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Ball Robert S: more detail | ||||
61. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1929) Ball, Hugo (1886 1927) Ball, Robert Stawell (1840 1869 - 1951) GILBERT,William S, Sir (1836 - 1911 1873 - 1953) GISSING, George Robert (1857 - 1903 http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
62. Antiquariat Im Hufelandhaus S.14. - Sir R. Ball (1840-1913) lehrte Astronomie und Geometrie in Cambridge. http://www.lange-springer-antiquariat.de/deutsch/buch/phy_d.html |
63. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 18221885 Personal the German War Office, The.Graves, Robert Ranke, 1895 Agatha Webb; Dark Hollow; Filigree Ball, The being http://www.globusz.com/authors_g.asp | |
64. History Of Astronomy: Persons (B) Find more about RS Ball with Alta Vista. Balmer Brit.); Very short biography. Boyle,Robert (16271691) Short Boyle (lunar feature). Boyle, Willard S. (b. 1924 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_b.html |
65. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons Ball, Leo Anton Carl de (1853-1916); Ball, Robert Stawell(1840 Reael, Lorenzo (1583-1637); Reber, Grote (b. 1911); Recorde, Robert (ca. S. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
66. Joyce Country, In the fantasy episode of Circe, Bloom invokes the name of Sir Robert and LadyBall in an The old (preUnion) Bank of Ireland was on St Marys Abbey. http://www.grand-teton.com/service/Persons_Places/B.html | |
67. WebGED: Rodgers Family Data Page GA child McWilliams, Sallie S. (*1868 - ) private) child Johnson,Robert Chester (private JD (*1855 - ) - male spouse Ball, Nannie (*1859 http://www.geocities.com/mbrodgers/wga60.html | |
68. 220 E-libretto - Opera E-libretti - Livrets - M To Z Robert Wilson (1941 A masked Ball isin progress quali molte sciarpe bianche; i cavalieri sabbracciano, slacciano http://www.geocities.com/voyerju/librett2.html | |
70. Pierce/Busby Family History Page L M N O P Q R S T U 1785 ) Mary Miss Nathaniel Zenos (~1755 - 1809) Ball Mary Ballard 1624- ) Mary (1700 - 1754) Mehitable (1712 - ) Robert (~1500 - ) Sarah http://www.sanandreas.net/~sai043/wc_idx/idx001.htm | |
71. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) Jones, BT ? SERIES P2. Jones, Claiborne S. SERIES P2. Jones, Edward Stuart. SERIESP2. SERIES P2. Latta, Robert. SERIES P2. Laurens, Caroline Ball. SERIES P2. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
72. Mueller Science - Spezialitaeten: Ausländer In Der Schweiz Robert Musil, 1880-1942, österreichischerSchriftsteller; 1935 drei Hugo Ball, 1886-1927, in Pirmasens geboren http://www.muellerscience.com/Pages/Auslaender_in_der_Schweiz_page2.htm | |
73. MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA - MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY, KINGMAN, AZ Rena Baker Died 1959 Waldron Morgan A. Ball Born Russell 18981976 Grace Maurer1893-1980 Robert Crosby 1903 1976 Haley Marks 1889-1979 Sofia S. Herrera 1889 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/az/mohave/cemetery/mtview.txt |
74. THE ARNOLD FAMILY ASSOCIATION OF THE SOUTH Hanson Ausherman and Huldah Arnold 5 Dec 1797 William Ball and Elin HISTORYOF THE PIONEER FAMILIES OF MISSOURI by William S. Bryan and Robert Rose http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/special/afas/volume4/vol4no1.txt |
75. Knihovna Kromìøíska - Katalog Clavius 1) Ball,Margaret(1) Ball,Richard(13) Ball,Roger(1 Maria(4) Barrett,Natasha(1) Barrett,NormanS.(1) Barrett Josef,1968(3) Beránek,Petr(2) Beránek,Robert,1906-(4 http://www.knihkm.cz/clavius/clslab.htm | |
76. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Katalog Clavius 1) Ball,Richard(10) Ball,Sarah(1) BallRokeach,Sandra Barrington J.(2) Bayley,Lesley(1)Bazika,Robert(2) Baziková 4) Beadle,Muriel(1) Beagle,Peter S. (Peter Soy http://katalog.kjm.cz/clslab.htm | |
77. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - B Case of the Elderly Actor (John Ball, Jr.) 221 Benchley, Robert (American Humourist,18891945) Sherlock Holmes Death of Cardinal Tosca (Isaac S. George) 75-76 http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactersb.html | |
78. Documenting The American South: The Southern Experience In 19-th Century America with her as soon as his eyes fell on her across the Ballroom WILLIAM ROBBINS, THOMASSMITH, JOHN TYLER, MANN PAGE, Robert CURTIS THOMAS S. DABNEY, Elmington http://docsouth.unc.edu/smedes/smedes.html | |
79. Krajská Knihovna Karlovy Vary - Katalog LANius L M N O P Q R S T U Bára Basilej Basilejský koncil basket volley Ball basketbalbaskická Bouzek,Jan Bouzov bowling box boxeri Boyer,Robert Bozdech,Emanuel http://www.knihovna.kvary.cz/LANIUS/kfslovb.htm | |
80. Catalogue 47 Embrasse moi Robert et le petit nouveau venu http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/autographe/cat47.htm | |
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