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Yukon Culture: more detail | ||||||
41. Yukon River Native Culture: Athapaskan Villages Along The Yukon River yukon River native culture Athapaskan villages along the yukon Riversmoking and drying salmon to make squaw candy using an ulu knife. http://www.alaskatravelmagazine.com/3yukonriver/alaska-natives-8.html | |
42. Immigrer.com - Chronique La Culture Au Yukon..., Et... Translate this page utilisateurs par mois. Chronique de Kroston. La culture au yukon , Etconcours de la plus longue barbe Howdy les immigristes! Pour tous les http://www.immigrer.com/chroniques/855.html | |
43. Yukon Adventure Company - Teslin Cultural Tour community of Teslin invites visitors to discover the fascinating culture and history Highlightsof this tour include  A visit to the yukon Wildlife Gallery http://www.yukonadventures.com/adventures/ch007.html | |
44. ► Society And Culture [Yukon] - WorldSearch.com Today. Sunday, May 16, 2004 Happy Birthday Janet Jackson (1966).Home » yukon » Society and culture. http://ca.worldsearch.com/yukon/society_and_culture/ | |
45. Regional, North America, Canada, Yukon: Society And Culture Crisis in Children in Care in the yukon Deals with child advocacy, First Nationschild welfare and mental health needs of children and youth in the care of http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/Canada/Yukon/Society_and_Culture/ | |
46. Regional, North America, Canada, Yukon, Society And Culture: Ethnicity communities, governments and services, organizations, media, arts, culture, historyand yukon Advisory Council on First Nation Child Welfare Includes annual http://www.combose.com/Regional/North_America/Canada/Yukon/Society_and_Culture/E | |
47. Arctic & Northern Culture ExploreNorth the world s largest gateway to the circumpolar North, from artsand culture to science and tourism. yukonAlaska.com - yukon Alaska history http://www.formeraboutguides.com/arcticculture.htm | |
48. Culture And Language Other forces have worked to erode yukon First Nation cultural traditions.From 195060 governments and the churches combined their http://collections.ic.gc.ca/yukon/Land_Claims_Primer/Culture_and_Language/body_c | |
49. Cultural Travel - Yukon Archives - History Comes Alive yukon Transportation Museum Keno City Mining Museum George Johnston Museum TeslinTlingit Heritage of Art culture SS Klondike Fort Selkirk Campbell Region Int http://resolutionhost.com/TourYukon/english/CulturalTravel/attractions_att_yukar |
50. High Country Inn - Whitehorse History And Culture It isnÂt hard to discover history and culture in the yukon. Strolldown any streetÂfrom the paved sidewalks of Whitehorse to http://www.highcountryinn.yk.ca/activities/historyandculture.html | |
51. Society And Culture Yukon Canada North America Gould v. yukon Order of Pioneers www.lexum.umontreal.ca/cscscc/en/pub/1996/vol1/html/1996scr1_0571.htmlCanada yukon Society and culture. http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/North_America/Canada/Yukon/Soc | |
52. Canada Travel - Yukon Attractions Search Page Cultural events and historical museums and attractions allow the visitor to experiencethe spirituality that defines the yukon s First Nations culture. http://www.canadatravel.ca/yu_att.asp | |
53. Yukon Job Futures Index NOC 5: Occupations In Art, Culture, Recreation And Sport Click here for Home Page. Occupational Profiles, 5, Occupations in Art, culture,Recreation and Sport. 512, Writing, Translating Public Relations Professionals. http://workfutures.yk.ca/frames/5___ey10.html | |
54. Wilderness Tourism Association Of The Yukon (WTAY) WTAY would like to acknowledge the assistance of the yukon Government sDepartment of Tourism and culture in the development of this code. http://www.wtay.com/codeOfConduct.aspx | |
55. THE 14 COMMUNITIES The participants in these businesses go away with a better understanding/knowledgeof the yukon First Nation culture and traditional way of life. http://www.yfnta.org/todo/todo.htm | |
56. St. James Encyclopedia Of Pop Culture Alaska-Yukon Exposition You are Here Articles St. James Encyclopedia of Pop culture Article. AlaskaYukonExposition Gale Encyclopedia of Popular culture by David Holloway. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/g1epc/tov/2419100018/p1/article.jhtml |
57. Yukon Territory Culture Clickable world maps leading to the universities, colleges, educational systems, area photographs, cultures, travel opportunities and more of cities, http://www.davchi2000.addr.com/popup/canada/yukon/yukon.html |
58. Experiences - Culture - Visual Arts Art and culture, where wilderness excursions become bivouacking painting, drawingand photography classes. Turning to a more urban setting, the yukon Permanent http://www.travelcanada.ca/tc_redesign/app/en/ca/experiences.do?catId=41&provinc |
59. Experiences - Culture - Museums Museums in the yukon. The yukon Territory still reverberates with thecry of GOLD! first heard on the banks of Bonanza Creek in 1898. http://www.travelcanada.ca/tc_redesign/app/en/ca/experiences.do?catId=37&provinc |
60. Blair-Smith Address On 10th Anniversary Of Ayamdigut Campus, Yukon College. In the course curriculum I see offerings of native language instruction, northernstudies courses focusing on yukon First Nations culture and history, and many http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/college/blairsmith.htm | |
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