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2. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : K-M of wyoming S131.M64 MP Univ Arkansas coop ext Serv* MP University of Arkansas,cooperative extension service 275.29 AR4MI MP Univ Mo ext Div* MP - University http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji95/abrtij.htm | |
3. Abbreviated Titles 1996 : M S131.M64. MP Coll Agric coop ext Serv Univ Wy* MP College of Agriculture,cooperative extension service, Univ. of wyoming NAL call no. - S131.M64. http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/abrtim.htm | |
4. Members Of WIN Wyoming Division of Kinesiology and Health, University of wyoming Jane Wolery, MS, extensionEducator, Montana State University. coop. ext. service, Choteau, MT Kathy http://www.uwyo.edu/winwyoming/members.html | |
5. PENNSYLVANIA LOCAL COMMUNITY wgordon.@pa.nrcs.usda.gov. wyoming Co. service Ctr. coop. ext. One Courthouse Square Karen Bracey. coop. ext. ( 570)8363196 http://www.fsa.usda.gov/PA/CFSI-loc.htm | |
6. UW Cooperative Extension Service cooperative. extension. servicewyoming State 4H Office coop ext serviceThe State 4-H Wool Judging Contest was held at. the Sleepy Hollow Community Center in Gillette, wyoming on http://www.fiberpipe.net/~sherfair/pdfs/anscinews-july-02.pdf |
7. UW Cooperative Extension Service UW cooperative. extension. servicewyoming State 4H OfficeP County, UW coop ext serviceThe Platte River Roundup Jackpot Show and. Nutritional Clinics will be held at the wyoming http://www.fiberpipe.net/~sherfair/pdfs/anscinews-june-02.pdf |
8. National Weather Service Forecast Office - Riverton, WY > High Country Observer Congratulations to the following coop observers and sites for grid of points coveringwest and central wyoming. cunningham@noaa.gov Phone (307) 8573898 ext. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/riw/high.htm | |
9. Prime And Unique Agricultural Lands And The National Environmental Policy Act (N Dir., coop. ext. Mr. Lester N. Liebel ext. 53711, Mr. Robert W. Cobb Assistant StateConservationist Soil Conservation service PO Box 2440 Casper, wyoming 82601. http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/exec81180.html | |
10. WESTERN REGION STATE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE EXTENSION COORDINATORS Rick Gibson. Univ Ariz. coop. ext. 820 E Montana State Univ. ext. service. P.O. Box 172230 wyoming. Michael Smith. University of wyoming. P.O. Box 3354, University Station http://www.sare.org/htdocs/sare/Western.htm |
11. California Section Of The Society For Range Management 345415 Advantages and Disadvantages of 2,4-D and Tebuthiuron for Controlof Big Sagebrush in wyoming. Tom D. Whitson, coop. ext. service, Dept. http://www.casrm.org/Hawaii02.shtml | |
12. Tourism: The Economic Impact Of Visitors To Your Community Harry B. Burcalow, Washington State University; Jim DeBree, University of wyoming. isbased upon work supported by the Extension service, US Department of http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/WREP-144.html | |
13. Volunteer Observer Coordinators Coordinator Tony Bergantino University of wyoming antonius@uwyo phone 970 3465571rmeyer@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Denver Water Department service Area Chris Call http://ccc.atmos.colostate.edu/~hail/observers/coord.htm |
14. FSCPE Contacts 9825581 Cooper Center for Public service University of Capitol Ave., Suite 206 Cheyenne,wyoming 82002-0060 Aguirre (SDC, E) .787) 728-4430 ext. http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
15. National Park Service - Nature & Science: Biologic Resources these areas, have been reported from Washington DC, Arizona, California, Florida,New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and wyoming (Gladney 1972 coop ext. http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/ipm/manual/spiders.htm | |
16. National Park Service - Nature & Science: Biologic Resources Mechanical Control Use of controlled burning has been attempted in North Dakotaand in wyoming. ext. Bull. No. w465., 14 Agr 12 coop. ext. Serv., Univ. http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/ipm/manual/spurge.htm | |
17. ASAE Employers Around Arkansas coop ext service, PO Box 30 Augusta, AR 72006, coop ext service, PO Box 391 LittleRock, AR 72203, Louis, MO 63103, AnheuserBusch Companies, 1101 wyoming Street St. http://www.baeg.engr.uark.edu/corporate/ASAE_employers.html |
18. Lukol Directory - Science Agriculture Education Cooperative Extension http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/. of Florida cooperative extension service Provides information Universityof wyoming cooperative extension service Offers research http://www.lukol.com/Top/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
19. State Coordinators Joel Flagler, Ag./Resource Mgmt. Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty. Of Vermontext. service 157 Old Guildford Road, 4 Brattleboro, VT. 05301. wyoming. http://hcs.osu.edu/mg/img/coordinators.html | |
20. Assets Across America: State Asset Networks Univ. of Arkansas coop ext. The site provides information on after school activitiesas well as youth service opportunities available in the area. wyoming http://www.ctassets.org/aaa/statenetworks.cfm | |
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