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81. Junque Du Jour! Index With Categories Offers a variety of antiques and collectibles including sewing items, vintage clothing and jewelry, books and magazines, and writing instruments. http://www.junquedujour.com | |
82. V40 Home Doctor offering medical writing service for pharmaceutical publications, magazines and newspapers. http://www.v40.org | |
83. SFU Summer Publishing Workshops 2004 :: Freelance Writing For Magazines can be seen in Hollywood films, on television, in the pages of most magazines, and even The writing gains its impact from complete accuracy and vivid characters http://www.ccsp.sfu.ca/pubworks/workshops/freelance.html | |
84. LightningStrike Studios - Professional Business Writing For Those Too Busy To Wr Professional business writing for small and medium sized businesses including articles for trade and consumer magazines, newsletters, reports, brochures, press releases, and technical documentation. http://lightningstrikestudios.com/ | |
85. Fantasy Worlds - Suite101.com This topic is about the fantasy genre including books, magazines, writing fantasy, movie, tv and anything pertaining to the fantasy genre. By Debbie Ledesma. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/fantasy_worlds | |
86. ValueNotes Delivers Quality Content, Customized To Your Needs Provides writing and editorial services for web sites, newspapers, magazines, books and other publications via a large team of editors and writers http://www.valuenotes.biz/writing/content.asp | |
87. Commonword: Manchester Resources Lists writing groups, organisations and magazines based in the area. http://www.PAGE27.co.uk/jan/cwres.htm | |
88. Rob's Writing Ebooks, Magazines And Writing Website Reciprocal Links Rob s writing ebooks, magazines and writing website reciprocal links info page. Rob s writing ebooks, magazines and writing website reciprocal links info page. http://writing.hopcott.net/mylinkinfo.html | |
89. The Regency Plume Newsletter Articles on English Regency period, Jane Austen, Napoleonic wars, 19th Century military, Waterloo, Prince Regent, carriages, British titles, Regency fashion, ladies magazines, Lords Byron, Wellington, Nelson, Regency romance writing. http://theregencyplume.tripod.com/marilynclay/index.html | |
90. Writing - Writing Magazines writing magazines links from Rob Hopcott writing magazines links from Rob Hopcott writing magazines links. writing magazines links US and Worldwide http://writing.hopcott.net/links/writingmagazines.html | |
91. Abacuseditorial.co.uk Provides a unique package of editing, writing, design and programming skills for clients wanting either to build websites, distribute ezines or publish printed material such as magazines and newsletters. http://www.abacuseditorial.co.uk | |
92. KingdomsPress, The Leader In Publications In The Nine Kingdoms Archive for completed 10th Kingdom fan fiction that includes writing resources, magazines with fancontributed articles, and a posting board for work-in-progress. http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/kingdomspress/ | |
93. Backwash - Content - Pen-Wielding Mother Of Color Filipina in endless search of writing time, diaper coupons, a shower, magazines, books, best french fries ever, the elusive good hair day, and my constantly misplaced Kiehl's lip stuff. http://www.backwash.com/content.php?id=297 |
94. Eddie Coulter - Marketing Communications And Writing For Industry, Engineering A Marketing communications and writing including PR, identity and web site development, magazines, and newsletters, focusing on manufacturing, engineering and technology clients. Located in West Sussex, UK. Site includes client list. http://www.eddiecoulter.com/ |
95. Sean Chercover - Freelance Writer And Editor - Home Articles and columns for magazines, content for Web sites, scripts for television and film, script consulting, business writing. Bio, writing samples and links. http://www.chercover.com | |
96. WDVL: Writing For The Web Article containing guidelines and tips for writing articles, tutorials, white or green papers, online magazines, corporate and educational Web sites. From Web Developers Virtual Library. http://wdvl.com/Internet/Writing/ | |
97. Toland Communications Editorial project management, editing, or copy writing for websites, scripts, brochures, newsletters, magazines, books and presentations. http://www.tolandcommunications.com |
98. Paul Franklin, Travel Writer And Photographer Writer and photographer, specializing in travel, nature, environmental, gardening, and coastal subjects for magazines, guidebooks and commercial clients. Freelance writing stock photography and assignment photography. http://pmfranklin.com | |
99. Robert Sherard Abstract Born in Melton Mowbray in 1861, the was the son of Rev. Bennet Sherard Kennedy and a great grandson of William Wordsworth. After being educated at Oxford University, he became a professional journalist working for a wide variety of different newspapers and magazines, particularly interested in writing about working conditions and urban poverty. He was commissioned by the editor of The London Magazine to write several articles on child labour. These collected articles were published as The Child Slaves of Britain in 1905. He died in 1943. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PHsherard.htm | |
100. Jane Ingram Allen's Home Page Sculptor and installation artist offers a gallery of art projects exhibited worldwide, international residencies, papermaking workshops, writing for art magazines and biography. http://www.janeingramallen.com/ | |
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