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41. Lodovico Ariosto Translate this page Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533) nacque a Reggio Emilia, il padre lo indirizzò a studi MYTHOLOGY Legends of Charlemagne. Lodovico Ariosto COLLECTION. http://www.rapace.it/libri/scrittori/ariosto/lodovico_ariosto.html | |
42. Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533, 1001680. Orlando Furioso. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-ita. Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533, 1001681. http://hzeid.free.fr/to.htm | |
43. Ariosto Today: Contemporary Perspectives Review Mostly Italian, but also US and Canadian, scholars of Italian literature examine tradition and innovation in the work of Lodovico Ariosto (14741533). http://www.booksmatter.com/b0802029671.htm | |
44. The Ohio State University Libraries: Libraries And Collections Translate this page (Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533) Tutte le Opere di Ludovico Ariosto MAI PQ4566.A1 1964. University of Toronto Romance Series MAI PC13.T6. http://library.osu.edu/sites/wel/italser.html | |
45. Authors At Oldpoetry.com Lodovico Ariosto (next poet) I was from Italy, and I lived from 14741533. Print or Buy my poetry? View comments? Add to favorites? http://oldpoetry.com/authors/lodovico ariosto/showall=1 | |
46. AAC Database - Full View Of Document System No, 1183480. Author, Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533. Title, Orlando Furioso / Ludovico Ariosto ; translated with an introd. by Guido Waldman. Location, http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FIND-ACC/0880807 | |
47. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Mark Year Entries Ariosto Lodovico 1474 1533 Characters Rinaldo Weldon 1993 1 Ariosto Lodovico 1474 1533 Characters Women Weldon 1992 1 Ariosto Lodovico http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dAriosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533 -- Influence - | |
48. LitWeb.net Ludovico Ariosto 14741533 search biblion. For further reading King of the Court Poets A Study of the Work, Life and Times of Lodovico Ariosto by EG Gardner http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/ariosto_ludovico.html |
49. Pwpita (2). Now sky s at peace with earth, and winds Ariosto, Lodovico 1474-1533. tr. John Harington. Orlando furioso - I.1-10. Orlando furioso - I.1-10. http://www.brindin.com/pwpita.htm | |
50. Plaut - Amfitrion - Eseje - Kultura Antyczna ponizej podajemy tylko te bedace w calosci parafraza Plautynskiej komedii Vitalis de Blois (XII w.) Geta, Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533) - I Suppositi http://www.wiw.pl/kulturaantyczna/eseje/plaut_amfitrion_01.asp | |
51. Conceptual Timeline I 14731543. Copernicus, Nicolaus. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. 1474-1533. Ariosto, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. 1475-1564. Michelangelo. Letters, Poems. http://home.comcast.net/~reillyjones/timeline1.html | |
52. UCSD Uniform Title Authors List faced authors were added in December 1990 Aeschylus Aesop Andersen, HC (Hans Christian), 18051875 Apuleius Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533 Aristophanes Aristotle http://tpot.ucsd.edu/Cataloging/Auth_records/utauthors.html | |
53. Knocke Car Hire 1532 ORLANDO FURIOSO Lodovico Ariosto translated by John Harington Ariosto, Lodovico (14741533) - Italian poet whose spent most of his life in service to the http://www.findmecarhire.co.uk/car_hire/knocke_car_hire/2/ |
54. Utpictura18 : Frontispice Allégorique (Roland Furieux Venise Zatta 1776) Translate this page trompette. Datation 1772. Sources textuelles Arioste, Lodovico Ariosto dit l (1474-1533). Nature de limage Gravure sur cuivre http://www.univ-montp3.fr/~pictura/GenerateurNotice.php?numnotice=A1462 |
55. Notices Correspondant à La Recherche Translate this page ~ Aucune notice na été trouvée ~ Source textuelle recherchée Arioste, Lodovico Ariosto dit lâ (1474-1533). http://www.univ-montp3.fr/~pictura/ResultatRechercheST.php?source=Arioste, Lodov |
56. Great Playwrights Italian Renaissance Playwrights Niccolò Machiavelli (14691527); Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533) Ariosto and the Italian Renaissance. http://www.ulaverne.edu/dlc/hum290/gratpla.html | |
57. Poetry Renaissance Parigi Molini. 4 volumes. PQ4612.A3 1768. POETRY Renaissance Lodovico Ariosto (14741533). Bruce, James Douglas. 19. Arthuriana and other pamphlets. http://www.lib.utk.edu/spcoll/poetren.html |
58. Annotations For David Hume For more information, click here. Ariosto is Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) and the book in question is Orlando Furioso. Paragraph 10 http://www.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/phil of art/hume annotations.htm | |
59. Prospective Plays For The National Theatre Compiled By Kenneth Tynan Hroswitha, c. 935c.1001 Six Plays based on Terence, c. 1000. Lodovico Ariosto, 1474-1533 I Suppositi, 1509. Matteo Maria Boiardo, 1441-1494 Timone. http://www.columbia.edu/~tdk3/tynan.html | |
60. An Armory Of Famous Writers Pompeo Litta, Famiglie Celebri Italiane. * Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) per fess, or an eagle displayed sabel crowned or, and pally of 6 azure and argent. http://www.heraldica.org/topics/famous/writers.htm | |
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