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1. YOUTH ACTIVISM PROJECT National Clearinghouse youth activism PROJECT national clearinghouse encourages youth to participate in public policy decisionmaking on health, educational, environmental, crime and other community problems. by the next generation is not as difficult as you might expect. youth activism is your youth advocate resource center About This Clearinghouse. youth activism PROJECT, P.O http://www.youthactivism.com/ | |
2. YOUTH ACTIVISM PROJECT National Clearinghouse youth activism PROJECT national clearinghouse encourages youth to participate in public policy decisionmaking on health, educational, environmental, crime and http://www.youthactivism.com/&e=747 |
3. Youth Activism - Success Stories Click here to order this PSA video from youth activism Project. Click here order this PSA video from youth activism Project. DISCRIMINATION RACISM. http://www.youthactivism.com/content.php?ID=1&e=747 |
4. YouthShakers Youth Activism YouthShakers, youth activism Information and resources for young people working in the field of sexualth health. This section focuses on youth activism. sexual health. youth activism. peer education. young leaders. youth activism Read about youth activism at the XIV International AIDS Conference in Barcelona, Spain http://www.youthshakers.org/youthactivism |
5. Youth Activism youth activism. YOUTH CAMPUS ACTIVISM. Updated February 2, 2002 Students organizing for the Earth, ongoing environmental campaigns. Global Youth Action Network http://www.linkcrusader.com/youth.htm | |
6. WIRETAP - Youth In Pursuit Of The Dirty Truth CoMotion works to build youth activism by providing training and technical assistance to youth led efforts on the issue of gun violence across the country. http://www.wiretapmag.org/youth_activism.html&e=747 |
7. MADD Online: Youth Activism Issues Positions. Guide to Congress. Activism Resources. youth activism. Alcohol and Traffic Safety Laws. Find out which laws are in each state using MADD's online database. NHTSA's Legislative Tracking Database home ». Activism ». youth activism. Spanish articles / ArtÃculos en Español http://www.madd.org/activism/0,1056,4798,00.html | |
8. MADD Online Youth Activism Youth In Action. MADD s communitybased partnership with concerned youth to combat underage drinking. What is youth advocacy? Being http://www.madd.org/activism/0,1056,4798,00.html&e=747 | |
9. Youth-Led Social Activism Adult Allies. Adultism. Agriculture. AntiRacism. Arts. Conferences and Events. Deschooling/Unschooling. Educators Allying with Students. Community Allies for Student Voice. Community Youth Involvement. Environmental Activism. Ephebiphobia These are progressive youth-led or youth-focused activism organizations, websites, and resources that conduct or promote youth activism for broad social justice http://www.freechild.org/youth_activism_2.htm | |
10. AFSC Issue Index Information On Youth Activism Issue Index youth activism. Articles, reports, and other materials on youth activism. Also see AFSC programs addressing this http://www.afsc.org/issues/index/youact.asp |
11. Youth Activism youth activism. youth activism is all around us and, thanks to the Internet, is growing worldwide. Just some of the activism sites are listed on the left. http://www.tcfn.org/youth/Activism.html&e=747 |
12. Funding Youth Activism & Social Change The matching challenge grants will help youth turn their vision into action by providing the cash they need have a commitment to youthled activism. Youth, working with adult allies http://www.freechild.org/funds4progress.htm | |
13. OneWorld US Special Report OneWorld US Special Report youth activism and Global Engagement Part I. This report attempts to document, rather than champion, globally minded youth activism. http://www.benton.org/publibrary/oneworldus/aron/aron1.html&e=747 |
14. Prison Activist Resource Center Youth Also see our special page on the Week of Rage, February 25th, 2000 youth activism and the Criminalization of Youth. Following is http://www.prisonactivist.org/youth/&e=747 |
15. CorpWatch.org - Research - Hot Links - Student/Youth Activism Go to CorpWatch Homepage. Home Research Hot Links Student/youth activism. RESEARCH TOOLS Hot Links. Student/youth activism. NGOs. http://www.corpwatch.org/research/PRL.jsp?topicid=32&e=747 |
16. CorpWatch: Links Home » Links, EMail Page. Links. Student/youth activism. NGOs. Security, Socially Responsible Investment, Student/youth activism, Sweatshops, The Corporate Planet, http://www.corpwatch.org/links.php?linktype=32&e=747 |
17. Youth Activism youth activism. YOUTH CAMPUS ACTIVISM Updated February 2, 2002. My Voice Counts Advocates for Youth, activist action kit, petitions, facts figures. http://www.linkcrusader.com/youth.htm&e=747 |
18. Amnesty International USA Youth Activist Kollege GET INVOLVED. More youth activism; Join Amnesty. STAY INFORMED. YOUTH ACTIVIST KOLLEGE. Attention Amnesty International Students Get your YAKtivist groove on! http://www.amnestyusa.org/yak/&e=747 |
19. Canadian Dimension Youth Activism At The Crossroads youth activism at the crossroads where next for anticapitalism? Canadian Dimension youth activism, of course, is nothing new. In the http://www.canadiandimension.mb.ca/v36/v36_1jh.htm&e=747 |
20. Youth-Led Social Activism social justice. youth activism Organizations. Youth Empowerment Center. The Freechild Project Funds for youth activism page. (Website) Includes http://www.freechild.org/youth_activism_2.htm&e=747 |
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