Louis Becke was born on 18 June 1855 http://www.garranvillage.org.au/Becke.htm | |
45. Victorian And Edwardian Collection Becke, Louis, 18551913 Edward barry south sea pearler. London T. FisherUnwin, 1900. Becke, Louis, 1855-1913 Ridan the devil and other stories. http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/bvande.htm | |
46. Victorian And Edwardian Collection London Macmillan, 1913. Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 18401909. Becke, Louis, 1855-1913.Houston, Frances Craig. Our Bessie Sl sn, 191-? Carey, Wymond. No. http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/cvande.htm | |
47. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 10-01-01 _The InkStain (Tache d Encre)_. http//digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=3975Dewey Subjects 843 French Fiction Becke, Louis, 1855-1913. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-10-01$1.html | |
48. Author Index Becke, Louis, 18551913 Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873-1945 Beckford, William, 1760-1844Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 Bell, Currer http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
50. Literature: Authors: B: Becke, George Lewis: Louis Becke (1855-1913) - Fractured Visit Literature Authors B Becke, George Lewis Louis Becke (18551913). Be thefirst to review this link! Bad link? Changed URL? Site owners, report here. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Detailed/201132.php | |
51. Literature: Authors: B: Becke, George Lewis: Becke, George Lewis ('Louis') (1855 Legal Services Subsidized legal services. ADVERTISEMENT Home Literature Authors B Becke, George Lewis Becke, George Lewis ( Louis ) (1855-1913). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Detailed/201129.php | |
52. Untitled Document influenced by Becke s example. George Lewis Louis Becke (18551913)was, like Montgomery, a Bulletin writer. After a varied career http://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb03-2/doran03.html | |
53. RBML Collections: A.P. Watt & Son. Earl of, 18481930.; Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924.; Barlow, Jane, 1857?-1917.;Barr, Robert, 1850-1912.; Becke, Louis, 1855-1913.; Belloc, Hilaire, 1870 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/findingaids/rbml_collection | |
54. Petherick Research Register And Publications Dirk HR Spennemann email dspennemann@csu.edu.au Bibliographical researchon the Pacific short story writer Louis Becke (18551913). http://www.nla.gov.au/infoserv/prrregister.html | |
55. Subject [gmonthly] PG 4000 Project Gutenberg Monthly Newsletter The Euahlayi TribeA Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia Mar 2003 By Reef andPalm, Louis Becke breepxxx.xxx3818 Author s lifespan 18551913 Mar 2003 http://www.gutenberg.net/newsletter/archive/PGMonthly_2001_10_03.txt | |
56. Project Gutenberg Titles Buttered Side Down Stories, by Ferber, Edna, 18871968. By Reef And Palm,by Becke, Louis, 1855-1913. By Shore And Sedge, by Harte, Bret, 1836-1902. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
57. Waverley Library - Items Of Historical Interest - Waverley Cemetery Historical W Williamson. 21. Louis Becke (18551913) author. Wrote over 30 books ofadventure tales based on his own career in the South Pacific. 22a. http://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au/library/about/historical/cm_wlk_4.htm | |
58. Domain Public Short Story Bush Studies (1902)TextZIP Louis Becke (18551913) Short StoriesTextZIPH BEDFORD-JONES (James O http//www.gutenberg.net.au/plusfifty.html http://www.registeryournames.com/domains/domain-public-short-story.html | |
59. Proyecto Gutenberg: ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Becke, Louis, 1855-1913 Becker, Loto De Carl, 1873-1945 Beckford, Guillermo, 1760-1844Bede, Cuthbert, 1827-1889 Beecher, Catharine Esther, 1800-1878 Beerbohm http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
60. LISTA DE AUTORES Becke, Louis, 18551913 Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873-1945 Beckford, William, 1760-1844Bede, Cuthbert, 1827-1889 Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956 Beethoven, Ludwig van http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/autores.htm | |
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