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62. J Thru M Mary Ethel, sister. Conroy, Helen (Sister Mary Ethel, pseud.) ALL9050 38 ADU9219 788797 Raymond Edward Brown . . . B72.M76. Moore, Barrington Jr. http://www.masshumanists.org/html/library/jthrum.htm | |
63. Indice Ragionato Della Rivista Di Sf Robot pseud.di James 36 La tempesta ( TheStorm ), di Alfred E.van Vogt The Bees of Knowledge ), di Barrington J.Bayley http://www.intercom.publinet.it/2000/Robot.htm | |
64. Bolerium Books - Lesbiana Gomillion, E. Sharon, Forty acres and a mule; illustrated by Casey L. pseud., Gewaltund Zärtlichkeit lesbengedichte. Barrington, Judith, History and geography http://www.bolerium.com/cgi-bin/bol48/find/keywords/Lesbiana.html | |
65. Utländsk Skönlitteratur: Författare Vonnegut, Kurt Jr., 1922, USA. Wain, John Barrington, Great Britain.Walcott USA. Wharton, William (pseud.), USA. White, Elwyn Brooks, USA. http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31115557/booklists/fiction_authors.htm | |
66. Utländsk Skönlitteratur: Böcker Trevanian (pseud.), Eiger Sanction, The (Uppdrag Eiger) 1972, 2. Forster, EdwardMorgan, Howard s End -1910 - 48 Wain, John Barrington, Hurry on Down -1953, 7. http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31115557/booklists/fiction_books.htm | |
67. Anglo-Amerikanische Literatur Und Literaturwissenschaft Translate this page 03fl- Barrington The divine Lady (ll95/6) 10 EUR. 03fl- Baum, Vicki hier. 03fl-BROWNING, Rob./BARRETT-BARRETT, E. Briefe. 03fl- BULWER-LYTTON, auch pseud. http://www.buecherwurm-hd.de/ang.am.lit02.htm | |
68. The Print Collection 1939.FURTHER FORENSIC FABLES / BY O pseud ; WITH THIRTY Warner, Ralph E. 29 REASONSNOT TO GO TO ENGLAND / EDITED BY EMILY STEINER AND CANDACE Barrington. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/books1.html | |
69. Selected Literature On The Male High Voice pseud Ollincan, C. d Traité Trimestrale di musica e cultura,Milano. magazine for music listeners, Great Barrington, Mass. Billboard http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/~kopp/disc/index4m.html | |
70. Books 1950 To 1999 art and Japanese landscaping to America s gardens; Barrington, IL Country C/E Hu,Kemin The Spirit of Gongshi Chinese C Huawang-chou (pseud.) P ên tsai yü p http://www.phoenixbonsai.com/Books/19501999AJ.html | |
71. Devon Local Studies. Author Catalogue Not acquired WSL NDA D823/WEA WeareGiffard, J. pseud.. E. Cyril man of Devon/ by Stanley E.Weeden. no 23571) WSL sx929.3/WEE/1813 Weekes, Barrington. http://www.devon.gov.uk/library/locstudy/authwe.html | |
72. Devon Local Studies. Author Catalogue 9327) WSL px387.24/BRI/CAB Cachemaille, JLV The island of Sark / by JLV.Cachemaille;edited by Laura E.Hale. Barrington s women / by Stephen Cade Sir pseud. http://www.devon.gov.uk/library/locstudy/authca.html | |
73. Rome Run Started On Fri Oct 25 132757 1996 -i/var/sitesearch3.0 00(l)/bahr, bets(l)/band(l)/Barrington(l)/bauernkale(l l)/neuhaldens(l)/newcomen(l)/nicholse (l)/niven probabilit(l)/profession(l)/propaganda(l)/pseud(l)/publics http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/mitlibs/lso/d/dbnr/logs/logs.tape3/dbnr.lo | |
74. 1905 Political Cult Bibliog Bely,Andrei pseud. Three Visions, Two Cultures, One Peasantry Bern, etcPeterLang,1997 ((rfr txt mnt.hst plt.ekn nrd.svt.e xtx krx Moore,Barrington,Jr a http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~kimball/bbl.RREV1.htm | |
75. Recent Additions To The Library VESTAL, STANLEY, pseud., Sitting Bull, Champion of the PYRTLE, E. RUTH, Early VirginiaFamilies, Pyrtle, Davis J., History of Great Barrington (Berkshire County http://www.kshs.org/publicat/khq/1934/34_2_mcfarland.htm | |
76. Discovering National Elites : Part F, Chapter 35 Long, Norton E. Power and Administration, 9 Public Administration Review,no. Malaparte, Curzio.(pseud.) Coup detat. Moore, Barrington, Jr. http://www.grazian-archive.com/governing/Elite/F_35.html | |
77. NOVA SCOTIA $25.00. 4627. Green Head (pseud). 3017. Marble, Allan E. Nova Scotians at Home andAbroad. Perry, Hattie A. In and Around Old Barrington. Lescarbot Editions,. http://www.schoonerbooks.com/bookstock/nsweb.htm | |
78. Bell Catalog - Bs escrito por don Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano pseud.. Relatione delle missioni, e Christianitàche appartengono alla prouincia di Barrington, Daines, 17271800 http://www.bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/bib_b.html | |
79. Autograph Collection, 1621-1985 Folder. 061, Barrington, Ruthland. Autograph; undated. Folder. 320, Dewey, ThomasE. to Samuel Wechsler; November 6, 1946. Folder. 371, Forrester, Alfred H. (pseud. http://library.brandeis.edu/specialcollections/FindingGuides/special/xml/autogra | |
80. CENTER H2 Sociology Social Science (Surnames TZ) /H2 893. Wolff, Kurt H. Moore, Barrington, Jr., eds. Introduction by Robert Ezra Park(18641944). 902. Young, Wayland pseud. for Wayland Kennet (born 1923). http://www.gach.com/Gach/l1264-06.htm | |
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