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         Andersen Hans Christian:     more books (74)
  1. H.C. Andersen 's correspondence with the late Grand-Duke of Saxe by Andersen. H. C. (Hans Christian). 1805-1875., 1891-01-01
  2. Hans Christian Andersen: The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories (Anchor Folktale Library) by Hans Christian Andersen, Erik Christian Haugaard, 1983-09-09
  3. Faery tales from Hans Christian Andersen by H C. 1805-1875 Andersen, Edgar Lucas, et all 2010-08-24
  4. What the moon saw : and other tales by H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 Andersen, 2009-10-26
  5. Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen; by H C. 1805-1875 Andersen, Dugald Stewart Walker, 2010-09-04
  6. A Christmas Greeting by H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 Andersen, 2010-02-16
  7. Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen; by H C. 1805-1875 Andersen, 2010-08-18
  8. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen by H C. 1805-1875 Andersen, Helen Stratton, 2010-09-06
  9. Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen by H C. 1805-1875 Andersen, T H. 1869-1950 Robinson, et all 2010-08-30
  10. Only a fiddler : a Danish romance by H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 Andersen, 2009-10-26
  11. Stories & fairy tales Volume 1 by H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 Andersen, 2009-10-26
  12. Danish fairy legends and tales by Andersen H C (Hans Christian) 1805-1875, 1891-01-01
  13. The Danish story book by H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 Andersen, 2009-10-26
  14. Hans Christian Andersen: The Life of a Storyteller by Jackie Wullschlager, 2002-06-15

21. WIEM: Andersen Hans Christian
Literatura, Dania Andersen Hans Christian (18051875). Andersen Hans Christian.Andersen Hans Christian (1805-1875), dunski basniopisarz i prozaik.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
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Andersen Hans Christian
Andersen Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian (1805-1875), duñski ba¶niopisarz i prozaik. Potomek ubogiej rodziny, od dziecka marzy³ o karierze aktorskiej, jednak nie do¶æ atrakcyjne warunki fizyczne uniemo¿liwi³y mu realizacjê planów. Twórczo¶æ literack± zacz±³ jako nastolatek, ale swoje pierwsze dojrza³e dzie³o, Improwizator (1835), napisa³ w wieku 30 lat. By³a to powie¶æ o karierze biednego dziecka, które mimo osi±gniêtych sukcesów nie potrafi uwolniæ siê od kompleksu niskiego pochodzenia. Kolejne powie¶ci, O.T. (1836) i  Tylko grajek (1837), podobnie jak pierwsza i pó¼niejsze, zawieraj± w±tki autobiograficzne. W 1835 ukaza³ siê pierwszy zbiorek ba¶ni Andersena

22. Life And Works. A Timetable 1805-1875 :: :: The Hans Christi
og værk. En tidstavle 18051875 ( Hans Christian Andersen - Lifeand Works. A Timetable 1805-1875 , Copenhagen 1993). The books
Life and Works. A Timetable 1805-1875
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New conference book
The papers from the third international HCA conference have been published 3 June 2004
Read - and see - the picturebook, HCA made for Charlotte Melchior in 1874 30 April 2004
Fairy tales online
The most comprehensive edition of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales in English on the internet 2 April 2004
Fairy tale illustrations
See Oskar Klever's beautiful illustrations of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales 2 April 2004
Hans Christian Andersen's diaries online
with a search engine, an essay and registers. In Danish 30 January 2004
More News
The timetable is a translation of the book H.C. Andersens liv. Dag for dag ("The Life of Hans Christian Andersen. Day By Day", 310 pages with registers, Copenhagen 1998), which is a revised and extended edition of ("Hans Christian Andersen - Life and Works. A Timetable 1805-1875", Copenhagen 1993). The books have not been published in print in english and are only available in english on this homepage. The timetable is a cronologically structured biography and is focused on the facts . The intention of this focus is to create a good reference book and avoid story-telling. A story-telling biography follows certain tracks and often leaves out information in order to tell the story as entertaining as possible.

