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Beck L Adams: more detail |
81. Harvard University Press/Author Index/B Vale of Gloucester, 15901690 Beck, L., Women in The Huguenots in America Butler,L., Emperor and Japan, 1467-1680 Butterfield, LH, Adams Family Correspondence http://www.hup.harvard.edu/authorindex/b.html |
82. OAK HILL CEMETERY Cedar Rapids, Rapids Township 14 Sep 1884 Adams, Sarah Feese, 1825 1888 Adams, William, 1870 1868 - 1901 Beck,GH, 1821 - 1890 Beck, Mattie, 1883 - 1917 BEDNA, Emily L., 1848 - 1945 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ia/county/linn/cem/oakhill.htm | |
83. Cave Hill National Cemetery - Surnames A-Be - Jefferson County, Kentucky 36 ILL INF, Orig Place Of Bur Louisville Ky, Plot 2712, * Adams, WS, CSA 18/1917,PVT G 3D KY CAV, Plot E 4749, * Beck, John J, d. 06/25/1923, PVT L 168 INF http://www.interment.net/data/us/ky/jefferson/cavehill/cave_abe.htm | |
84. Melvern City Cemetery - Surnames A-C - Osage County, Kansas Mary, d. 2 Apr 1885, aged 3mo 13da, dau of William A Mary Adams, Mary, b A Earl,b. 1890, d. 1975 Beck, Dora E, b. 1874, d. 1938 Beck, Elmer L, b. 1864 http://www.interment.net/data/us/ks/osage/melvern/melvern_ac.htm | |
85. Slekt / Genealogy - Name Index Adams, Nancy Adeline Massey Beck, Marcella Cork,Ireland Casey, Thomas A. b.1821 Kentucky,USA Casey, Thomas L. b.1849 - Clay township, Decatur County, Indiana http://www.slettemoen.com/slekt/caseygenes/index3.htm | |
86. Pace Family History Truman Adams and they had two children Noveline Adams who married John Hart, -Olander Adams who married Jenoa Hall married Calvin L. Beck (born January 9 http://www.rcasey.net/pace/pachalls.htm | |
87. Pike County Cemeteries: Givens Chapel Cemetery Adams, Alice Mae, 05 Oct 1927, 09 Oct 1927, Adams, Oda L. 06 Jun 1901, 08 Jul 1971, Armintrout,Goldie L. 10 Sep 1907, Beck, Melissa, d/o F. C. 05 Oct 1855, 13y,10m,21d. http://www.scioto.org/Pike/Cemeteries/Seal/givenschapelcem.html | |
88. Guide To The Indiana University President's Office Records, 1893-1902 Adams, JQ 1901. Adams, Sara 1896. Advertising AF. Beauchamp, Ward 1901. Beck,A Vern 1898. Beck, Eman L. 1896. Beck, John Alfred 1899. Beckett, MJ 1895. http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/IUDL/findingaids/archives/174inst | |
89. The Papers Of Sinclair Weeks At Dartmouth College Nixon, Mrs. Richard. Strauss, Lewis L. Automobile Industry Situation. AviationFacilities Planning. Adams, Sherman. Curtis, Edward P. Be. Beck, Dave. http://diglib.dartmouth.edu/library/ead/html/ml2.html | |
90. California Biographies - 3 active in public movements of worth, Mr. Beck maintains a only one of whom survives,Carl L. who was and his wife, whose maiden name was Annie Adams, was born http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/bios3.htm | |
91. (Surnames From Clothier, Albert L. ) San Francisco Call Newspaper Vital Records 516 Coats, Katie B . married in 1882 to Adams, BR 1883M 1881 1881B532 Coburn,son of Frank L . born in Estella F . married in 1893 to Beck, Joel V http://feefhs.org/fdb2/6995/6995-105.html | |
92. House Of Beadle & Adams Online / The Authors And Their Novels $62 for the Boy s Library containing the life of Grizzly Adams. All Writ in FrenchDime Novels by Gordon L. Tracy. Yellowbacks were Virtuous by Clyde Beck. http://www.niulib.niu.edu/badndp/part4_appen_list.html | |
93. Untitled 05 06 1905 s/o Lewis T Adams/Emily Fulk Adams, Lewis T 10 28 1999 d/o Omer S. Bryant/AnnieBeck Bryant, Ruth s/o Bryson Fulk/Emaline Stone Fulk, David L 09 04 http://www.geocities.com/~surryco/whitaker.html | |
94. Chenoweth: [JOHN: JOHN: WILLIAM S: BARBARA] The Martindales: Two Daughters - The 2nd Husband of Peggy Dianne Schroll .Earl L. Ross .. LucilleAdams b Bet. 1879 1899 d Unknown . Helen Louise Beck .. http://www.chenowethsite.com/ch7wwb9.htm | |
95. Dutch's Genealogy He was married to Martha Lee Adams on 11 Nov Willie WOOD, Carrie WOOD, Ur WOOD, JimBeck WOOD, Mary Children were Nana B. WRIGHT, Luther L. WRIGHT, William B http://members.tripod.com/~DutchR/gene/d59.htm | |
96. I25716: Vaughn ADAMS (23 Aug 1947 - ____) BREWER _ _Randall Warren BREWER _ _Josie Bernice Adams + (1924 JohnBeck DOCKINS. 1987. Father William Reuben HAMBY Mother Clara L RUPPEE Family http://www.hambytree.com/d0001/g0000015.html | |
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