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81. Whilbr - Western Maryland Historical Library manager underwear factory res Central House Bamford Robt C res cor Walnut and WashingtonBanks Mary, col res Barber Allen P, painter res 117 e Washington Barber http://www.whilbr.org/detail.asp?ap=16&idEntry=323&BrowseCollection=Hagerstown C |
82. NHS-funded Nursing Care: List Of Local Authority Contacts 607128 Fax 01228 607108 email Mary.tuffin@cumbriacc.gov Jenny Hargrave ContractsAssistant e-mail jenny.hargrave Anne Bamford Nurse Care Manager e-mail anne http://www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/OrganisationPolicy/TertiaryCare/NHSFunded |
83. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. -- Search Result Cressida Auckland, Louise Teare, Fiona Cooke, Mary E. Kaufmann, Marina Warner,Graeme Jones, Kathy Bamford, Helen Ayles, and Alan P. Johnson. http://jac.oupjournals.org/cgi/search?qbe=jac;dkf246&journalcode=jac&minscore=50 |
84. Grant Co. Marriages 1865 - 1900 05, 1881 Bamford, Angie M. and James E. Lazrell (July 31, 1871) BARKLEY, Kate and S).C.and Elizabeth Hood (June 12, 1867) BERRYMAN, James and Mary E. Stark Oct http://gesswhoto.com/marriages.html | |
A B C D ... R S T U V W X Y Z Abrams, Elizabeth P. and James Robinson (date unknown) Abrams, Jano and W.J. Cordelle (date unknown) Adams, J.W. and Mandora Spelman (Speelman) March 28, 1886 Adams, M.D. and Laura Peffers Sept. 08, 1881 Adams, Ora and Ira F. Cantrell (date unknown) Adamson, Mary A. and J.B. Stockton (date unknown) Akin, H.D. and Dollie Spray (June 15, 1897) Akin, Lillie R. and Frank McConnell (date unknown) Aldrich, E.J. and R.C. Fulkerson Dec. 05, 1881 Aldrich, Ella A.M. and John Parker (date unknown) Aldrich, Francelie J. and M.D. Reeves (date unknown) Aldrich, George and Lydia Hardin (July 23, 1898) Aldrich, Ida C. and James C. Semms (date unknown) Aldrich, Frank and Dissie Helmick (May 15, 1897) | |
85. Grant Co. Marriages 1865 - 1900 Angie M. Bamford (July 31, 1871) LASSWELL, Lulu and Chas. P. Johnson (date unknown)LATHAM, Mary L. and Thomas Venator (date unknown) LATHAM, Sarah E. and FB http://gesswhoto.com/marriages5.html | |
86. Lloydminster Cemetery Database Ballod, Christian, A, 672. Ballod, Marie, A, 673. Bamford, Mary, Jane, 1944/11/08,B, 219. Adams, Fanny, 1931/06/26, A, 582. Adams, Henry Harry , 1970/07/30,E, 6070. http://www.lloydminster.lib.sk.ca/community/cemetery/Default.php?FormCemetery_So |
87. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Interactive Guides | Rochdale St Michael s C of E PriMary, Bamford, 100%, 100%, 31.9, 3, 34. All Souls C of E PriMary,94%, 97%, 29.2, 9, 32. St Mary s C of E PriMary, Balderstone, 38%, 48%, 23.4, 11,29. http://education.guardian.co.uk/primaryschoolsguide2002/table/0,12692,853115,00. | |
88. ALLEN LEW JR (GEN) 1991 38 (55). GONZALEZ VALEZ LUIS E Covert Action Information Bulletin 1991- 38(55). GRIGGS Mary Federal Staff Directory. 1992 (42). GUY RALPH B Bamford,J. The http://www.namebase.org/main3/Lew-Jr-_28gen_29-Allen.html | |
89. QCX Obits 90 BA-BD 3B, Bamford, Eve, 13Jul1991, Davenport, IA, 15Jul1991, 4A, London. Bane, 13,Barstow, Mary E. 21Apr1993, Davenport, IA, 23Apr1993, 3M, Morris. Bartemeyer, http://www.qcmemory.org/Genealogy/QCX90Obit/qcxobit90ba.htm | |
90. Books At Iowa 65 - Mary Noble On Iowa Women Photographers Mary E. NOBLE. Also in the Iowa Women s Archives is a collection of materials relatingto Helen Bamford (19021994), a studio photographer in Muscatine, which http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/bai/noble.htm | |
91. Joe & Carole - Pafg32 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Mary Jones Dyer Parents was born calculated 1766 M, v, John E Cooper. BIRTHSPOUSES-MARRIAGESCHILDRENBamford, Louise The Bamford Saga 1764-1989 , Fredericton http://www.pehoushek.com/GENEALOGY/pafg32.htm | |
92. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg Mission and Ours by Steiner, Rudolf/ Bamford, Christopher (Edt)/ Bamford, Christopher,A Laura K. Racism Current Controversies by Williams, Mary E. (Edt), The http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-409.html | |
93. Washobit57a 3/4/1957; Bamford, William Washington - 60 - 3/26/1957; Banghart,Mary E. - Washington - 58 - 6/25/1957; Barker, Roy - Hackettstown http://raub-and-more.com/washobits/washobit57a.html | |
94. | Table Of Contents | William And Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vo following links will direct you to the complete back run of issues of the Williamand Mary Quarterly in Reviewed by John E. Pomfret, 450. Paul Walden Bamford. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jstor/wm/wm-3.14-3-toc.html | |
95. Chapman - Aqw194.htm Descendants of William CHAPMAN. 1729 to Abt. 1800. and. Mary Ibbitson. 1732to 1788. and. Jane Thompson. of. Yorkshire, England Nova Scotia/New Brunswick. http://www3.telus.net/chignecto/chapman/aqwg194.htm | |
96. Find A Church - The UK Church Directory Bamford. Bamford Chapel URC; St Michael C of E. St Marie Catholic Church; St Marythe Virgin; St Paul s Church; St Peter C of E; The Salvation Army. Castleton. http://www.findachurch.co.uk/area/sd/sd81.html | |
97. Property Transfers: 4/10/99 Unit 22 $98,500 Elvira D. Bamford to Janis M Ave $600,000 Philip G. Georgas and MaryP. Georgas St $155,000 Lillian A. Sylvia to Christine E. Bauman MIDDLEBORO http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/04-99/04-10-99/t06xx141.htm | |
98. (Surnames From Howard, Annie E. ) "San Francisco Call" Newspaper Vital Records F 2638 Howard, Henry F . married in 1884 to Hunter, Eliza 1884M2144 Howard, HughBamford married in 1882 to White, Mary E. 1882M-2077 Howard, John http://www.cefha.org/usa/ca/sf/sfcall/6997-3/6997-297.html | |
99. Bamford,J. The Puzzle Palace. 1982 Name index for Bamford,J. The Puzzle Palace BUCK R CREIGHTON (359); BUDENBACH MARYH (251); BUFFHAM BENSON K DRAKE ROBERT E (88, 90, 166, 385); DUMEY ARNOLD I (340 http://www.namebase.org/sources/BY.html | |
100. Jacob Basford (Bamford) Genealogy d 20 Sep 1925 .. 7 DANIEL E Bamford b 23 Sep 1858 in Fayette, Me. 7MARY JANE Bamford b 12 Feb 1868 in Sanbornton, NH .. http://home.earthlink.net/~anderson207/Basford.html | |
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