23. Hans Christian Andersen - Biography And Works
Hans Christian Andersen (18051875) is mainly known for the fairy taleshe produced combining folk legends and his own imagination.
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Hans Christian Andersen
Search all of Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) is mainly known for the fairy tales he produced combining folk legends and his own imagination. Anderson's fairy tales were not meant merely for children but for adults as well. He has also written plays, novels and travelogues.
Hans Christian Andersen was born in the slums of Odense, Denmark. His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. Andersen received little early education, and as a child he was highly emotional, suffering all kinds of fears and humiliations because of his tallness and effeminate interests. Andersen's hysterical attacks of cramps were falsely diagnosed as epileptic fits.
In 1816 his father died and Andersen was forced to go to work. He was for a short time apprenticed to a weaver and tailor, and he also worked at a tobacco factory. At the age of 14 Andersen moved to Copenhagen to start a career as a singer, dancer or an actor - he had a beautiful soprano voice. The following three years were full of hardships although he found supporters who paved his way to the theatre. Andersen succeeded in becoming associated with the Royal Theater, but he had to leave it when his voice began to change.
In 1822 Jonas Collin, one of the directors of the Royal Theatre, gave Andersen a grant to enter the grammar school at Slagelse. Other pupils were much younger 11-year-olds, among whom the seventeen-year-old Andersen was definitely out of place. However, in 1828 gained admission to Copenhagen University, where he completed his education.

24. BNQ-Revues Anciennes - Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875
Translate this page Onomastique Andersen, HC (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 3 Basilique Notre-Dame(Montréal, Québec) 27 Bédard, PJ (Pierre-Joseph), 1869-1905 5 Petite
Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875
NO 1056 Gravure 512 x 768 pixels 1020 x 1536 pixels Sujet(s): Constructions religieuses [310] Contes [2] Hiver [159] Onomastique: Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 [3] Petite fille aux allumettes (Conte) [3] Illustrateur(s): Massicotte, Edmond-Joseph, 1875-1929 [249]
NO 1058 Gravure 512 x 768 pixels 1020 x 1536 pixels Sujet(s): Hiver [159] Mendiants [4] Pauvres en milieu urbain [12] Onomastique: Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 [3] Petite fille aux allumettes (Conte) [3] Illustrateur(s): Massicotte, Edmond-Joseph, 1875-1929 [249]
NO 1057 Gravure 512 x 768 pixels 1020 x 1536 pixels Sujet(s): Contes [2] Hiver [159] Mendiants [4] Pauvres en milieu urbain [12] Onomastique: Andersen, H.C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 [3] Petite fille aux allumettes (Conte) [3] Illustrateur(s): Massicotte, Edmond-Joseph, 1875-1929 [249]

25. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), Writer
Hans Christian Andersen (18051875), Writer Sitter in 2 portraitsPage 1 of 1. NPG Ax46261 Hans Christian Andersen by Georg Emil

26. Severské Listy - Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Hans Christian Andersen. Dánský spisovatel Hans Christian Andersense narodil 2. dubna 1805. Hans Christian Andersen a kvetiny. V 19.
Poetické pohádky pro malé i velké
Hans Christian Andersen Dánský spisovatel Hans Christian Andersen se narodil 2. dubna 1805. Brzy opustil školu aby se stal v Kodani zpìvákem. Vìnoval se také loutkovému divadlu a pøednesu, kromì toho studoval i tanec. Zprvu psal cestopisy a básnì vaudeville - veseloherní dramatické útvary se zpìvy, vìtšinou založené na zápletkách, nedorozumìních a omylem. Úspìchu však dosáhl až beletristickou tvorbou (romány Improvizátor, Dvì baronky a autobiografie Pohádka mého života) ale pøedevším 156 pohádkami. Teprve pohádky jej proslavily svìtovì. Hlavní díl jeho pohádek s jmenoval Pohádky a vyprávìní pro dìti. Andersen dával pøednost umìlým pohádkám pøed lidovými, èasto velmi drsnými. Témata pro nì èerpal z vlastní fantazie, ale i z lidové tradice, teprve pozdìji se zamìøil na všední život. Živým vyprávìním vyjádøil pøesvìdèení o vítìzství kladných stránek lidské povahy. Andersen miloval humoristický, sentimentální zpùsob vypravování. Jeho pohádky se vyznaèují poetièností a bohatým jazykem, umožòujícím výstižnou charakteristiku postav i prostøedí. Pohádky vyšly v mnoha èeských vydáních, jednotlivì i soubornì. Na pamì výroèí jeho narození byl 2. duben vyhlášen v roce 1967 Mezinárodním výborem pro dìtskou knihu vyhlášen za Mezinárodní den dìtské knihy.

27. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Andersen Hans Christian
Translate this page Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875), écrivain danois, maître de la forme brève,et dont les Contes (1835-1872), d’inspiration autobiographique
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Andersen Hans Christian" Page sur 2 Suivant R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Andersen, Hans Christian Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875), ©crivain danois, ma®tre de la forme br¨ve, et dont les Contes (1835-1872), d’inspiration autobiographique... plan de l'article Pr©sentation Un enfant du peuple Premi¨res tentatives litt©raires Les ... Hans Christian Andersen Encyclop©die EncartaImage C'est gr¢ce   ses Contes pour enfants, courts r©cits merveilleux publi©s en brochures entre 1832 et 1842, et qu'il ne destinait d'ailleurs pas... Contes (Hans Christian Andersen) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Contes (Hans Christian Andersen) , courts r©cits de Hans Christian Andersen, destin©s aux enfants et publi©s par l’auteur dans des recueils successifs :... danoise, litt©rature Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article danoise, litt©rature Lindgren, Astrid

28. MSN Encarta - Andersen, Hans Christian
Translate this page Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875), écrivain danois, maître de la forme brève,et dont les Contes (1835-1872), d’inspiration autobiographique autant
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Andersen, Hans Christian Pr©sentation Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875), ©crivain danois, ma®tre de la forme br¨ve, et dont les Contes (1835-1872), d’inspiration autobiographique autant... Un enfant du peuple Premi¨res tentatives litt©raires Les Contes M©dias 3 ©l©ments Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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29. Boekingsservice Magazine! - Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Hans Christian Andersen (18051875) Een autodidact, theaterman, dichter, tekenaar,papierknipkunstenaar, schrijver en al twee eeuwen over de gehele wereld
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Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Een autodidact, theaterman, dichter, tekenaar, papierknipkunstenaar, schrijver en al twee eeuwen over de gehele wereld bekend. Hans Christian Andersen werd op 2 april 1805 in de Deense stad Odense op het eiland Funen geboren.
Vader was schoenmaker, moeder wasvrouw. Andersen werd twee maanden na het huwelijk van zijn ouders geboren in het huis waar zijn moeder Anne Marie de was deed. Later vertrok het jonge gezin naar het huisje in de Hans Jensens Stræde, waarin nu het Hans Christian Andersen Museum is gevestigd. Van figurant tot wereldberoemd schrijver Hans Christian Andersen bezocht in 1812 voor het eerst het theater in Odense. Daarna wist hij het zeker: hier lag zijn toekomst. Maar dan niet in Odense. Andersen vertrok in 1819 naar Kopenhagen. Korte tijd was hij zanger, acteur en danser, maar het werd algauw duidelijk dat hier onvoldoende talent voor had. Invloedrijke mensen bespeurden wel een ander talent en zetten zich in voor de jonge kunstenaar. Andersen moet nog veel leren en theaterman Jonas Collin zorgde ervoor dat Hans Christian Andersen alsnog een gedegen opleiding kreeg. In deze tijd ontdekte Andersen ook 'de pen' en hij schreef en dichtte dat het een lust was.

30. Boekingsservice Magazine! - Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Hans Christian Andersen (18051875) Datum Maandag 05 april 2004 OnderwerpMiscellanea. Een autodidact, theaterman, dichter, tekenaar

31. Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen. Danish author (18051875) Biography HansChristian Andersen was born on April 1805 in Odense, Denmark.
Danish author (1805-1875)
Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 1805 in Odense, Denmark. After his father's death in 1816 and her mother's remarriage, he left all alone to Copenhage to try his luck. But that was a failure. In 1822, thanks to the interest of a theatre manager called Jonas Collin, he got a scholarship which allows him to study. He began to publish in 1830. He visited France and Italy. In 1835 he published Fairy Tales, Told for Children , a successful compilation of tales which included Little Match Seller The Tinder Box Little Tiny or thumbeling The Little Mermaid The Princess and the Pea The Emperor's New Suit The Brave Tin Soldier The Snow Queen The Swineheard and The Ugly Duckling , among others.
Andersen also wrote travelogues ( Shadow Pictures from a Journey to the Harz Mountains and Saxon Switzerland , 1831), plays ( Love in Saint Nicholas Curch Tower , 1829)), poems ( Fantasies and Sketches , 1831) and novels ( The Improvisatore , 1835 and The Two Baronesses
Andersen and his tales:
Andersen's basic work, which gave him worlwide recognition, are his tales. He found his sources of inspiration in popular tales, taking his characters and plots from legends, history or everyday life. He wrote 164 tales meant not only for children but also for adults, because of their poetic imagination and the morals hiden in every tale. The "official" Andersen illustrators were two Danish artists chosen by him to illustrate the collected Danish editions of his stories. They were Lieutenant Wilhelm Pedersen (1820-1859) and Lorenz Frolich (1820-1908).

