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41. Electronic Books ELECTRONIC BOOKS. A. Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926, Flatland a romanceof many dimensions. Adams, Henry, 1838-1918, Education Of Henry Adams, The. http://www.library.spscc.ctc.edu/lmcelecbks2.htm | |
42. Edwin A. Abbott, SciFiArchive.Com, Sci-Fi Books-by-Author Database 1998 By Lee S Click on any title for ordering information. Edwin A. Abbott. ( 18381926 ). BooksFor Sale If you don t find your title listed, be sure to send your Want List! http://scifiarchive.com/abbottedwina.htm | |
43. CONSULS LIST View This Title in CONSULS; Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926. THE ANNOTATED FLATLAND A ROMANCE OF MANY DIMENSIONS / BY Edwin A. Abbott Cambridge, Mass. http://www.southernct.edu/~schofiel/com03.html | |
44. Authors (isbndb.com) 16 29 39 40 41 Abbott, Edwin Abbott 18381926. (Edwin Abbott). Abbott,Elizabeth (Elizabeth Abbott). Abbott, Evelyn 1843-1901. (Evelyn Abbott). http://isbndb.com/authors/?start_item=101&fl=A&sl=B |
45. Links many dimensions , Edwin A. Abbott 1838-1926. Há mais de cem anos http://ltodi.est.ips.pt/amatII/links.htm | |
46. The Dictionary Of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists Proposed Entries. Lname, Fname, Date, Subject Area. Abbott, Edwin Abbott,18381926, Mathematics. Abel, Clarke, 1780-1826, Botany. Abel, Frederick http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/sci_entry.htm | |
47. Ren Faire: Language References: General General Language References. Author Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926.Title A Shakespearian grammar an attempt to illustrate some http://www.renfaire.com/Language/refs-general.html | |
48. Sanjeev Seahra's Home Page (It can only be hoped that a kinder fate awaits modern purveyors of extradimensions.). Edwin Abbott Abbott (18381926). A diagram from Flatland. http://www.tech.port.ac.uk/staffweb/seahras/neat_physics/extra_dimensions/fourth | |
49. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Flatland--A Romance Of Many Dimensions At Epi Author Edwin Abbott Abbott (18381926), also the amateur illustrator, has been recognizedas one of the leading scholars and theologians of the Victorian era. http://www.epinions.com/content_138416066180 | |
50. === Romance Story === 3 Flatland A romance of many dimensions Flatland A romance of many dimensions WithIllustrations by the Author, A SQUARE (Edwin A. Abbott 18381926) To The http://www.dating-singles-action.com/romance/romance_story.htm | |
51. === Define Romance === 1 Flatland A romance of many dimensions Flatland A romance of many dimensions WithIllustrations by the Author, A SQUARE (Edwin A. Abbott 18381926) To The http://www.dating-singles-action.com/romance/define_romance.htm | |
52. UW Libraries - Database Search Gutenberg. ISBN, 048627263X (pbk.) Author, Abbott, Edwin Abbott,18381926. Subject, English fiction Fourth dimension. Keywords, 1838 http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=31116 |
53. Johannine Vocabulary I can t imagine you ll have too much luck trying to do this kind ofresearch using websites. AUTHOR Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926. http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/b-greek/2001-April/016407.html | |
54. The Material Body Reserve 1994 F- NA 2700 R52 1994 Architecture Lib Reserve Week 5 Flatland;a romance of many dimensions. / Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926. http://www.cm.aces.utexas.edu/faculty/skrukowski/courses/resources/bodyspring02r | |
55. Names Index Abbott, Edwin Abbott (18381926) 1, 185, 412. Adams, Robert Merrihew (1937-)2, 288. Adler, Irving (1913-) 3, 161n.11. Albrecht, Walter A., Jr. http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/beyond_experience/names.htm | |
56. Chris Alcock - Personal Site had heard about, and meant to read (Flatland a romance of many dimensions by Abbott,Edwin Abbott, 18381926) so I downloaded it to read when I get a chance. http://jerrak.incanus.co.uk/weblogindex/33/ | |
57. Tranquillity CA Computer Consulting for the Blind CNIB Library VISUNETCANADA Electronic Text (EText) Flatland a romanceof many dimensions Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Computer data (1 file http://www.california-computer-consulting.com/359/Tranquillity-CA-computer-consu | |
58. A Quest For The Lost Hebrew Gospel For example, in the year 1900, Edwin Abbott (18381926) wrote Clue A Guide ThroughGreek to Hebrew Scripture, the first part of his ten-part series entitled http://www.jerusalemperspective.com/pipeline/Pipeline24.asp |
59. Título: Translate this page curiosa, Planilandia, escrita a fines del siglo 19 por un geométrico personaje,un anónimo Cuadrado, en realidad Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838-1926), un maestro http://www.mat.ucm.es/deptos/am/guzman/matnovela/matnovela.html | |
60. 1926- Fourth dimension Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 18381926 Flatland Mathematics Literature - Classics / Criticism Fiction Classics Science Fiction http://topics.practical.org/browse/1926- | |
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