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1. T-10 At LANL This group (T10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on the modeling, analysis and informatics of molecular and cellular biological data. http://www.t10.lanl.gov/ | |
2. NVTB (Dutch Society For Theoretical Biology) theoretical biology. Research Groups in the Netherlands; PhD Theses; Societies for theoretical biology; Mathematics and Biology The Interface; http://www.bio.vu.nl/nvtb/ | |
3. Theoretical Biology Groningen - Home Page Our research focusses on competition and natural selection, more specifically evolutionary game theory, life history theory, sexual selection, sex allocation, metapopulation genetics, resource competition, and interference competition. http://www.biol.rug.nl/theobio | |
4. :: ESMTB - European Society For Mathematical And Theoretical Biology :: The society aims for a lively exchange on research in mathematical and theoretical biology. This goal is pursued by the organization of summer schools and conferences, by the European Communications (the former Newsletter) and information on the website. http://www.esmtb.org/ | |
5. Theoretical Biology GENERAL AND theoretical biology. URL "www.geocities.com/Rainforest/Andes/3095/ theorbiol.html U. Sutrop. 1985. theoretical biology in Estonia. Levin's theoretical biology Page http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/3095/theorbiol.html | |
6. Theoretical Biology, Philosophy Of Biology And Nearby Areas groups and journals) on research into the nature of the biological sciences, their theoretical foundations, general theoretical biology, and related areas of http://alf.nbi.dk/~emmeche/theobiophi.html | |
7. Theoretical Biology/Bioinformatics Utrecht theoretical biology / Bioinformatics Group. Master Program theoretical biology and Bioinformatics. Please take a look at our agenda for current events. http://www-binf.bio.uu.nl/ | |
8. Biological Cybernetics / Theoretical Biology The Department for Biological Cybernetics at the University of Bielefed, Germany, is Focussed in the Research for Movement Control in Animals and Humans. http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/biologie/Kybernetik/ | |
9. Program In Theoretical Biology, Institute For Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study. Arnold J. Levine, Visiting Professor. School of Natural Sciences. The Center for Systems Biology at the Institute for Advanced Study emphasizes the interface of molecular biology and the physical sciences. explore the linkage between theoretical and experimental biology, and includes the following http://www.ptb.ias.edu/ | |
10. Theoretical Biology Version without frames. http://www.bio.vu.nl/thb/ | |
11. BBSPrints Archive: Browse By Subject: Theoretical Biology Browse by Subject theoretical biology. Home. About. Browse. Search. Register. Subscriptions. Deposit Papers. Help ( Top Level) Biology. theoretical biology (1) This subject category contains 1 entries. Wertheim , Alexander H. ( http://www.bbsonline.org/view-bio-theory.html | |