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141. Under Construction Services include bookkeeping, business writing, database management, concierge services, document scanning, editing and proofreading, event planning, fundraising, and general office support. http://executivesecretaries.com | |
142. Internet Public Library: Writing Subjects covered include general writing Concerns; writing Research Papers CitingSources; writing in the Job Search; Professional writing; English as a http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum60.30.00/ | |
143. General Resources For Writing CompSite Resources. Resources for writing. You can also use these linksas starting points as you look for additional information about writing. http://www.abacon.com/compsite/resources/writing.html | |
144. Virtual Secretary - Home A virtual secretary for small businesses wanting assistance with scheduling, database management, writing, research, desktop publishing, and general office duties. http://www.integritysecretarial.com | |
145. WEBalley - Webmaster Resources - General/Writing Dr. Abel Scribe s Guides to Research writing and Style Dr Abel Scribe s StudentGuides to APA Psychology, ASA Sociology, CBE Biology, ChicagoTurabian History http://www.weballey.net/links/General/Writing/ | |
146. Lawrence Painting Service PTY LTD Specialises in wallpapering, painting, glazing, signwriting and general building repairs. http://www.derwentvalley.tascom.net/lawrencepaintingservice/ | |
147. The Civil Engineering Portal - General - Technical Writing Best Mailing Lists Professional Association Index, Home / Web Directory/ general / Technical writing. Web Sites A Guide for writing http://www.icivilengineer.com/General/Technical_Writing/ | |
148. Dover Community Telecentre - Your Friend In Tasmania general information, ghost stories, holidays, art, writing, exotic timbers, seafood, and Tasmanian books. http://members.iinet.net.au/~dovercom/ | |
149. Mary Wollstonecraft And Mary Shelley: Writing Lives (Mary Shelley Links) Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley writing Lives Internet ResourcesMary Shelley. general and Biographical Resources Mary Shelley http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/Others/CIH/WritingLives/WLMSlinks.html | |
150. Freedom Fleet - Index And Central Site Home of six ships and Starbase Liberty PBeM games with databases, maps, humor and general information for Star Trek fans and players. Values strong writing and solid storylines. http://www.geocities.com/freedom_fleet | |
151. Proposal Writing - A Practical Writing Guide The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade the readers to do Proposalsare informative and persuasive writing because they attempt to educate the http://members.dca.net/areid/proposal.htm | |
152. Arts4u - Queen Anne's County Arts Council Private organization dedicated to bringing art and cultural events to the county. Sponsors free performances, art classes, school art programming, and writing workshops. Includes classes, events, and general information. http://www.arts4u.info/ | |
153. General Programming Concepts: Writing And Debugging Programs Translate this page File Space Allocation. writing Programs That Access Large Files. Linking for Programmers. ThreadProgramming Concepts. writing Reentrant and Thread-Safe Code. http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/aix/aixprggd/genprogc/toc.htm | |
154. RManNotes Provides general information about writing shaders in the RenderMan. Shading language and using the two most commonly available RenderMan renderers; PRMan and BMRT. http://www.cgrg.ohio-state.edu/~smay/RManNotes/ | |
155. How To Organize Your Thesis This is a general introduction to what the thesis is all about it is not the outlinephase, rather than after you ve already done a lot of writing which has http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/chinneck/thesis.html | |
156. Philippe Legrain Articles by freelance economics writer, former special adviser to WTO directorgeneral Mike Moore and Economist journalist, currently writing a book about globalisation. http://www.philippelegrain.com/ | |
157. Writing In Biology When recording the results, move from the most general to the most specific. RecommendedReferences for writing in Biology Council of Biology Editors. http://www.writingcenter.pdx.edu/resources/biologydg.html | |
158. TCU -- Center For Writing general information, staff biographies, creative writing contests and online writing assistance. http://www.wrt.tcu.edu/ |
159. Back: How To Write A Footnote Or An Endnote For A Web Site Site. writing a Bibliography general Form. A bibliography is an alphabeticallisting of the sources you used in writing your paper. http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/history/benjamin/content/page75.htm | |
160. The Writing Program Learn about the program, its general education components, and how to obtain a minor in writing and Rhetoric. http://www.jmu.edu/writing/ | |
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