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21. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles People Name General Zanaki. indigenous Fellowship of 100 http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=111143&rog3=TZ |
22. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles indigenous Fellowship of 100 http//www.blissites.com/kenya/people/swahili.html. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=100807&rog3=TZ |
23. Books From Coronet - Master Listing Coronet Books. A Z Listing. This is not a comprehensive list of Coronet titles. Prices are subject to change and titles may go out of print without warning. Please contact us for accurate complete title information. Belonging The Politics of indigenous Identity in Bolivia Guatemala the Nation-State in africa Change in Ecology and Lessons for Sub-Saharan africa Consequences of the Chernobyl http://www.coronetbooks.com/books/atoz.html |
24. SOMALI BANTU - Their History And Culture As a result, many indigenous Africans lost the customary the Indian Ocean coast, such as the zaramo and Zigua leader, Wanankhucha, led many of her people out of http://www.culturalorientation.net/bantu/sbhist.html | |
25. SOMALI BANTU - Their History And Culture and northern Malawi; and the zaramo and Zigua of Until the 1920s, the Bantu people of Goshaland were were either assimilated into the indigenous Bantu/Jareer http://www.culturalorientation.net/bantu/sbpeop.html | |
26. August 2003 Letter the list of least reached people groups in further the reaching of the zaramo womenfolk with indigenous Missions and Evangelism Organization Formed Key leaders http://www.worldmissioncentre.com/DirReport/DR200308.htm | |
27. AFRIKAN-TUTKIMUS and death body symbols and the power of regeneration among the zaramo of Tanzania. indigenous religions a companion Idiom and Identity of an African People. http://www.aakkl.helsinki.fi/cameel/books/tutvaakir.htm | |
28. Out Of Africa--Bono And O'Neill the Makonde for their carved masks, the zaramo for their In response, many people are returning to more However, this return to indigenous social systems is http://www.geocities.com/redmondrose/Bono_ONeil.htm | |
29. Malawi Mission including the majority Bantu tribes, the indigenous KhoikhoiSan for their carved masks, the zaramo for their km Birth Rate 44.5/1000 people Infant Mortality http://www.geocities.com/redmondrose/AfricaFacts.htm | |
30. African Art: traditional methods and genres, but it also gave zaramo art the What is indigenous knowledge interesting to compare different ideologies by the people of almost http://www.h-net.org/~artsweb/conferences/Triennial04/Final Program.htm | |
31. Thaddeus Sunseri | Reinterpreting A Colonial Rebellion: Forestry And Social Cont 65 The most prominent zaramo chief to participate the nineteenth century, they attacked indigenous practices of religious dimension, as local people sought to http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/eh/8.3/sunseri.html | |
32. BANTU LANGUAGES is a somewhat archaic Bantu dialect, indigenous probably to are colonies of Swahilispeaking people at Mombasa the Ruvu), Nguru, Zeguha, Ki-mrima and Ki-zaramo. http://55.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BANTU_LANGUAGES.htm | |
33. Notable Books Program Listings Power of Regeneration among the zaramo of Tanzania by Dealing with alcohol indigenous usage in Australia, New and history among an Andean people by Abercrombie http://library.msstate.edu/notable/list.asp?keyword=1 |
34. CAA | Publications | Dissertations In Progress 1998 the Representation of The People, 18881903 Gilbert, Courtney, Visions of indigenous Mexico European Society, Culture and Identity zaramo Wood Sculpture as http://www.collegeart.org/caa/publications/AB/dissertations/begun98.html | |
35. SOMALIA ASSESSMENT although the majority are Hawiye, the indigenous clan. to the Reer Hamar (a Benadiri people) in Mogadishu The Bantu include the Zigua, zaramo, Magindo, Makua http://www.asylumlaw.org/docs/somalia/country_conditions/ind99b_somalia_ca.htm | |
36. East Central Africa East and Central africa. The Region and Its History . Islam was an integral part of the East african coastal culture by as early as 1000 CE. of Eastern and Central africa during the 19th century http://www.law.emory.edu/ifl/region/eastcentralafrica.html | |
37. East Africa Living Encyclopedia Supported by a Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities) Kenya Tanzania Uganda Burundi Rwanda. Tanzania Ethnic Groups. More than 120 ethnic groups are represented in Tanzania. as http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/NEH/tethnic.htm | |
38. Indigenous Multipurpose Trees Of Tanzania Uses And Economic http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5327e/x5327e07.htm |
39. Indigenous Multipurpose Trees Of Tanzania Uses And Economic Translate this page http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5327e/x5327e1z.htm |
40. International Mission Board - Praying - CompassionNet http://imb.org/compassionnet/PeopleGroups.asp | |
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