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Wyoming Education Staff Development: more detail |
41. Social Studies Development Center The resources of the wyoming Bar Association allowed Hannah Leiterman is a staff associate of the American Bar Association s Division of Public education. http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/summitdig.htm | |
42. BHSU Faculty Profiles Leonard A. Austin, Assistant Professor, education. Ed.D. 1992 University of wyoming. education. staff development. Classroom management. education. Office Jonas 226. http://www.departments.dsu.edu/educate/EDC/ProfileBHSU.htm | |
43. Learning & Leadership Network technology  Using technology to assess staff skills to facilitate professional development. The content of the wyoming education Leadership Academy (WELA http://lln-dev.hprtec.org/wyominggo.html | |
44. Professional Development Resource Guide Series 149 County Professional staff development Councils (5500 Board, Restructuring Teacher education and Licensing in wyoming, Rules and Regulations Governing http://www.state.nj.us/njded/profdev/rdirectory.htm | |
45. Staff Biographies And Personal Histories Of The Staff At Investment Exchange Gro Arizona Warren H. Mee wyoming Bill Twichell realtors and presenting seminars for continuing education. programs as well as staff development, training programs http://vme.net/ixg1031/staff.html | |
46. NetDay Compass: Category Page scoring guide on technology plans from the wyoming Department of education. which was written to guide instruction, staff development, purchases and http://www.netdaycompass.org/categories.cfm?instance_id=45&category_id=1 |
47. State Efforts from the superintendent to the classroom teacher and support staff. joined forces to offer professional development for under wyoming education Gateway, WedGate. http://www.teacherquality.us/Public/PromisingPractices.asp?PPCategoryID=6 |
48. Michael's Resume and supervision of staff, development of operational Fellow, Department of Physical education, University of Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), Lander, wyoming. http://www.uoregon.edu/~opp/michael.htm | |
49. Somerville, TX - Education TAMU/SJHS and the University of wyoming. Media/Library Grant Educational Technology Implementation Inclusion grant for staff development Multimedia materials http://www.rtis.com/reg/somerville/educat.htm | |
50. TC 98: State Policies On Planning, Funding, Standards, And Best Practices state requires that teacher education programs incorporate technology. No. wyoming requires district technology plans to address staff development, but leaves http://www.edweek.org/sreports/tc98/states/wy.htm | |
51. Wyoming STATE SOCIAL STUDIES CONTACT Judith A. Kishman staff development Program Manager wyoming State Department of education 2300 Capitol Ave. http://www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/cs4survey/wyoming.html | |
52. MPAETC Centers Program development and Presentation The staff at the wyoming AETC has We can help arrange speakers and continuing education credits for programs in your http://www.uchsc.edu/mpaetc/mpaetc_centers.htm | |
53. ALA | LAMA HRS Staff Development Clearinghouse This Clearinghouse is composed of a variety of materials collected from all types of libraries throughout the United States. The materials included consist of staff development and Personnel A "model" staff development/Continuing education policy statement http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Our_Association/Divisions/LAMA/LAMA_Co | |
54. Serving The Schools Of Lackawanna, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne, And Wyoming Countie the Pennsylvania Department of education, and processes and maintains financial transactions and records respectively. Various staff development programs are http://ns.neiu.k12.pa.us/WWW/NEIU/primresnetwrk.html | |
55. Serving The Schools Of Lackawanna, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne, And Wyoming Countie 830 300 PM. 19. Special education staff Meeting. Dr. Lamanna. 1130 - 100 PM. 19. LEA Meeting. Dr. Lamanna. 100 - 400 PM. 22. EI staff development Day. K. Bonomo. http://ns.neiu.k12.pa.us/WWW/NEIU/whatsnew.html | |
56. Fremont County BOCES OF THE STATE OF wyoming PROFESSIONAL TEACHING high school diploma or General Educational development (GED) Certificate hours of approved staff development work http://www.fcboces.org/staffdevelopment.asp | |
57. College Of Education University of wyoming Chapter of the Association for encourages the professional development of undergraduate and graduate students in education. http://ed.uwyo.edu/web/student_groups.html | |
58. State Of Wyoming - Elected Officials Trent is a member of the wyoming Association of development, the National Council of staff development, and the International Educational Facility Planners http://wyoming.gov/state/government/elected_officials/elected_officials.asp | |
59. TaskStream the online portal of the wyoming Department of of Webbased educational tools for tool categories Communication Tools, staff development Tools, Curriculum http://www.taskstream.com/pub/news.asp | |
60. Studytime A Z Links. Trinity College Dublin. staff development (user name and pass word required). www Services Educational and Universities. wyoming State Board of http://www.studytime.homestead.com/ | |
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