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41. World Report 367 -- March 2002 #32 yemen government approves importation of Bibles. RUWI, Oman  Ina recent breakthrough for Bible work in Yemen, the government http://www.biblesociety.org/wr_367/367_32.htm | |
42. SearchBug Directory: Regional: Middle_East: Yemen: Government: Embassies_and_Con Embassies and Consulates, Regional Middle East Yemen Government Embassiesand Consulates, Go to Directory Home. Categories. Abroad (6) Foreign (2). http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Regional/Middle_East/Yemen/Government/Em | |
43. Best Of The Web Directory - Regional > Middle East > Yemen > Government Match all words. Include results with mature content. Help. Sponsor This Category.Top Regional Middle_East yemen government Popular Categories. http://botw.org/top/Regional/Middle_East/Yemen/Government/ | |
44. Lukol Directory - Regional Middle East Yemen Government The Survey Authority of Yemen Information about the Government Agency for Mappingand Land Registration, its services and products. Includes contact details. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Regional/Middle_East/Yemen/Government/ | |
45. IMRA - Monday, July 29, 2002 O God, Destroy The Jews O God Monday, July 29, 2002. O God, destroy the Jews O God, destroy the Christians Friday 26 July Sermon on yemen government TV. http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=12956 |
46. Amnesty International: Yemen News yemen government must investigate deaths of protesters Mar 20, 2003. yemen governmentfails to live up to its commitments to protect human rights Jun 28, 1999. http://www.amnestyusa.org/countries/yemen/news.do | |
47. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Yemen Attacks Al-Qaida The yemen government, which has been tolerant of alQaida forces in itscountry in the past, was forced to make a choice after September 11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,1284,620917,00.html | |
48. Embassy Of Yemen - Issues Of Interest:Â Humanitarian Mine Action In Yemen yemen government considers this issue one of its major tasks and realizes thedanger that this deadly weapon can have on people s lives and properties. http://www.yemenembassy.org/issues/mines/ | |
49. Nexen Inc. The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) governing the Masila Project was signed withthe yemen government in March 1987 with the first exploratory well drilled http://www.nexeninc.com/Operations/International/yemen.asp | |
50. CPJ Protests yemen government continues to harass independent press. http://www.cpj.org/protests/99ltrs/Yemen20Sept99.html | |
51. The Yemeni State: Government And Constitution The prime minister biographical notes. Current government ministers (yemen Gateway).Current government ministers (CIA). Previous government (19982001). http://www.al-bab.com/yemen/gov/gov.htm | |
52. CIA - The World Factbook -- Yemen West Bank. Western Sahara. World. yemen. Zambia. Zimbabwe. Taiwan. yemen in 1967 from what became South yemen. Three years later, the southern government adopted a Marxist orientation http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ym.html | |
53. CNN.com - U.S. Lets Scud Ship Sail To Yemen - Dec. 12, 2002 U.S. officials allowed a freighter with 15 Scud missiles aboard to proceed to yemen Wednesday after the yemeni government said it purchased the missiles from North Korea. coalition authorities gave yemen's government the opportunity to deny the allegations. yemen has played a http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/east/12/11/us.missile.ship | |
54. Yemen News, Weather And Basic Information Features news, archives, weather updates, general information on government, economy, transportation, culture and environment. Also includes maps, statistics and links of interest. http://www.al-bab.com/yemen/ | |
55. Central Bank Of Yemen Currency and policy information from the official clearing house for commercial banks and government banking entity. Also features statistics, publications and a coin gallery. http://www.centralbank.gov.ye/ |
56. Yemen Economic Corporation government organization serving various sectors of the economy in order to contribute to the development of the nation. Includes a profile, objectives, group subsidiaries and briefs on activities. http://www.yecoyemen.com |
57. Gary Leupp: The War On Terrorism In Yemen A comment on the situation in yemen and the relations between the government and the USgovernment, by Gary Leupp. Counterpunch, US. http://www.counterpunch.org/leupp0520.html | |
58. Current Government Of Yemen: List Of Ministers Current government of yemen. Click here for PREVIOUS LIST. PresidentAli Abdullah Salih (GPC). Vicepresident Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi (GPC). http://www.al-bab.com/yemen/gov/gov1.htm | |
59. CNN.com - Eight Of Escaped Cole Bombing Suspects Recaptured Eight of 10 suspects in the 2000 bombing of a U.S. Navy destroyer who escaped from jail nearly a year ago have been recaptured, the government said Tuesday. http://us.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/03/16/yemen.cole.suspects.ap/index.html |
60. Yemen Profile: Government in yemen s first local elections, held in February 2001; these local elections aimto decentralize political power and are a key element of the government s http://www.nationmaster.com/country/ym/Government | |
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