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1. Stephie Smith's Writing Resources Net writing romance resources currently (5/15/03) has 104 web sites listed (with extracts) on anything you can think of that pertains to writing romance. http://www.stephiesmith.com/resources.html | |
2. Vanessa Grant Romance Writers Resources resources for Writers. and international lecturer Vanessa Grant is the author of 30 novels, and the critically acclaimed howto book, writing romance, now in http://www.vgrant.com/ | |
3. Resources For Romance Writers Sample query letter and synopsis for romance writers with hints on writing both, along with a list of writer's books, and links to resources for writers. http://www.geocities.com/charlottedillon2000/ | |
4. Writing Romance interaction. From the Heart Offers new romance writers, helpful articles and links to writing resources on the web. Happily Ever http://www.sliceofromance.com/write.html | |
5. Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links For Write Internet resources links to writers' resources on the internet - Fiction James D. MacDonald - Learn writing from Uncle Jim All About romance - romance Writers on writing romance. Charlotte http://www.internet-resources.com/writers/wrlinks-fiction.htm | |
6. Writers Write -- The Write Resource -- Books, Writing And Publishing Writers Write(R) is a professional resource for editors, journalists and writers which provides information, markets, job listings, writing news, events and discussion. the IWJ features interviews with bestselling romance novelist Stephanie Laurens, author of The to fiction markets, fiction writing resources, research resources and articles to help http://www.writerswrite.com/ | |
7. Romance Writing Resources - Learn How To Write Romance Novels And Become A Write romance writing resources to help you learn how to become a romance writer and write a novel. Find out how to publish your first romance book. Write romance http://www.romancenotes.com/write_romance.html | |
8. Dreamwater Free Web Space: ERROR 404 A site on the craft of writing romance and getting it published. Site contents consist of research resources for the writer, articles on writing romance, including paranormal, free software, forums, and chat. http://www.dreamwater.org/art/falconspen/romance.html | |
9. Reader's Anonymous - Links To Romance Authors Pages And Writer's Resources. General information, romance directory, and writing resources. http://www.readersanonymous.com | |
10. Romance Writing - Suite101.com Ideas, insights and more relating to writing romance and the romance genre. dewey decimal 808.385 Children's writing. Creative romance No. Inspirations of a Writer. Larry Low's Creative Writ. Nonfiction writing. Novel writing. Parents Addicted to Writi. Playwriting. Poetry and Society Today. resources http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/romance_writing | |
11. Indiana Romance Writers Of America Meets monthly in Indianapolis to raise the quality of romancewriting, educate, and bring together authors, editors, and agents for the mutual benefit of all. Site features members only section, news, calendar of events, contests, workshops, newsletter, writing tips and resources, and guestbook. http://home.insightbb.com/~irwa/ | |
12. Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links For Write Internet resources classified directory of links for writers research, markets, writing exercises, writing for children, genre fiction, copyright law, nonfiction, newsletters, journalism, Internet-resources.com. writing Links Links for Writers. Writers' resources on The Web and More Mystery/Crime Fiction ·. romance ·. SFF World Building http://www.internet-resources.com/writers | |
13. Slice Of Romance Author Connection resources For romance Writers. From the Heart Offers new romance writers, helpful articles and links to writing resources on the web. http://www.sliceofromance.com/authors.html | |
14. MSRW-Jackson Mississippi's official chapter of romance Writers of America. Contains information on workshops, contests, member pages, writing challenges, and resources for romance writers. http://members.tripod.com/MSRW-Jackson/ | |
15. RWASD: Romance Writers Of America, San Diego Chapter Provides support for writers within the romance publishing industry by promoting excellence and by helping writers become published. Includes chapter information, meeting details, member author biographies, and writing resources. http://www.rwasd.com/ | |
16. Genre Links Romance Writing Resources romance CentralA large page full of romance writing resources. Mystic Visions an interactive community and web resource for writers of Speculative romance. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/8584/genres/romance.html | |
17. Wisconsin Romance Writers Of America Web site of WisRWA, a group of romance authors and writers from Wisconsin. The site features conference and writing contest information, author news, writing resources, and previews of upcoming books by published members. http://eclectics.com/WisRWA | |
18. Romance Writing Links Children's Publishers and resources. romance writing Links. Greeting Western Historical resources. Inspirational romance resources. romance Publishers. Inspirational romance Publishers http://www.susettewilliams.com/Romance Links/romance_links.htm | |
19. Vanessa Grant Romance Writers Resources romance Writer's resources from Vanessa Grant. Vanessa's Writers Bookstore has a wide selection of resource books for writers, Canadian romance Novels, and books by Vanessa Grant. Writers Software features free templates and macros for writers, and the Dogwood Compendium of Names for character naming. This site also features writing Seminars on Tape, Events, resources for Research, Publisher and Authors' links. http://www.vgrant.com/homepage.html | |
20. Tips And Articles For Writers | Happily Ever After agents and the publishing industry, go to my writers resources page. Allure of the Cajun Hero by Michelle Jerott; writing Real Men in romance Fiction by http://www.teresciaharvey.com/hea/articles.html | |
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