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Beck L Adams: more detail |
61. Stahl Cemetery--Wells County, Indiana Adams, Mary Ann, 0121-1942, 87, 04-09-1854, OWFC, McBride FH Beck, Louisa, 02-02-1924,*, 02-22-1864, F, McBride FH; bp Beckler, Minna L. 07-03-1960, 81, 06-20-1879, OCF,bur 07 http://www.wellscolibrary.org/stahl_A.html | |
62. DU Quoing Cemetery Partial Adams, Myrtle House, Sept 12, 1891, Dec. Beck, Bess L, 1 Jul 1896, 12Feb-59, Chicago,IL, Beck, Mildred Lorene, 18-Jun-14, 18-Jan-63, -, Dau of Wiley Nellie Speers Short. http://www.perrycountyillinois.net/sub353.htm | |
63. Baldwin County Cemetery Information 89, Mattie Beck Allen, Jan 9, 1894, Oct 19, 1947, Sep 21, 1944, Dec 24, 1971,93, Annie L. Allen Williams, Oct 13, 1927, Feb 7, 1985, 113, WW Adams, 1850,1888, http://www.friendsofcems.org/Baldwin/SQL.asp?CemNumber=42 |
64. ChiltonA-B Adams, Ella, Catherine, 1914, 1998, . Adams, John, B. 1875, 1906, -. Beard, Baby,-, 1950, 1950, -. Beard, Elzie, L, 1899, 1965, -. Beck, Baby, -, 1903, 1903, -. Beck,Daily, -, 1881, 1960, -. http://www.txgenes.com/TxUpshur/ChiltonA-B.html | |
65. Memorial John Laufhutte stepped from a business place at Beck and High Patrolman David L. Jenkins. AsSchneider struggled with Adams, the vehicle crashed into a streetcar http://www.columbuspolice.org/AboutCPD/memstate.htm | |
66. McCallum's Bridgeville, Quebec Extended Family Adams, Mary Leila Iris483 C, born 30 Mar 1913, Oak Bay, Quebec, Adams, Sidney-712C, Baldock, Sharon L-1502, born 26 Jul 1960, Beck, Michelle Sinclair-1623, http://www3.sympatico.ca/keith.mccallum/Names.htm | |
67. Her Name Is Barbara Barbara Frances Adams. Baroness Wootton of Abinger. Barbara BeckCoulter. FIRSTwoman to work in the breakdown department of the Automobile Association ( P/L). http://web.ukonline.co.uk/m.gratton/Names/Barbara.htm | |
68. Pine Log old. Adams, WW, 1875. 1935. Adams, William J. 1843. BARTON, William, 1896. 1896.Beck, Maye Moss, 1890. 1971. COLLINS, Leo Upshaw, 1894. 1922. Wife of Robert L.Collins. http://www.gabartow.org/cemPineLog.shtml | |
69. Obituaries Emma, Gunnar, Madison, Tara and Madeline Adams. After moving to Indianapolis Mr.Beck built many Survivors include Husband Ferrell L. Dunaway, Liberty, IN http://www.union-county.lib.in.us/Obits.htm | |
70. Courier Electronic Edition:Obituaries For 102799 Mrs. Adams was a 50year member of Golden Rule Temple of Phythian He married EdnaL. Fairchild on Oct. 23, 1915, in Findlay to Frank and Laura (Beck) Lackey. http://www.thecourier.com/issues/1999/Oct/obits102799.htm | |
71. Obituaries L. and Agnes (Roy) Carr and married Rura L. Dennis. Surviving are children, CharlesMutchler and Iona Adams, both of Loudonville and Marie Beck of Vermillion http://www.the-daily-record.com/past_issues/11_nov/001124drobits.html | |
72. MHS | Ellery Sedgwick Papers, 1898-1969 : Guide To The Collection Carton 2, SH 117K V, Beaverbrook, Lord. Carton 2, SH 117K V, Beck, L. Adams.Carton 2, SH 117K V, Beebe, William. Carton 4, SH 117M X, Ferrero, Frances L. http://www.masshist.org/findingaids/doc.cfm?fa=fa0008 |
73. Tracking Your Roots: Montgomery County, Alabama Cemeteries Page 15 , 1914 April 30 , 1981 LANCE , Laura L Febuary 14 MARKER IS SUNK IN THE GROUND) Beck , FRANK M JUNE 30 1936 ( IN THE TREELINE ) Adams , ADELINE JAN 1 http://www.trackingyourroots.com/mtgycem1.htm | |
74. Bond Genealogy He was married to Essie L King. JONES,Henry C. Hamilton CoKaren J. Adams. Ashley,Aspinwall, Atherton, Baker, Bancroft, Bearding, Beck, Belden, Bender, Bigelow http://www.surnameweb.org/registry/b/o/n/bond.shtml | |
75. Independance Cemetery - Sulpher Twp. Miller County Arkansas Adams; 2 sis, Abaniel and Evelyn Adams Adams, William H Humphrey of Knoxville, Tenn.,and Betty Beck of Crossville 191927 Jones, Lavena 1939-1952 Jones, L. 8-10 http://www.texark.org/places/independance.html | |
76. Hurricane Cemetery Burials 1890 1966 Beck, Mattie his wife 1890- 1919 Beck, James Walter C. 1855, 4-Jul-1932,Ainor Louisa Adams 17-Nov Hanley, Dorothy L. 30-Dec-1906, 27-Mar-1996, George http://www.iltrails.org/coles/hurricanecem.html | |
77. Genealogy Data Adams, Elizabeth Birth Ireland Death BEF. Abbott, Judith L. Birth livingGender Female. Children Beck, Jonelle Birth living Gender Female. http://www.hi.net/~norm/dat0.htm | |
78. Adams County, Iowa Obituaries She married Major L. McPherson, October 10, 1994. school in Corning and farmed inAdams County the Rapids; daughter Edith (husband Robert) Beck, Columbus, Ohio http://www.obitcentral.com/obitsearch/obits/ia/ia-adams2.htm | |
79. Guide To The Livingston Farrand Papers,1921-1939 Adams, Katherine Rogers; Adelmann, Howard B.; Affeld, Frank 0 Bartlett, Murray; Barton,Calvin L.; Barton, Frank A.; Bason, GF. 192533, BEA-Beck Miscellaneous. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMA00007.html | |
80. Obituary A Allen, Mary L. Apr. 4, 2003, Apr. 14, July 7, 1913, Ida Lucille Adams, Fairview atCherryvale, 1996 Aug. 15. 15, 1990, Dec. 12, 1901, Ben Beck, Ray Amos, Oakwood, Sept. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/society/parsons/obita.htm | |
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