32. Glbtq >> Literature >> Andersen, Hans Christian
13961. Bredsdorff, Elias. Hans Christian Andersen The Story of His Lifeand Work, 1805-1875. London Phaidon, 1975. Detering, Heinrich.
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Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875) Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen was probably bisexual in orientation, if not necessarily so in action. He fell in love with both men and women, though he may well have remained a virgin. His emotional attachments often display a triangular structure involving both sexes. Queer readings of his life and work are needed, especially since his sexuality remains a controversial topic. "The Ugly Duckling" Andersen fictionalized his biography as a wonderful fairy tale, even naming his autobiograpy The Fairy Tale of My Life (1947). There is indeed something miraculous about the transformation of a poverty-stricken child into a world-renowned writer. Sponsor Message.
The son of a poor shoemaker and an illiterate laundry woman, Andersen was born on April 2, 1805. His childhood was marked by poverty and little education. The eccentric boy left his native Odense on the island of Funen to arrive penniless in Copenhagen at the age of fourteen. In spite of his odd looks and behavior, he possessed a singular charm. He managed to win the hearts of leading bourgeois families, who sponsored his education. Andersen graduated from the gymnasium (i.e., high school) in 1828, after several painful years of scholarly discipline, and published his first novel shortly afterwards in 1829. This breakthrough was followed by other novels, travel books, dramas, autobiographies, and poetry, which quickly established him as a leading Danish man of letters. In 1837, he began writing the fairy tales that won him international fame and access to the royal houses and cultural elites of Europe.

33. Authors Of Children's Literature > Hans Christian Andersen
The Lied and Song Texts Page Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). Songtexts in Danish, French and German. Some with English translation.
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  • Aesop's Fables - 127 fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Authors' Calendar - Short biography. Candlelight Stories - A selection of 31 stories. Find a Grave - Hans Christian Andersen, b. April 2, 1805. d. August 4, 1875. Hans Christian Andersen - Text of 23 fairy tales, along with a very brief biographical note. Hans Christan Andersen Museum - Describes this small museum, located in Solvang, California. Hans Christian Andersen Center - English section describing his life and works. Extensive timetable, and chronology. Further material available in Danish. Edited by dr. Johan de Mylius, University of Southern Denmark. Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories - from the English Translation: H. P. Paull (1872). Original Illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen and Lorenz Frølich. Very comprehensive and informative site. Hans Christian Andersen Genealogy - Family and ancestors. Also chronology and biographical information.
  • 34. Contes De Hans Christian ANDERSEN
    Translate this page Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) est un écrivain danois, qui, grâceà ses Contes pour enfants, incarne le génie populaire nordique.
    Contes de Hans Christian ANDERSEN Le briquet
    Le rossignol

    La reine des neiges

    La bergère et le ramoneur
    La petite Poucette
    Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) est un écrivain danois, qui, grâce à ses Contes pour enfants, incarne le génie populaire nordique. Il est né à Odense le 2 avril 1805, au sein d'une famille pauvre. Son père est cordonnier et meurt lorsqu'il a onze ans. Il part seul à quatorze ans chercher fortune à Copenhague. Il est tenté par le chant, le théâtre puis la danse et travaille quelque temps pour le directeur du Théâtre Royal, qui financera plus tard ses études. Dès 1822, Andersen commence à publier ses premiers textes: un récit fantastique inspiré par E.T.A.Hoffmann, Pro menade du canal de Holmen à la pointe orientale d'Amagre (1830). Il obtient son premier succès l'année suivante avec Reflets d'un voyage dans le Harz , récit d'un voyage en Europe. Par la suite, il écrit d'autres romans souvent autobiographiques et d'inspiration romantique co mme l'Improvisateur Rien qu'un violoneux (1837) ou Être ou ne pas être (1857), mais aussi des poèmes, des pièces de théâtre

