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41. The Writer's Nook Contests Page Terri See tsee@cardreps.com CardReps Greeting Card writing contests CardReps/GreetingCard Writer Magazine writing and Art Juried competitions. http://www.twnn.com/Contests.htm | |
42. Lancaster Online.com: Your Lancaster County News Source Below you will find information about the various contests and competitions thatthe NIE program is involved We offer writing and ad design contests for all http://www.lancasteronline.com/pages/nie/contests.shtm | |
43. Welcome To The Women's Resource Center At Loyola University New Orleans writing contests this spring. Both contests are open to all students and facultyare encouraged to promote the contests in their classes. The competitions http://www.loyno.edu/womens.center/writingcontest.html | |
44. Programming Games Programming Games and contests. What I m after are games in which one competesby writing code and and I m particularly interested in ongoing competitions. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~stever/games/ | |
45. Competitions, Writing Contests, Writing Competitions, Short Story Contests, Poet WriteLink, the writers resource site for poetry and short story competitions andcontests, reference sites, writers software, writing articles and much more http://www.writelink.dabsol.co.uk/Competitions/competitions.html | |
46. Photo Contests, Poetry Contests, Writing Contests, Art Contests, Photography Com 20045 Edition of The World s Biggest Book of writing contests, Awards Grants now available in paperback and express-delivered worldwide in 7-10 days!****. http://www.ult-media.com/ | |
47. Competitions - Free Writing Poetry / Fiction Contests (firstwriter) Free lists of writing competitions poetry / short story fiction. http://www.firstwriter.com/competitions | |
48. Writing-World.com: Writing Contests Including playwriting competitions. http://www.writing-world.com/contests/index.shtml | |
49. Art Deadlines List / Writing Contests / Screenwriting Contests / Poetry Contests Art Deadlines List / writing contests / Screenwriting contests / Poetry contests/ Journalism competitions / Art competitions / Photography competitions. http://www.freelancewriting.com/artdeadline.html | |
50. Competitions, Writing Contests, Writing Competitions, Short Story Contests, Poet find links to many more competitions by checking For more information please seecontest rules http Czech Slovak Association Prize writing Competition 2004. http://www.writelink.co.uk/Competitions/competitions.html | |
51. Poetry Contests, Writing Contests: The World's Biggest Book Of Writing Contests, the big writing competitions. I was wrong. I discovered literally hundreds of major writing contests in this Tips for Entering writing contests writing Success Generally listed http://www.ult-media.com/tips1.htm | |
52. Poetry Contests, Writing Contests: The World's Biggest Book Of Writing Contests, I thought I knew about most of the big writing competitions. I was wrong. I discoveredliterally hundreds of major writing contests in this book that I was http://www.ult-media.com/writingcontests.htm | |
53. Contests writing contests FOR LAW STUDENTS. ( updated 1/4/00) This information is provided for the convenience of law students at the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at The University of Memphis and to visitors to our web site. School of Law are writing contests on a number of areas of educational and professional associations sponsor these contests. Almost all offer http://www.people.memphis.edu/~law/contests.html | |
54. GW Law - Law And Technology -- Intellectual Property Moot Court And Writing Comp Directory of US law student moot court and writing competitions in intellectual property law and related subjects. http://www.law.gwu.edu/tech/competitions.asp | |
55. Writing-World.com: Writing Contests organization s website. A Word (or Two) About the contests We List1) Entry Fees Most writing competitions charge entry fees. The http://www.writing-world.com/contests/ | |
56. ABA - Law Student Division Winners. ABA Essay and writing competitions. ABA Journal Ross Studentwriting Contest (see Legal Education Section below). Affordable http://www.abanet.org/lsd/competitions/scholarships.html | |
57. Writers' Reward News: Writing Contests: How To Win Literary Awards, Creative Wri herself an awardwining poet Loved your guide to winning writing competitions.I especially appreciated your breakdown of the different types of contests. http://writenews.exactpages.com/ | |
58. FinAid | Answering Your Questions | Books About Contests And Competitions $3.00. 30 pages. List of contests and competitions meeting NASSP criteria. Toorder a copy, write to NASSP, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091. http://www.finaid.org/questions/contests.phtml | |
59. Creative Contests And Competitions Online or even Web design. Visit my kids and teens page for creative writingand art contests your kids can enter. For those of you who http://www.grandmajam.com/luv2crea.htm | |
60. Writing Contests - Competitions The Marjorie GraberMcInnis Short Story Award was established by Don McInnis tocommemorate the life of his wife, Marjorie, a short story writer who lived in http://www.actwriters.org.au/competitions/short story award.htm | |
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