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61. Correspondence Of Thomas Jefferson / Addressee Listing / A-C Adams, Samuel (17221803) Leader in Massachustetts Assembly and earlyleader in call for independence from Britain. He was educated http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/jefferson_1.html | |
62. Untitled Document Samuel Adams (17221803), an important American revolutionary patriot and statesman,active in Massachusetts, was among the leaders of events leading up to the http://www.cgboerner.com/artworks/okey/okey_samueladams.htm | |
63. WIST - A Collection Of Quotations :: A wonderful effects. Samuel Adams (17221803) American revolutionary,statesman Letter to Samuel Cooper (30 Apr. 1776). One battle http://www.wist.info/authors/a.html | |
64. Samuel Adams - MediaWiki Samuel Adams. From Wikiquote, the free encyclopedia. edit. SamuelAdams (17221803). American revolutionary. If we suffer tamely a http://www.wikiquote.org/wiki/Samuel_Adams | |
65. Samuel Adams: America's Revolutionary Politician Alexander (history, U. of Cincinnati) narrates the life of American Revolutionleader and later Governor of Massachusetts Samuel Adams (17221803). http://www.booksmatter.com/b074252115X.htm | |
66. T~
GEA_X 0009564. Samuel Adams (17221803). American revolutionary politician. 0018595.Samuel Adams (1722-1803). Oil on canvas, c1772, by John Singleton Copley. http://www.americanphoto.co.jp/pages/celeb/A/Adams_Samuel/Plans.html | |
67. Samuel Adams | American Patriot & Politician Lucidcafé Home Revised January 14, 2004. Samuel Adams AmericanPatriot Politician. 1722 1803. If ye love wealth greater than http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/95sep/adams.html | |
68. Sam Adams Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams was born in Boston on Sept. 17th, 1722, and diedon Oct. 2nd, 1803. He was a major leader in the American Revolution. http://www.americanrevwar.homestead.com/files/ADAMS2.HTM | |
69. Adams, Samuel Adams, Samuel, 17221803, political leader in the American Revolution, signerof the Declaration of Independence, b. Boston, Mass.; second cousin of John http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0802441.html | |
70. Samuel Adams Samuel Adams 17221803, political leader in the American Revolution, signer ofthe Declaration of Independence, born in Boston, Mass.; second cousin of John http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/birthday?month=sep&day=27 |
71. Biografía - Adams, Samuel Adams, Samuel Nacionalidad Estados Unidos 1722 - 1803. Primode John Adams, fue uno de los promotores del nacimiento de los Estados Unidos. http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/6561.htm | |
72. Adams, Samuel. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourt 2000. Adams, Samuel. DATES 17221803. American Revolutionary leader whose agitationsspurred Bostonians toward rebellion against British occupation and rule. http://www.bartleby.com/61/73/A0077300.html | |
73. Account Of A Declaration; Biographies All rights reserved. Samuel Adams ·17221803· Representing Massachusettsat the Continental Congress Born September 27, 1722 in Boston, Mass. http://www.leftjustified.com/leftjust/lib/sc/ht/decl/gbioa-e.html | |
74. Samuel Adams -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams. Corbis. (17221803). One of the firebrands ofthe American Revolution was Sam Adams. , Adams, Samuel (17221803). http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=294432&query=samuel goldwyn&ct=ebi |
75. The American Revolution (Samual Adams) Convention which ratified US Constitution, 1788; Lt. Governor 17891793,then Governor until 1797. John Adams. Samuel Adams 1722 - 1803. http://theamericanrevolution.org/ipeople/sadams.asp | |
76. Timeline Bio: Samuel Adams Samuel Adams (1722 1803) Samuel Adams was one of the Revolutionaryera s foremost patriots. Born in Boston and educated at Harvard http://www.wealth4freedom.com/truth/FIWAR-timeline/Samuel-Adams.htm |
77. Sadams Samuel Adams. American Patriot Politician. 1722 1803. SamuelAdams was born in Boston, Massachusetts on September 27, 1722. He http://ab.mec.edu/curriculum/specproj/bio_webquest/sadams.htm | |
78. I173684: Samuel ADAMS (Jr.) (27 SEP 1722 - 1803) Samuel Adams (Jr.). BIRTH 27 SEP 1722, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts; DEATH1803, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Father Samuel Adams Mother Mary FIFIELD http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0074/g0000065.htm | |
79. Political FAQ Tip(s) related to this question. Adams, Samuel Samuel Adams (17221803), Americanstatesman was born at Boston, Massachusetts, on September 27th 1722. http://political.lifetips.com/faq.asp__Q__SiteID__E__369__A__QuestionID__E__2267 | |
80. Political.LifeTips.com Our Political Guru Offers This Tip On Adams, Samuel. Samuel Adams (17221803),American statesman was born at Boston, Massachusetts, on September 27th 1722. http://political.lifetips.com/TipSC.asp__Q__id__E__63398 | |
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