    35. Andersen, Hans Christian Maerchen Das Schneeglöckchen
    Translate this page Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875). geboren am 2.4. Am 2. April 1805wurde Hans Christian Andersen in Dänemark geboren. Weltruhm
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    Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
    geboren am 2.4.
    hier geht`s zu unserer
    Es war Winterzeit.
    es schlummerte in seiner Zwiebel unter der Erde und Schnee.
    Eines Tages fiel Regen.
    Die Tropfen drangen durch die Schneedecke hinab in die Erde;
    Bald drang auch ein Lichtstrahl ganz fein durch den Schnee hinab zu der Zwiebel
    "Komm herein!" sagte die Blume.
    "Das kann ich nicht", sagte der Sonnenstrahl,
    "Wann ist es Sommer?" fragte die Blume, und sie wiederholte diese Frage, sooft ein Sonnenstrahl zu ihr hinabdrang. Aber noch lag der Schnee, und es fror Eis auf dem Wasser in jeder Nacht. "Wie lange das dauert!" sagte ungeduldig die Blume. Der Schnee war kalt, aber vom Lichte durchstrahlt. "Willkommen! Willkommen!" klang jeder Strahl, Sie neigte ihr Haupt in Freude und Demut. "wie bist du frisch und zart" Du bist die Erste, du bist die Einzige" Das war eine Lust! Aber es war noch weit bis zur Sommerzeit. Es ist noch nicht an der Zeit!"

    36. Andersen, Hans Christian
    Andersen, Hans Christian (18051875). Danish author, whose fairytales have been translated into more than 80 languages and have
    Index Shades Index Fiary Tales Index Books Index Dragons ... Guestbook
    Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
    Danish author, whose fairy tales have been translated into more than 80 languages and have inspired plays, ballets, films, and works of sculpture and painting. Born in Odense, he suffered from poverty and neglect during his childhood, and when he was 14 years of age he ran away to Copenhagen. There he worked for Jonas Collin, director of the Royal Theater, until Collin raised money to provide him with an education. "The Emperor's New Clothes" Danish fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote "The Emperor's New Clothes" in 1837. The fable tells the story of a king who believed only wise people could see the clothes made for him by a crafty tailor. He paraded nude down the road of his kingdom, wearing his "new" clothes. CORBIS-BETTMANN "But he has nothing on at all," said a little child at last. "Good heavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child," said the father, and one whispered to the other what the child had said. "But he has nothing on at all," cried at last the whole people. That made a deep impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but he thought to himself, "Now I must bear up to the end." And the chamberlains walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried train which did not exist."

    37. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
    Andersen, Hans Christian (18051875). The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts 01-01-1998Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875) Danish writer of fairy tales.

    38. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
    Translate this page 1835 - Eventyr Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Autor dinamarquês nascido, nodia 02 de abril de 1805, em uma apertada casa de um cômodo só, filho de um
    Henrik Tilemann 1865
    1835 - Eventyr
    Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

    Autor dinamarquês nascido, no dia 02 de abril de 1805, em uma apertada casa de um cômodo só, filho de um simples sapateiro e uma lavadeira, na cidade de Odense. Aos 11 anos, órfão de pai, sentiu-se no mundo completamente só.
    Pouco freqüentou a escola, aparecendo somente nos intervalos pois a maior parte de seu tempo consumiu-se com as histórias que imaginava - o que fazia muito melhor que suas lições. Mas, dono de uma memória privilegiada, Hans Christian podia aprender e guardar na cabeça, muito facilmente, tudo o que ouvia de um vizinho que tinha por hábito estudar em voz alta... Decorou poemas e pequenas peças, recitava, imitava os mímicos, bailarinos e acrobatas. Sua mãe para colocar um ponto final em suas estrepolias, arranjou-lhe o que fazer em uma oficina de tecelões, depois entre tabacoeiros e, finalmente, com entalhadores - mas o menino sabia que essas ocupações não eram para ele: as únicas coisas que lhe interessam eram as estórias, fossem no teatro, estivessem nos livros. E, quando tinha 14 anos, pôs os pés na estrada para Copenhagen, buscando sua fortuna como fazem muitos dos personagens do mundo das fadas...
    Seguiram-se três anos difíceis, Hans Christian ganhava uma ninharia cantando no coro de meninos. Mas sua voz mudou... tentou atuar e ingressar nas companhias de dança, mas sendo naturalmente desajeitado sua carreira tornara-se impossível. Pensou trabalhar com as mãos, mas nem para os trabalhos manuais havia talento. Porém, jamais ocorrer à ele voltar para casa ou desistir.

    39. LII - Results For "andersen, H. C. Hans Christian , 1805-1875"
    No Stemming Show titles only in results. Results for Andersen, hcHans Christian , 18051875 1 of 1, Hans Christian Andersen Fairy;query=Andersen, H. C. (Hans Chris

    40. LII - Results For "andersen, H. C. Hans Christian , 1805-1875"
    Advanced Search. Results for Andersen, hc Hans Christian , 180518751 of 1, Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales and Stories This;query=Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christi

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