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81. Xtra.ca Features PRINCE GEORGE SUICIDE TRIGGERS youth activism By Robin Perelle After years of homophobia in school and on the streets, after leaving his hometown in search of http://www.xtra.ca/site/toronto2/html/suicide.shtm&e=747 |
82. NCADP National Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty youth activism MAKES A DIFFERENCE! It makes a difference In 1997, students at Tougaloo College rallied on their campus and http://www.ncadp.org/youth_activism.html&e=747 |
83. AWID - How Can We Increase Youth Activism Around H... How can we increase youth activism around HIV/AIDS issues? By awid. 158 views so far. Interivew with Sisonke Msimang, a Masters http://www.awid.org/go.php?stid=102&e=747 |
84. Error... Approaches to Youth Empowerment and youth activism. youth activism 101. Key Points discuss how to effectively do youth activism that will help your cause. http://ncth.confex.com/ncth/2003/techprogram/paper_8456.htm&e=747 | |
85. The Year In Youth Activism (News) Julie Madsen The Year in youth activism ÂBy Julie Madsen. September 25, 2002 Issue The Year in youth activism. B ecause most media have http://www.utne.com/webwatch/2002_198/news/3109-1.html&e=747 |
86. The Daily Beacon Online - Community Classes Offered War awakens youth activism The Associated Press, Volume 92 Number 46 Tuesday, March 25, 2003. http://dailybeacon.utk.edu/article.php/9673&e=747 | |
87. ACLU Of Michigan - ACLU Announces 2003 Youth Activism College ACLU Announces 2003 youth activism College Scholarship Recipient. Student Rights March 31, 2003 Press Release. DETROIT Â A Birmingham http://www.aclumich.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=285&e=747 |
88. Sorensen Institute - In The News SORENSEN HOME. Program to galvanize youth activism. By Kate Andrews / Daily Progress staff writer March 7, 2004 Daily Progress In http://www.sorenseninstitute.org/NEWS/Youth%20Programs030704.php&e=747 |
89. Civil Liberties Task Force youth activism College Chapters. The ACLU of Massachusetts through its Bill of Rights Education Project has supported youth activism http://www.aclu-mass.org/Youth_Activism_and_College_Chapters.htm&e=747 |
90. NorFilly Online Magazine :: View Forum - Youth Activism/Leadership youth activism/Leadership Moderator norfilly Users browsing this forum None, http://norfilly.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=17&e=747 |
91. WIRETAP - Youth In Pursuit Of The Dirty Truth An independent information source for socially concious youth with articles and information about youth rights and activism. http://www.wiretapmag.org/ | |
92. United American Youth Liberalists The United American youth Liberalists is a unification working diligently to push for more youth rights and activism in government. Newly added and revised Bill of Beliefs included. http://uayl.freeservers.com | |
93. Youth Voice Raleigh youthrun radio and activism from Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina. http://www.mindspring.com/~yvr/ | |
94. Washington Youth Voice Directory Includes opportunities for youth voice to be heard through activism, government, and nonprofit organizations throughout Washington state. http://freechild.org/WYVD.htm | |
95. MADD Online Youth Activist Simon Goldfine youth Activist Simon Goldfine. http://www.madd.org/activism/0,1056,4032,00.html&e=747 | |
96. Verge Magazine Magazine for Canadian students considering their options after high school or university. Articles and resources cover adventurous careers, educational opportunities and youth programs such as exchanges, travel, volunteering, activism. http://www.vergemagazine.ca/ | |
97. Youth & Student Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament Section of CND which unites young people and students of all ages in the campaign for nuclear disarmament and other peace activism. Information on current campaigns, diary of past events, activism resources, and upcoming events. http://www.youthstudentcnd.org.uk | |
98. WHO: The Tobacco Atlas History of tobacco, types of use, male and female smoking, youth, cigarette consumption, health effects, secondhand smoke, deaths, costs; the trade, the industry, smuggling, tobacco promotion and marketing, Internet sales, politics; activism, research, tobacco control, policy initiatives; quitting, litigation, pricing, and futures. http://www.who.int/tobacco/statistics/tobacco_atlas/en/ | |
99. Campaign For Labor Rights: The Grassroots Mobliizing Department Of The U.S. Anti A labor organization which specializes in the struggles of workers in sweatshops. Provides labor updates on Nike, Disney, Guess, Child Labor (including the Rugmark and FoulBall campaign), Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, United States (esp. Farm Workers and Poultry Processing Workers), youth and Campus activism, and various Policy Issues. http://campaignforlaborrights.org/ | |
100. SMYAL | Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League Dedicated to meeting the needs of youth ages 1321 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex, as well as those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Includes programs, activism and volunteer opportunities. http://www.smyal.org/ |
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