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81. Areas Of Law Internet and new technology law; law in cyberspaceNew Developments. Torts. CLRCDefamation Report (NSW). Year 2000 (also known as the Millennium Bug and y2k). http://www.infoessentials.com/areasoflaw.htm | |
82. Into Tomorrow: March 14th, 1999 - Technology Law & Y2K March 14 th , 1999 Technology law y2k. For more information relating to thisparticular program, please contact our Senior Producer Steve Zeigler. http://www.graveline.com/nav99/031499.html | |
83. News Release: Connecticut Police Chief To Testify On Y2K And Law Enforcement - S FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 27, 1999. CONNECTICUT POLICE CHIEF TOTESTIFY ON y2k AND law ENFORCEMENT. WASHINGTON, DC US Senator http://www.senate.gov/~y2k/news/pr990427C.htm | |
84. Richard C. Balough - Attorney At Law readiness of their computers and systems in light of the y2k problem without undueconcern about litigation. Such potential litigation, the law found, was http://www.balough.com/writings/legcaps.asp | |
85. OJR Article: Millennial Law Enforcement: Y2K Terror As The FBI Confronts Armaged Given the paranoia surrounding the millennium and y2k, officials and law enforcementagencies need to think very hard about how their statements and actions http://ojr.org/ojr/business/1017966489.php | |
86. Pirate Radio > Y2K Pirates - UK Pirate Radio Database > The Law The law. At this time, this page only contains part 8 of the 1990Broadcasting act (I have only included part 8 as the other parts http://www.y2kpirates.co.uk/law.php | |
87. Law Firms Need Y2K-compliant Time, Billing Software Programs - 1998-10-26 - The law firms need y2kcompliant time, billing software programs. law firms shouldact quickly to determine if their computer systems are fully y2k-compliant. http://www.bizjournals.com/albany/stories/1998/10/26/focus3.html | |
88. INDUSTRYWEEK: LEADERSHIP IN MANUFACTURING -- NEWS ITEM -- Law To Protect Y2K Col Daily News Page. Capital Wire 10 . 8 . 1998, law To Protect y2k CollaborationApplauded. Industry lobbyists are celebrating the recent http://www.industryweek.com/DailyPage/newsitem.asp?id=843 |
89. QUICKnotes: Y2K-Related Insurance Coverage Complaints: Insurance Law:Â January 1 QUICKnotes y2kRelated Insurance Coverage Complaints Insurance law January18, 2000 by Holland Knight LLP. Site Search HKlaw Home, Home, About Us, http://www.hklaw.com/Publications/Newsletters.asp?ID=116&Article=579 |
90. Law Office Computing - February/March 1999 Table Of Contents on y2k legal issues; 7 sites that provide government guidelines on y2k issues. ImmigrationLaw Interactive Drafting System 2.0 from Matthew Bender; MacImmForm 2.1 http://www.lawofficecomputing.com/issues/fm99/FM_TOC.htm | |
ÂâÂÃÂêÂéÂéÂÃÂÃÂÃÂC The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.law.co.jp/okamura/jyouhou/y2k/y2kp.htm | |
92. WorldNetDaily: Y2K And Martial Law y2k and martial law © 1998 WorldNetDaily.com. After all, it s not me who israising the ugly specter of martial law in the context of the y2k crisis. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=14635 |
93. What Side-effects Will Result From This Flu Shot? - Y2K Act Signed Into Law Even as President Clinton signed the y2k Act into law on 21 July 1999 heexpressed concerns that unscrupulous defendants could misuse the law. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/law/st_org/iptf/headlines/content/1999102501.html | |
94. University Of Oregon School Of Law - MegaLaw.com Links By Topic Workers Comp law; Year 2000 (y2k) law; Zoning law. University of OregonSchool of law, 1515 Agate St, Eugene, OR, 97403 Phone (541) 3463852. http://www.law.uoregon.edu/resources/mega.php |
95. CRN | Clinton Signs Y2K Act Into Limits Claims, Establishes Waiting Period For Litigation Clinton Signs Y2KAct Into law Legislation First To Be Electronically Signed And Emailed. http://www.crn.com/sections/BreakingNews/dailyarchives.asp?ArticleID=7687 |
96. Protecting Large Law Firms From Y2K: The Obvious And Not-So-Obvious Protecting Large law Firms from y2k The Obvious and NotSo-Obvious. LiquidityExposures. Anther significant y2k threat to law firms is liquidity. http://parsifal.membrane.com/y2k/lawtecha.htm | |
97. Y2K Plus Five--The Near Term Future Of Law Enforcement Therefore, it is my sense that y2k will pass without any serious problem for lawenforcement exceptperhapshow to pay for the overtime expended on a non http://www.neiassociates.org/y2k.htm | |
98. LLRX--ResearchWire: Year 2000: Millenium Milestone Or Mishap? Com.Links Magazine Bill Cook s y2k Resource Links. Copyright © 19962004,LLRX.com - The Online Power of law, law Library Resource Xchange, LLC. http://www.llrx.com/columns/y2k.htm | |
99. Wired News Y2K Conspiracy Goes Mainstream group, legislators and lawyers warned that President Clinton could see y2k disruptionsas a convenient excuse to call out the troops and declare martial law. http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/ytwok/story/20751.html |
100. IP: US Legislators Warn Of Y2K Martial Law Subject IP US legislators warn of y2k martial law. From Dave Farber farber@cis.upenn.edu ; Date Thu, 15 Jul 1999 155705 0400. http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/199907/msg00023.ht | |
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