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1. Writing To Heal, Writing To Grow Since 1993 Margie Davis has created and conducted personal writing courses at senior centers, adult education centers, hospitals, clinics, and on the Internet. http://www.writingtoheal.com/seniors.html | |
2. Centers, Clinics And Programs At The University Of Colorado School Of Law Alumni/Development. Legal Community. centers/clinics/Programs. Library Calendar. Search Whether it be research, brief writing, document compilation, investigation, etc http://www.colorado.edu/law/programs/lendstudent.htm | |
3. Resource Management - Student Centers And Clinics Assistance with writing skills. Resources/References. All centers and clinics listed above are campusbased available to all WMU enrolled students. http://homepages.wmich.edu/~clumpkin/ConsEd/LornaC-lesson-resourcemgmt.htm | |
4. Bedford/St. Martin's - The Bedford Bibliography Metaphors of writing centers as clinics and clients as diseased cast the center as a place that should cure and discharge the client. http://www.bedfordbooks.com/bb/writ3.html | |
5. Outpatient Biofeedback Clinics Business Plan centers or clinics of health writing a Outpatient biofeedback clinics business plan will force you to objectively develop and evaluate your tactical and http://www.hjventures.com/writing/Outpatient-biofeedback-clinics-Business-Plan.h | |
6. Outpatient Health Clinics Business Plan Outpatient community health centers and clinics Business Plans. Email Address Phone Number Opening a Outpatient community health centers and clinics Business. http://www.hjventures.com/writing/Outpatient-health-clinics-Business-Plan.html | |
7. University Of Pittsburgh School Of Law Centers, Programs & Clinics Pitt School of Law offers clinics, certificate programs, international law, continuing legal education, and other innovative programs. legal academics who wish to pursue advanced independent study, research and writing, the Law Schools J.S.D http://www.law.pitt.edu/programs | |
8. Centers And Clinics - Moritz College Of Law, The Ohio State University Ms. Enns has also taught Legal writing and Analysis. (Top) Home centers and clinics Clinical Program home. Moritz College of Law 55 West 12th Avenue http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/centersandclinics/clinic_faculty.html | |
9. Clinics And Learning Centers FormulaThree and clinics. The Formula-Three instructional materials and instructional strategies have a long history of success in the clinical setting. process of rote memorization to a thinking process. When writing, youngsters are able to use the words in their thinking http://formula-three.com/choosing_a_program2.htm | |
11. Admission should use the catchment area MHASA, Mental Health centers and clinics, which may Colorado with the responsible authority stating in writing that security http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/Text/ODS/mif/admissio.html | |
12. SJU Tutor Alum Network - CSB | SJU - Writing Centers IÂma public affairs consultant with University of Wisconsin Hospital and clinics. at the Opitz house, or starting the fledgling writing center newsletter. http://www.csbsju.edu/writingcenters/alumnetwork/sju_network.htm | |
13. Writing And Learning: A Student Writer's Autonomy Jacoby makes some good points in comparing writing centers and medical clinics. It is a good idea that tutors should respect a writer s autonomy. http://english.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/writing/467/archives/000039.html | |
14. Writing & Research Guides - SAC LRC Resources This site provides links to subjectspecific information, general composition sources, and writing clinics . University Online writing centers. http://www.accd.edu/sac/lrc/john/writing.htm | |
15. Clinical Genetics Courses And Lectures Item writing Guide, National Board of Clinical Resources Labs clinics Genetics Education Careers Cytogenetics Genome centers Genetic Computer http://www.kumc.edu/gec/prof/genecour.html | |
16. Genetic Conditions / Rare Conditions Information Site writing about Individuals with Genetic Conditions Guidelines for Reporting and writing About People with Disabilities Genetic clinics, centers, departments. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/ | |
17. Experience The Power Of Writing hospital programs Mental health agencies and clinics Wellness centers Staff development and training Facilitator training Therapeutic writing groups Individual http://www.journaltherapy.com/experience_power_of_writing.htm | |
18. Programs / Centers worksheets, tentative class scheduling, career options, resume clinics and information The writing Center is sponsored through the Liberal Arts College and the http://liberalarts.unlv.edu/ctrs.html | |
19. Whittier Law School a student s skills in briefwriting and oral more than two-dozen courses, many clinics and externship Our centers in Intellectual Property, International and http://www.law.whittier.edu/centers_clinics/CentersClinics.asp | |
20. What Can I Do With A Major In...? Web links writingWorld, Writers Write, Modern Language colleges/universities, hospitals and medical centers, health clinics, utility companies http://www.pueblocc.edu/art_sci/careers.htm | |
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