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41. Jane Addams (1860-1935) American Writer. Articles Resources. Sort By Guide Picks Alphabetical RecentUp a category Profile Jane Addams (18601935) American writer. http://classiclit.about.com/od/addamsjane/index_a.htm | |
42. Leslie Hindman, Inc. - Auction Catalog: 05/01/2004 08:00 AM To 05/01/2004 05:00 Dramatic Outline of the Life of Jane Addams 18601935 By Violet Oakley. Ltd. ed.Signed.1955. Paper. e. Jane Addams 1860-1935. Edited by Bonnie Piotrowski. http://www.lesliehindman.com/Kenan/cat_0021_0511_0520.htm | |
43. Bibliography - Works About Jane Addams For Young Readers Syntax and language raise readability higher than concepts suggest.).Piotrowski, Bonnie, ed. Jane Addams, 18601935. Cobblestone http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/wajayr.html | |
44. Addams Jane From FOLDOC pragmatism, politics, ethics American pragmatist and social worker (18601935). AmericanHeroine (Ivan R. Dee, 2000); Mary Jo Deegan, Jane Addams and the Men http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Addams Jane |
45. Portraits Of Jane Addams Family Portraits of Jane Addams Family. From the Jane Addams Collection. Martha (18501867).Laura Jane (1860-1935). John Weber (1852-1918). stillborn daughter (1863). http://www.swarthmore.edu/library/peace/Exhibits/jane.addams/addams.family.htm |
46. Marion C. Young Hull House Collection PHOTOGRAPHS. 1.1 Addams, Jane (18601935), ca. 1900, with printed signature 1.2Addams, Jane, 1924, Moffett, with original signature 1.3 Addams, Jane, ca. http://www.chipublib.org/008subject/012special/you.html | |
47. InternetOPAC Der Stadt- Und Schulbücherei Gunzenhausen 1860-1935 Weitere Schlagworte Comenius, Johann Amos http://www.datronic.de/cgi-bin/findus.pl?customer=gunzenhausen&suchfeld1=schlagw |
48. Jane Addams Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of Books And Women Public Speakers in the United States, 18001925 A Bio-Critical Sourcebook(includes Jane Addams (1860-1935), Champion of the Poor, Advocate for Peace http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/jane_addams.jsp |
49. WIEM: Addams Jane Postacie historyczne, Historia powszechna, Stany Zjednoczone Addams Jane(18601935). Addams Jane. Addams Jane (1860-1935), amerykanska http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/011f5a.html | |
50. The Glass Ceiling Biographies - Jane Addams . 18601935 American social worker Jane Addams was one of the first people in Americawho sought to improve the lives of these desperate poor. Introduction. http://www.theglassceiling.com/biographies/bio3.htm | |
51. Jane Addams Answer In Trivia Quiz By Women's History ALIVE! Jane Adams (18601935) founded a settlement house in Chicago called the Hull-House. JaneAddams . Twenty Years at Hull-House With Autobiographical Notes. http://www.wmol.com/whalive/addams.htm | |
52. Social Work S Beginnings Books By or About Jane Addams. Jane Addams, 18601935, Cobblestone (CobblestonePublishing Company, Peterborough, NH); Vol. 203, March 1999. http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/socialwork/JaneAddams.html | |
53. Alphabetical Listings - Jane Addams: North Shore Manuscript Co., Inc. Jane Addams (18601935) Autograph Letter Signed June 4, 1919. JaneAddams (1860-1935) American social reformer. ALS, 1 p. 8 vo., of http://www.northshoremanuscript.com/alpha/addamsalpha.html | |
54. Microfilm Collections For Women's Studies Addams, Jane, 18601935. The Jane Addams papers, 1860-1960 Ann Arbor, Mich. UniversityMicrofilms International, 1984. Format 82 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. http://subject.lib.umn.edu/socsci/wommicro.html | |
55. Daily Celebrations ~ Jane Addams, Harmony In Difference ~ September 6 ~ Ideas To With an passion for tolerance and service to others, pioneer social reformerJane Addams (18601935) was born on this day in Cedarville, Illinois. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/090602.htm | |
56. Jane Addams Papers, 1904-1960 Finding Aid Creator Addams, Jane, 18601935. Addams, Jane, 1860-1935; Hull House (Chicago, Ill.)HistorySources;Women social reformersUnited StatesHistorySources; http://asteria.fivecolleges.edu/findaids/sophiasmith/mnsss141.html | |
57. Jane Addams Papers, 1904-1960 Contents List ON SHELF. Cathedral of Compassion Dramatic Outline of the Life of Jane Addams, 18601935.Violet Oakley (1955). By Addams. Jane Addams, A Centennial Reader, 1960. http://asteria.fivecolleges.edu/findaids/sophiasmith/mnsss141_list.html | |
58. Excerpts From Twenty Years At Hull-house By Jane Addams Excerpts from Twenty Years at Hullhouse by Jane Addams Jane Addams (1860-1935)was one of the first generation of American women to attend college. http://www.meetingground.org/loavfish/lf700/addams.htm | |
59. Jane Addams - Books List Jane Addams Helper of the Poor (18601935 by John Keely Dick Brude CynthiaFitterer Klingel Our Price $14.95 Released April, 1997 details http://www.abacci.com/books/authorbooklist.asp?authorID=687&pagenum=3 |
60. Project Gutenberg: Catalog Search Proposal for Obverse of New $1 Coin Jane Addams Background Jane Addams (18601935). A. Swarthmore College Peace Collection,500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081 USA Swarthmore http://www.gutenberg.net/cgi-bin/search/t9.cgi?subject=Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 |
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