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Bates Henry Walter: more detail | |||||
41. Voyages: A Smithsonian Libraries Exhibition Journeys over Land and Sea Botany and Zoology Henry Walter Bates (18251892) TheNaturalist on the River Amazons sic. London John Murray, 1863. 2 vols.. http://www.sil.si.edu/Exhibitions/Voyages/all-land-and-sea.htm | |
42. The Evolution Of A Naturalist them notes, In his classic 1863 travel book `The Naturalist on the River Amazon, the great Victorian naturalist Henry Walter Bates (18251892) predicted that http://www.able2know.com/forums/about1782.html | |
43. Index Translate this page 1575-1632 Gutenberg Bates, Henry Walter, 1825-1892 Gutenberg Baum, L. Frank (LymanFrank), 1856-1919 Gutenberg Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903 AKA Lyall, Edna http://www.elbooks.sk/angautB.html | |
44. Index 18731970 Natural History Of Selborne, The, by White, Gilbert, 1720-1793 NaturalistOn The River Amazons, The, by Bates, Henry Walter, 1825-1892 Nature And Art http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloN.html | |
45. Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897 Natural History of Selborne, The. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Bates,Henry Walter, 1825-1892, 1001892. Naturalist On The River Amazons, The. http://hzeid.free.fr/tn.htm |
46. Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871 15751632, 1001891. Stories from the Pentamerone. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng.Bates, Henry Walter, 1825-1892, 1001892. Naturalist On The River Amazons, The. http://hzeid.free.fr/ab.htm |
47. Biblioteca Chico Mendes - Diários De Viagem - Travel Diaries Translate this page Bates, Henry Walter (1825-1892) 1944 - O Naturalista no Rio Amazonas(1848-1859) - 2 Vol. - Coleção Brasiliana - Serie 5ª - Cia. http://www.chicomendes.marinter.com.br/bbdiar.htm | |
48. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Claudio Gay (French, 18001873), Charles Darwin (British, 1809-1882), Fritz Müller(German, 1822-1897), Henry Walter Bates (British, 1825-1892), and William http://www.selby.org/index.php?src=gendocs&link=cano_entomology&category=Researc |
49. Evolusjon Wallace kjente også den engelske entomologen Henry Walter Bates (18251892), somhadde gjort viktige studier av fenomenet mimikry hos insekter, et arbeid som http://biologi.uio.no/plfys/haa/gen/evolusjon.htm | |
50. Utländska Entomologer Henry Walter Bates (18251892) Brittisk naturvenskapsman och författare.Utforskare av Amazonas 1848-1859 tillsammans med Wallace (Se Wallace!). http://www.geocities.com/tgorw_sm/Ento5.html | |
51. POETRY AND PROSE FROM IN POSSE REVIEW Henry Walter Bates A naturalist, Henry Walter Bates (18251892) left England in1842 to spend the next eleven years exploring and categorizing insects and http://www.webdelsol.com/InPosse/bateswipwip15.htm | |
52. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Basile, Giambattista, ca. 15751632. Bassett, Sara Ware. Bates, Henry Walter,1825-1892. Battersby, Hannah. S. Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867. http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
53. Magazin - TERRA X urticante. Aceasta imitatie ocrotitoare, pusa in evidenta inca din 1862,de catre Henry Walter Bates (18251892), care a cercetat,. timp http://www.magazin.ro/Arhiva/1998/04iunie/terrax.asp |
54. Brazil London, Plttle and Son, 1879. 46 p. 22 cm. zq HJR B 31. Bates, Henry Walter, 18251892.THE NATURALIST ON THE RIVER AMAZONS, A RECORD OF ADVENTURES, HABITS OF. http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/libs/hay/collections/brazil.h | |
55. Bates Family Crest, Coat Of Arms playwright; Henry Walter Bates (18251892) English naturalist; HerbertErnest Bates (1905-1974) English original name of HE Bates; http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp/sId./s.Bates/email.yes/origin./qx/coatofarms_ | |
56. Bates Family Crest By Houseofnames.com Bo Diddley; HE Bates (19051974) English novelist and playwright;Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892) English naturalist; Herbert Ernest http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp/s.Bates/Bates_family_Crest/Bates_coat_of_arms | |
57. Quiz 1 Review The result of this would be the formation of new species. (Darwin,1898, page 68). Henry Walter Bates, (18251892). Wallace s Line. http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~bramblet/ant301/q1review.html | |
58. VnExpress - Nhung Phat Hien Ve Van Vat Va Con Nguoi (phan 101) T?i dây ông may m?n du?c g?p Henry Walter Bates (18251892), m?tngu?i say mê Homer, Gibbon và m?t nhà côn trùng h?c nghi?p du. http://vnexpress.net/Vietnam/Khoa-hoc/Tu-sach/2004/04/3B9D1AED/ | |
59. Lerner & Lerner, LLC. Karl Ernst von Baltimore, David (1938) Banding Barr body Base pairing (bp) Basesequence analysis Bases Bases Bates, Henry Walter (1825-1892) Bateson, William http://www.lernerpublishing.com/Overview_WG_Topiclist.html | |
60. Sp02articlea In the tradition of such prominent naturalists as Fritz Müller (18221897), AlfredRussel Wallace (1823-1913), and Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892), he did http://www.upstate.edu/medalumni/su03articleb.shtml | |
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