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Barber H: more detail | ||||
81. WebGED: Cande's Corner Data Page Barber, Troy (*1902 ) father Barber, Andrew(*1867 - ) mother Co., IA fatherBell, Almon H.(1818 - 1900 1848 - 1888) - m. 7 Feb 1875 -child Bell http://www.concentric.net/~Cande/tree/wgd2.html | |
82. WebGED: Bissett Cook Family Data Page D. (*1959 ) - male father Walton, Donald H. (*1924 - ) mother 1869 - 1956) motherTrue, Zalie Elliott (1875 - 1973) (*1701 - ) spouse Barber, George (1743 http://www.barney.org/family/wga54.html | |
83. 1875 Resident Listing "Ba-Be" - Livingston County MI BANKS, l. Bri, 34. Barber, AJ, Drf, 3. Mrs. JH, How, 36. Wm. BETTERLY, Dr. Coh, 4.H. Coh, 3. Forward to Resident Index TOC. Back to Livingston County MI 1875 Plat BookIndex. http://www.livgenmi.com/1875residentb.htm | |
84. Burlington County Surrogates Lists Samuel W. Barber. DeathBurlington-1933. Corey/Corry/Cory Family. Name-Corey/Corry/Cory. Death-Mt.Holly-1875. David Ewan. Death-?-1824. H. Kenneth Ewan. Death-Mt. http://www.shovergen.com/njburlin/surrogates.html | |
85. Chase County Cemetery Inscriptions (B-Bar), KSGenWeb Digital Library Barber, Thomas B. Feb 9, 1838, Aug 25, 1927, Toledo, on Barh, August H. Mar 30, 1886,Jun 26, 1942, Bazaar, Barker, William C. 1855, 1875, Prairie Grove, h/o Nettie A http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/chase/cemetery/cemb-ba.htm | |
86. Flood Brooklyn Directory Listings: 1873 - 1875 1873, Flood, Eliza, dressmaker, 337. Cumberland, 1873, Flood, Elvey, Barber,31. Chapel, 1875, Flood, Francis, laborer, 62. Ten Eyck, 1875, Flood, H¹y, laborer,168. N 6th, http://auroraforge.com/genealogy/flood_1873_1875.html | |
87. I22049: Nathan A. BARBER (1875 - ____) 1875 . BIRTH 1875, Indiana. Father Warner Harrison Barber Mother Leah RebeccaSAYLERS _James H. Barber _ _Warner Harrison Barber _ _Scythe LEE http://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d0016/g0000094.html | |
88. (James H. BARBER - Alexander BARLOW ) James H. Barber (11 May 1806 23 Dec 1858) James L. Barber (26 Sep Nancy Ann Barber(1 Jan 1832 - 23 Apr 1857) Nathan A. Barber (1875 - ) Nathan http://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/index/ind0049.html | |
89. Stories, Listed By Author Nicholas Magazine Aug 1875. MILLER, H. ELLIOTT (chron.) * At Palmers Desk, (ar)Dream Quest Jul 1947. Barber, Barber, Shave a Pig, (ss) The Saturday Evening http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s703.htm | |
90. Stories, Listed By Author Nicholas Magazine Apr 1875. VASTA, JOHN H. (chron.) * How I Escaped the Red Trap,(ar VEATCH, CHARLES (chron.) * Was Shakespeare a Barber?, (ar) Munseys Nov http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s1017.htm | |
91. Thomas Holcombe Of Connecticut - Person Page 981 2 Judge Heman Humphrey Barber died on 29 June 1875 at age 54. of Frances ElizabethMerrill and Judge Heman Humphrey Barber Sarah H. (?) (1846) Joseph http://www.holcombegenealogy.com/data/p981.htm | |
92. Thomas Holcombe Of Connecticut - Person Page 787 Lincoln Barber died on 16 March 1875 at age S169 MD Donald S. Barber, Thomas Barber1st Ed HOLCOMBE; 27988 people Researcher name James H. Holcombe Researcher http://www.holcombegenealogy.com/data/p787.htm | |
93. 1875 Directory Henry Co Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa 1875. MT Law Woolson Babb Attorneys At LawH. R First National Henry Harrison Butcher JL.Woodward Barber Reuben Eshelman http://www.celticcousins.net/other/1875henrypatrons.htm | |
94. Descendants Of Jacob And Elizabeth Basford age 16, b. NY, domestic servant 1875 census for Canada (English), mother b. Canada(English), Barber, married 13 year of immigration 1859 Clara H., female, wife http://www.basford.org/genealogy/jacob-basford/JacobBasfordRegister/rr01/rr01_04 | |
95. Scioto County Descendancies: Nathaniel Barber 1820; m Anthony Hill LAURA3, 1822; m Ezra H Noel JOSEPH T3 1880 CSPortsmouth; IGIOH;LtRebecca Barber ELLA H5 11 CHARLES CLYDE5, 1875; m Clara Jane Burkhardt. http://www.scioto.org/Scioto/Descendancies/barber-nathaniel.html | |
96. 1870-1875 Marriage List Banoick?, George B?, Malinda 1874 34 Barber, Amos Barrett Mary Estela 1874 35 Basney,George H. Jones, Jessie B 5 Bassler, Jacob Runkwitz, Lucy 1875 42 Baxter http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/sanilac/1870-1875 Marriage List.htm | |
98. Indian Kentuck/Flat Bottom Cemetery Barber, Scytha M. June 4, 1810, July 29, 1875, Age 65 yrs. Barber, Timothy, Nov.22, 1843, Age 66 yrs. Native of Lichfield, ConnSS as Rhoda. Barber, Warner H. Dec. http://myindianahome.net/gen/jeff/records/cemetery/sheflat.html | |
99. WebGED: Sparks Family Tree Data Page mother Johnson, Susannah (~1829 ) spouse Seebold, David (*1851 - ) - m. 10 JUL1875 in Wells Emerson Barber Sparks, to whom William H. Sparks addressed http://sparksfamilytree.net/family_tree/wga79.html | |
100. Southern Colorado Pioneer Association Mrs. Emma H. 1860 Bartholomew, Mrs. Hattie Barber, Mrs. William Benesch, Henry A.1864 Benham, Frank H. 1872 Benham Ben 1872 Berry, George M.1875 Betts, Charles J http://www.kmitch.com/Pueblo/pion1.html | |
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