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61. Ethnologue Sierra Leone Dialects NORTHERN LIMBA (WARAWARA, KEWOYA-yaka), SOUTHERN LIMBA (BIRIWA-SAROKO-KALANTUBA-SUNKO). The people are 6% literate. indigenous script. http://www.christusrex.org/www3/ethno/Sier.html |
62. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY--TO BE CONTD--AAAS 342 of divinatory utterance in the yaka milieu (Zaire). Gaba , Christian R. Scriptures of an African people. gifts and diversities of indigenous African Churches http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/avorgbedor1/342bib1.htm | |
63. African Statues, Sculptures, Figures, Fetishes Westernstyle nuclear family, and indigenous movements aimed The Bakongo/Kongo people created the famous nail The yaka figures contain the magical substances http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/nieuwenhuysen/african-art/african-art-collection-sta |
64. African Spirituality virtualisation involved is that all people involved, also parallels among the North American indigenous population; cf et le devin dans la culture yaka au Zaïre http://www.meta-religion.com/World_Religions/Articles/african_spirituality.htm | |
65. ICCAF - Sudan - News April 2002 alleged forcible displacement of the indigenous population from every place we visited, the people spoke with Commander Peter Gadeat yaka of the Western Upper http://www.web.net/~iccaf/humanrights/sudaninfo/newsapril02.htm | |
66. :: Brokenhill.Co.Zm - To Live, To Love, To Live A Legacy :: when the rewards in our own indigenous music were who interacted with many kinds of people in his A Phiri anabwera), Julizya Band (Tai yaka), Simon Hamuchemba http://www.brokenhill.co.zm/26/obituary_chris_chali.shtml | |
67. News1 is a mighty move of God amongst the indigenous forest people church a month among the Yako Hojo people of Bandundu one church a month among the yaka Holo people http://www.wheelsforgod.org.za/newsletters/news01.htm | |
68. African Art Mask you tromp or ceremonial horn; Bayaka mask; Lobi body, African masks are mobile in their indigenous settings, country Mali; people Dogon; medium Wood, raffia http://www.world-art-resources.com/african_art_mask.html | |
69. Notoratie R., 1994, Ndembu, Luunda and yaka divination compared Christian, Greek, Islamic, Jewish, indigenous and Asian of Greek philosophy, but the people of North http://www.shikanda.net/general/gen3/notorati.htm | |
70. Cultures Do Not Exist Part V R., 1994, ÂNdembu, Luunda and yaka divination compared of Greek philosophy, but the people of North H., 1990b, ed., Sage philosophy indigenous thinkers and http://www.shikanda.net/general/gen3/invoeg_15_mei_99/cultures5.htm | |
71. Dr. Walter Andritzky Translate this page in a Healing Community for People with Cancer in Nepal * L. Yang-ching Cheng indigenous Chinese Psychotherapy The Birth of Uterine Discourse (yaka, Congo) Â E http://www.andritzky-online.de/IIKT_jahrbuch.htm | |
72. BANTU LANGUAGES a somewhat archaic Bantu dialect, indigenous probably to are colonies of Swahilispeaking people at Mombasa Kwango (Babuma, Bahuana, Bambata, Ba-yaka, Bakutu, c http://55.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BANTU_LANGUAGES.htm | |
73. African Art Course Slide List - Bowles Metropolitan Mus., NY (M41). indigenous West African women. ca. 1970s. Kongo. Nail Fetish figure. Vili or Yombe people, Kongo. Zaire. yaka Fetish. c.1890. http://members.aol.com/GRBowles/art-hist/af-slide-list.html | |
74. Wakaya Club: Fiji Islands: Romantic Wakaya Club Vacations, Wakaya Club Honeymoon handwoven bamboo wallcovering and gleaming yaka plank floors. Native songfests and weekly indigenous dances accompany the 5 nights, Maximum 6 people Note All http://www.travelwizard.com/fiji/WakayaClub_Overview.html | |
75. Eugenio Matibag Calabar City on the Cross River has its own indigenous name, Obyo 167f.) is that Bakongo people had already begun to be missionized by Ediciones yaka, La Habana http://www.afrocubaweb.com/eugeniomatibag.htm | |
76. Catalogue Q176 indigenous and many of the naturalised nonindigenous species of the new order, who are the people that serve GARA-yaka S DOMAIN A study of cheetah and other http://www.fables.co.za/q176.html | |
77. AnthroGlobe Bibliography: Time SpaceTime The Case of the yaka of Zaire indigenous Ideas of Order, Time, and Transition in a New of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. http://coombs.anu.edu.au/Biblio/biblio_time1.html | |
78. Vigilance Soudan command center, by Peter Gatdet yaka, a commander the North), access by displaced people to available oil development are accruing to indigenous communities in http://www.vigilsd.org/Petrol/rep1001.html | |
79. Syllabus HSSC305 and Traditional Organization of indigenous Healers in Recommended readings Juhani Koponen, People and Production in Healing Cult among the yaka (University of http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/hss2/hss/courses/hss305.html | |
80. FILIP DE BOECK & RENE DEVISCH of exegetical meaning, from questioning indigenous informants about relationships between bodies, people and the Ngoombu Divination Paraphernalia of the yaka. http://www.era.anthropology.ac.uk/Era_Resources/Era/Divination/boeck.html | |
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