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21. Microbiology -- Archive Of Issues By Date INT J SYST EVOL MICROBIOL. microbiology. J GEN VIROL Copyright © 2004 Society for General microbiology. http://mic.sgmjournals.org/contents-by-date.0.shtml | |
22. Careers In The Microbiological Sciences To request copies please email fellowships-careerinformation@asmusa.org or write to American Society for microbiology, Education Department, 1752 N. Street NW http://www.asmusa.org/edusrc/edu21.htm | |
23. SGM.ac.uk Professional society for scientists and other workers interested in microbiology. http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/ | |
24. Applied And Environmental Microbiology Current Issue May 2004. Search for Articles. January 1992 May 2004. J. Bacteriol. Microbiol. Mol. Bio. Review. Eukaryot. Cell. All ASM Journals. Copyright © 2004 by the American Society for microbiology. All rights reserved. http://aem.asm.org/ | |
25. Microbiology Jobs And Information microbiology jobs involve the study of living organisms of microscopic size generally organisms 1mm = microorganism (microbe). What is microbiology. http://www.unixl.com/dir/life_sciences/microbiology/ |
26. SpringerLink - Publication Papers in the fields of applied microbiology and biotechnology excluding pure biochemical articles. http://www.link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00253/index.htm | |
27. SGM.ac.uk Organizations SGM works with. News microbiology in the news. Hot topics. IJSEM. Journal of General Virology. microbiology. Journal of Medical microbiology. http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/ijsbmain.htm | |
28. NUS: Faculty Of Medicine Provides information and latest update on the department. http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/mbio/ | |
29. Publications : Microbiology Today Organizations SGM works with. News microbiology in the news. Hot topics. Media releases. Press office. Read on ». Last updated 24 May 2004. microbiology Today http://www.socgenmicrobiol.org.uk/pubs/micro_today/ | |
30. Oral Environment Front Page An online resource for information about saliva, plaque, general microbiology, oral microbiology, caries, periodontal disease and plaque control. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/dental/oralbiol/oralenv/home.htm | |
31. BioMed Central | BMC Microbiology BMC microbiology. BioMed Central. PubMed Central. PubMed. Jump to article. vol. article no. BMC microbiology. Welcome to BMC microbiology published by BioMed Central. http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcmicrobiol/ | |
32. Fermenter Bioprocessing, fermentation, laboratory, and microbiology equipment for the food, agricultural, and waste industries. http://www.labkorea.com/products/fermenter/fermenter.html | |
33. Reviews In Medical Microbiology - Home Journal of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Covering developments and techniques in medical microbiology, virology, mycology, parasitology, clinical microbiology, and hospital infection. http://www.revmedmicrobiol.com | |
34. Welcome To BIOL 230: The Grapes Of Staph Home Page Dr. Kaiser's microbiology course and laboratory manual are features to help anyone wanting to know more about microbes. http://www.cat.cc.md.us/~gkaiser/goshp.html |
35. Vienna Biocenter Homepage Umbrella organization amalgamating several nonpublic life science research facilities; affiliated with the University of Vienna. Focusses on advancing and teaching microbiology, biochemistry, and biocomputing. http://www.at.embnet.org/vbc/ | |
36. Cell Online Biweekly publication of exceptional research articles in areas including molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer research, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology. http://www.cell.com/ | |
37. Microbiology Textbook :: The World Of Microbes , microbiology. ·, Computer science. ·, Space science. ·, Botony. Older Articles. Items in the microbiology textbook are copyright, Timothy Paustian© 19992004. http://www.bact.wisc.edu/Microtextbook/ | |
38. MICROBIOLOGY 101/102 HOME PAGE microbiology 102 HOME PAGE. Links 2 Go Key Resource. REVISED 02/10/00. This page content. ABOUT THE FUNDAMENTALS OF microbiology 102. The http://www.slic2.wsu.edu:82/hurlbert/micro101/pages/101hmpg.html | |
39. ScienceDirect - Trends In Microbiology - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03781135 This site contains medical microbiology, immunology, and infectious disease lecture notes as well as numerous files designed to help students study for medical http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0966842X | |
40. University Of Nebraska Pathology And Microbiology Information about clinical services, education, research and seminars. http://www.unmc.edu/Pathology/ | |
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