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1. WritersDigest.com - Contests - Writing Competitions And Contests From Writer's D Participate in writing contests and competitionssponsored by Writer s Digest magazine! http://www.writersdigest.com/contests/ | |
2. Writer's Digest Magazine - Writing Books, Competitions And Other Resources For W Visit our writing contests and competitions page for information about Your Assignment, Chronicle and other competitionsÂincluding lists of previous http://www.writersdigest.com/ | |
3. LookSmart Australia The Web Sites from Australia. writing contests and competitions. http://explore.looksmart.com.au/synd-oz/explore/index.jsp?catPath=695660;696692; |
4. LookSmart - Directory - Writing And Publishing Awards And Contests Writing and Publishing Awards and Contests Enter these fiction, essay,poetry, and screenwriting contests and competitions. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317898/us220606/us220610/ | |
5. Sell Writing Online Columnists Previously the topic was writing contests and competitions and the promise thistime around that the discussion would be about finding competitions and http://sellwritingonline.com/colhess11.html | |
6. Writing Contests, Literary Contests, Poetry Competitions, Novel Writing, Scriptw Praxis holds two feature film script competitions each year (deadlines December1st and June 30th.) We receive approximately Children s Book writing Contest. http://www.proofpositive.com/contests/writecontests.htm | |
7. Writing Contests / Screenwriting Contests / Poetry Contests / Journalism Competi writing contests / Screenwriting contests / Poetry contests / Journalism competitions/ contests, Grants, Fellowships for Writers and Screenwriters. http://www.freelancewriting.com/contests.html | |
8. ART DEADLINES LIST: Art Grants, Art Scholarships, Art Contests, Art Competitions A free newsletter listing art contests competitions, art scholarships grants, art jobs internships, juried exhibitions, call for entries, residencies, festivals, auditions, and other proposals/papers, writing photo contests, residencies, design architecture competitions, auditions, casting http://www.xensei.com/users/adl | |
9. Writers' Reward News: Writing Contests: How To Win Literary Awards, Creative Wri Provides detailed guidelines, tips and information on achieving success in creative writing contests. Also organizes and provides upto-date news on the annual Writers' Success Essay Contest, the Tom Howard Poetry Contest, and the Tom Howard Short Story Contest. http://www.geocities.com/rastar330 | |
10. Photo Contests, Poetry Contests, Writing Contests, Art Contests, Photography Com Promotes the purchase of ebooks on various types of competitions, including one on writing which describes the contents and gives samples of current contests, their rules and deadlines. http://www.ult-media.com/index.htm | |
11. Writelink.co.uk :: Index View latest post. Other contests All other writing contests hereincluding photography and art competitions. Moderator link, 4, 12, http://www.writelink.co.uk/Forums/ | |
12. Writing Contests: When Winners Are Losers You ll find hundreds of competitions posted online, offering prizes for Many writingezines offer information on upcoming contests, and several http://www.writing-world.com/rights/contests.shtml | |
13. First Writer - Writing Resource & Author Website Click here. writing competitions. Our competitions database covers dozensof poetry and fiction contests, including FREE entry and big cash prizes. http://www.firstwriter.com/ | |
14. Writing Contests - Competitions competitions is available to members in our Members Lounge. Why not join to takeadvantage of this and other benefits. Entries for the 2003 ACT Writers Centre http://www.actwriters.org.au/competitions/complist.htm | |
15. Education World® : Students : Contests & Competitions more than a dozen math competitions or contests. Problemsolving and stock marketcompetitions - and the in a childrenÂs theater script-writing contest. http://www.education-world.com/students/contests/index.shtml | |
16. Short Story Contests, Poetry Competitions, Writing Contests. Writers wanting resources and help with all aspects of writing, plus poetryand short story contests and competitions, click now! http://www.writersreign.co.uk/Competitions/competitions.html | |
17. 1st Step To Get Published - For Writers, Agents And Publishers Check in every month on RoseDog for a fresh selection of writing competitionsfrom The World s Biggest Book of writing contests. http://www.rosedog.com/competitions.asp | |
18. Entering And Winning At The Writing Contest Game Visit any writing message board and you ll read discussion threadson contests and competitions for writers. The messages run the http://publishingcentral.com/articles/20040219-87-2e24.html | |
19. Blintz! Writing Contest and contests Open in new window Participate in writing contestsand competitions sponsored by Writer s Digest magazine! http://www.blintz.com/directory/Writing_Contest/ | |
20. Celebrity Directory Of Celebrity Related Links And Web Sites Main writingcontests.net for writing contests, literary contests,poetry competitions and all other types of writing contests. http://www.webtickets.com/links/contestLinks/ | |
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