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61. Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) Louisa May Alcott (18321888). http://www.walden.org/institute/thoreau/contemporaries/A/Alcott_Louisa May/defau | |
62. Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott (18321888). Little Women or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.Boston Roberts Brothers, 1868. This barely disguised account http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/treasures/american/alcott.html | |
63. Work & Society -- Louisa May Alcott Bibliography Louisa May Alcott, 18321888. Her work was greatly influenced byseveral major literary figures that were friends of the family. http://bizntech.rutgers.edu/worknlit/alcott_bib.html | |
64. Alcott, Louisa May (Litteraturnettet) Alcott, Louisa May USA 18321888. E-tekst Project Gutenberg Tekst. Lenker AlcottWeb.comFanside Books and Writers. SØK ETTER Alcott, Louisa May. SØK I http://litteraturnettet.no/a/alcott.louisa.may.asp?lang=&type=etekst |
65. Alcott, Louisa May (Le Réseau D'écrivains Norvégiens) Translate this page Alcott, Louisa May Etats-Unis 1832-1888. E-texte Project GutenbergTexte. Liens AlcottWeb.com Page pour fans Books and Writers. http://litteraturnettet.no/a/alcott.louisa.may.asp?lang=fr&type=etekst |
66. Literary 1: Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott 18321888. Author/Novel Little Women (1868). LouisaMay Alcott was born in Germantown, PA, on Nov. 29, 1832, the http://daphne.palomar.edu/scrout/literary.htm | |
67. Daily Celebrations ~ Louisa May Alcott, Love Is The Only Thing ~ November 29 ~ I Carrying love in her heart, novelist Louisa May Alcott (18321888) was born on thisday in Germantown, Pennsylvania and raised in Massachusetts, the second of http://www.dailycelebrations.com/112900.htm | |
68. Louisa May Alcott Biography Louisa May Alcott (18321888). Louisa May Alcott. Louisa May Alcottwas born on 29 November, 1832 on her father s 33rd birthday. She http://www.applebookshop.co.uk/author/alcott.htm | |
69. Louisa May Alcott - Little Women Louisa May Alcott (18321888). 114-19; Alma J. Payne, Louisa May Alcott(1832-1888), American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 6 (1973) 27-43. http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/alcott.htm | |
70. CivilWarTalk.com - Women In The Civil War, Louisa May Alcott Women in the Civil War Louisa May Alcott. Louisa May Alcott, 18321888 LouisaMay Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. http://civilwartalk.com/cwt_alt/resources/women/l_alcott.htm | |
71. Pitbook.com - Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott (18321888). - Little women Louisa Alcott was bornin Germantown, Pennsylvania, on 29th November, 1832. Alcott http://www.pitbook.com/English/authors/alcott_louisa.htm | |
72. An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, L. M. Alcott, 1881 An OldFashioned Thanksgiving. By Louisa May Alcott. (1832-1888).From An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving and Other Stories, by Louisa http://www.eldritchpress.org/lma/oft.html | |
73. Søgeresultat - Bibliotek.dk xi, 355 s., illustreret Forlag Duke University Press Sprog Engelsk Emne Alcott,Louisa May, 18321888 ; Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946 ; Moore, Marianne, 1887 http://bibliotek.dk/vis.php?base=dfa&term1=Alcott Louisa May |
74. Louisa May Alcott - Louisa May Alcott writer 1832-1888. Louisa May Alcott was for yearsbest known for her much-read children s literature, Little http://www.wvhumanities.org/louisam.htm | |
75. Flashback - The Stories Of Louisa May Alcott July 1995 With a hit movie last year based on her novel Little Women and a newbook out this fall, Louisa May Alcott (18321888) is fast becoming one of http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/aandc/alcott/alcott.htm | |
76. Namo > Products > HandStory > EBook Service > Alcott Louisa May Alcott (18321888) Louisa May Alcott, American writer of novels and shortstories who spent most of her life near Boston and Concord, has more than http://www.namo.com/products/handstory/ebook/author.php?author=alcott |
77. Anecdote - Louisa May Alcott - Louisa May Alcott Will you come? Alcott s reply? Never. Alcott, Louisa May (18321888) Americanwriter and reformer noted for her autobiographical novel Little Women (1868 http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=8642 |
78. Louisa May Alcott. Libros En Español Vida y obras de Louisa May Alcott. Libros electrónicos gratuitos, enlaces y todo tipo de recursos. de 1832 en Germantown, Pa., U.S. Falleció el 6 de Marzo 6 de 1888 en Boston. Vida y obras Louisa May Alcott es Padre de Louisa May, el Sr. Bronson http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/alcott_es.htm | |
79. AlcottWeb -- A Site For Louisa May Alcott, Author Of Little Women A site about Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, and her family. Includes news stories, photographs, articles, and links to other information. http://www.alcottweb.com/ | |
80. Louisa May Alcott, 1832 - 1888 Louisa May Alcott, 1832 1888 Author of this Webpage Renée GoodvinText-Only Version. Louisa May Alcott was an American author http://www.geocities.com/blondelibrarian/literaryexplorer/authors/lmalcott.html | |
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