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Bates Henry Walter: more detail | |||||
81. SA Leps Online | P Almanac | History | Henry Walter Bates PORTRAITS. Henry Walter Bates (18251892) by Stanislav P. Abadjiev14 November 2003. English naturalist and explorer. He and Alfred http://www.abadjiev.net/s_a/pa/bates.htm | |
82. SA Leps Online | Pieridological Almanac | History Of Pieridology John Elwes (18461922) HTML Abadjiev, SA, Henry RowlandBrown (18651921) HTML Abadjiev, SA, Henry Walter Bates (18251892) HTML Ivonin http://www.abadjiev.net/s_a/pa/pa_hist.htm | |
83. Henry Walter Bates Henry Walter Bates. The monument to Henry Walter Bates (18251892). Note theglobe on the top of the monument, with South America facing the viewer. http://www.bobdavenport.freeserve.co.uk/cemeteries/bates.html | |
84. Darwin Centre Live | Henry Walter Bates: An Extraordinary Butterfly Collector forgotten nineteenthcentury pioneers. Henry Walter Bates (18251892)filled this role admirably. Over 11 years, between 1848 http://www.nhm.ac.uk/darwincentre/live/presentations/presentation_bates.html | |
85. Bates, Henry Walter. Naturalist On The River Amazons (London, 1864) AUTHOR Bates, Henry Walter (18251892) TITLE The naturalist on theriver Amazons. A record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches http://www.usc.edu/isd/locations/science/hancock/rbcat/rbbooksb/batesh1.htm | |
86. Athenaeum Index: Contributor Record. Contributor Bates, Henry Walter. Biographical Details Dates 1825 1892 Sourceof Characteristics Athenaeum Characteristics Verification of name Source of http://web.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/contributors/contributorfiles/BATES,HenryWalte | |
87. Rumbos Online Peru Land Of Butterflies In his classic 1863 travel book The Naturalist on the River Amazon, the greatVictorian naturalist Henry Walter Bates (18251892) predicted that http://www.rumbosperu.com/articles/14-06-specialbutterfly.htm |
88. Paleontologists For K-12 Thomas Barbour, (1884 1946); Herpetologist. Henry Walter Bates, (1825 - 1892);British naturalist. William Bateson, (1861 - 1926); Introduced term genetics . http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/paleontologists.htm | |
89. Wallace Was Born In Usk, Monmouthshire Now Part Of Gwent, Wales. He travelled and collected plant samples in the Amazon basin in association withHenry Walter Bates (18251892) and later in the Malay Archipelago and the http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec13411/004.htm | |
90. Livbiblioviva Translate this page RIO GRANDE DO SUL E SUAS COLÔNIAS ALEMS ( O ) - Michael G. MULHALL, R$28.00.UM NATURALISTA NO RIO AMAZONAS - Henry Walter Bates ( 1825 - 1892 ), R$35.00. http://www.miracula.com.br/engine/enginenew/ocprodutoslista312.asp?nl=livbibliov |
91. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Booth Booth, Dorothy of Rich Hill, Bates County, Mo. Booth, Henry of Cabell County, W.Va Brotherof Walter Booth; uncle of Newton Booth Tarkington and Fenton Whitlock http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/booth.html | |
92. Um Olhar Sobre A Cultura Brasileira - Superproduções Populares Translate this page 0 naturalista Henry Walter Bates (1825/1892), que visitou o norte do país entre1848 e 1859, descreveu as festas populares de Santarém (Pará) nesse período http://www.minc.gov.br/textos/olhar/superproducoes.htm | |
93. VII. The Literature Of Travel, 17001900: Bibliography. Vol. 14. The Victorian Voyage round the World, 174044, compiled from papers of Anson by Walter, R.1748. 1847. Bates, HW (18251892). 1815. Fielding, Henry (17071754). http://www.bartleby.com/224/0700.html | |
95. Van Zandt County Texas Bates, ROYCE L. 1931, NONE. Bates, THEOPA O. 1928, 1994. HARLEY, WILLIAM ACIE,1897, 1970. HARRIS, Henry E. 1876, NONE. HILL, MITTIE, 1871, 1970. HILL, Walter,1875, 1947. http://www.rootsweb.com/~txvanzan/sand1.htm | |
96. AAC Database - Browse - List 2, Betri, Maria Luisa. 1, Bets, Genrikh Val ter, 18251892 See Bates, HenryWalter,1825-1892. 5, Betsalel Museum See Bet ha-nekhot ha-leummi Bezalel. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-R/3330241 | |
97. WebGED: Family Tree Pickens Co., SC father Bates, Ray Breazeale Catherine (*1935 ) spouse Shell, WalterThornton (*1931 Blymire, Henry (*1912 - ) spouse Murphree, Mary Rebecca http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2298/main4.html | |
98. Rumbos Online Perú País De Mariposas http://www.rumbosperu.com/articles/14-06-specialbutterflyes.htm |
99. ÁÅÉÒÑ, ÃÅÍÐÈ ÓÎËÒÅÐ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/36/1003668/1003668a1.htm | |
100. }Ú×îñ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.library.tohoku.ac.jp/T-LINES/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?code=21342069 |
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