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21. Teaching Writing With The Internet For TEFL/ESL How to teach writing using the Internet. Agata ZiebaWarcholak. Computer-based language learning is getting more and more popular. http://www.onestopenglish.com/News/Magazine/Archive/teachingwriting_internet.htm | |
22. BBC - Get Writing - The Craft - A1165781 Writers teach the craft of writing. Part of the BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/getwriting/thecraft | |
23. WRITING SPACES: USING MOOS TO TEACH COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE writing SPACES USING MOOs TO teach COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE. Abstract This article represents what I would call a Defense and Illustration of MOOBased English Pedagogy. After giving a brief http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/1.2/coverweb/Harris/contents.htm | |
24. The Wonderful Writing Skills Unhandbook An interactive site that uses the writing process to teach writing skills. http://www.wonderfulwritingskillsunhandbook.com/ | |
25. Comedy Writing Comedy writing (teach Yourself). Comedy writing (teach Yourself) by Authors Jenny Roche Released December, 1999 ISBN 0844226831 Paperback Sales Rank 77,802, http://www.earth-religions.com/Comedy_Writing_Teach_Yourself_0844226831.html | |
26. DC Proof Online New proofwriting software to teach the fundamentals of logic and proof. Enables users/students to write error-free proofs by selecting rules of inference, axioms, etc. from convenient drop-down menus. Includes tutorial and exercises. http://www.dcproof.com | |
27. Rubric, Rubrics, Teacher Rubric Makers Make rubrics online for FREE! This rubric will help teachers assess elementary writing assignments. All rights reserved. teachnology - The Art and Science of teaching with Technology is a registered trademark. http://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/rubrics | |
28. K A I R O S: 1.2 Pedagogies in Virtual Spaces writing Classes in the MOO. Sharon Cogdill @go tuesday. Leslie Harris Using MOOs to teach Composition and Literature. http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/1.2/ | |
29. AVKO Dyslexia-Spelling Research Foundation The AVKO Dyslexia Research Foundation has been founded to help determine What dyslexia is, why traditional methods of teaching reading and writing fail to help most dyslexics learn to read and write. What techniques seem to the best to teach dyslexics, what concepts are necessary for a dyslexic to learn, and what materials work best with dyslexics. What is needed to be done to raise the level of literacy to the point where the words, illiteracy, phonemic awareness, learning disabilities, dysgraphia, family literacy, adult literacy, and illegible handwriting will no longer have relevance. http://www.avko.org | |
30. The Write Stuff! A Learning Aid Classroom Newspaper For Kids With Proficiency Te Newspaper which uses humor, puzzles and upto-date examples to teach the important strategies of good writing. http://www.writestuffnews.com/ | |
31. SoYouWanna Deliver An Effective Speech? This stepby-step article will teach you the tricks to delivering a solid speech. From writing, to practice, to vocal techniques, you'll never have to use that old picture them in their underwear trick again. http://www.soyouwanna.com/site/syws/speaking/speaking.html | |
32. Narrative Bibliography Sorted By Trait If you are linked to this page, or have this page bookmarked, you may want to switch to the link below Using Picture Books to teach Narrative writing. http://www.geocities.com/oberry1790/ | |
33. Kathleen Webb I have a background PR, but my true passion is writing. I teach workshops and courses to aspiring writers and am active in the Vancouver Island Chapter of the RWA. http://www.romantictimes.com/data/authors/3749.html | |
34. Resources For Teaching Writing -- About Creative Writing For Teens 9 to 12 provides a way to teach the elements of narrative poetry and the analysis of narrative poems, as well as introducing students to writing this genre. http://teenwriting.about.com/od/forteachers/ | |
35. Literacy Volunteers Of Rochester, Inc. (LVR) Offers free tutoring for adults in Basic Literacy and ESL/ESOL. Recruits and trains volunteer tutors to teach reading and writing of English. http://www.literacyrochester.org/ | |
36. Riggs Institute : Changing The Way People Think About Teaching Reading Nonprofit literacy agency. Provides basic skills program to teach listening, speaking, writing, spelling, and vocabulary development. http://www.riggsinst.org/ |
37. Tolerance.org: Teaching Toleance: Writing For Change: Introduction who is not? Teachers, students, trainers and others can use writing for Change to expose bias in language. And  you can discover http://www.tolerance.org/teach/expand/wfc/ | |
38. FAWproject Science, geography, and writing project intended to teach people about farming. Includes sites designed by kids in different regions of the world that give personal accounts of farming. http://www.benicia.k12.ca.us/henderson/fawproject.htm | |
39. Tolerance.org: Teaching Toleance: Writing For Change: Using This Guide When we first started working on writing for Change, we decided our first priority power, and discrimination you address in the classes you teach, groups you http://www.tolerance.org/teach/expand/wfc/wfc_usng4.html | |
40. Marketing Copywriting For Search Engine Rankings | Sacramento Region Copywriters Our seminars and workshops teach Strategic Document Development a unique method of writing tools for building outlines, sections, and paragraphs stepby-step. http://www.pantheonprose.com/ | |
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