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Writers Where Writers Meet: more detail | ||||||||
81. Magazine Writers nine years ago, writers and Editors Oneon-One has received consistently high marksfrom participating writers and editors. They re glad to meet each other and http://www.magazinewriters.com/ | |
82. Http://www.writersbbs.com meet other writers for critique, workshops, challenges, fiction, nonfiction, MemoirWriting, Mystery writing, poetry, Romance, Mystery, Science Fiction, Young http://www.writersbbs.com/ | |
83. 1st Step To Get Published - For Writers, Agents And Publishers Tightening the prose and avoiding passive voice are both ways that the writer cankeep the pace up To meet more professionals and read more critiques click here http://www.rosedog.com/professionalcomments.asp?e=880C00DE-1399-11D5-97C2-000000 |
84. Meet The Writers meet the writers. It is important in this discussion that you should meet the writerswho have been elevated to historians on the subject of the Holocaust. http://www.giwersworld.org/holo/writers.html | |
85. Font Color=crimson B ONLINE DISCUSSIONS/Meet Our Alumni Writers EL170B Introduction to Creative Writing Spring 2003 ONLINE DISCUSSIONS/meet ouralumni writers. The aim of the artist is to arrest motion, which is life. http://wl.middlebury.edu/EL170B/stories/storyReader$36 | |
86. Meet The Writers || Conservation Matters, Spring 2003 Conservation Matters Journal of the Conservation Law Foundation. VolumeIX, No. 2 SPRING 2003. meet the writers. AUDREY SCHULMAN ( The http://www.clf.org/CM/03Spring/meet_the_writers.htm | |
87. Central NY Romance Writers organization known as Romance writers of America, a group of approximately 8,000members with chapters such as ours all over the USA and Canada. We meet once a http://www.dm.net/~cnyrw/ | |
88. Meet The Visiting Writers writers talk about their Writing, Fall 2003. Her poetry has received theJames G. Hanes Poetry Prize of the Fellowship of Southern writers. http://www.cla.sc.edu/CICA/meet_the_visiting_writers.html | |
89. Young Writers meet Typical Biomedical writers Young writers Established writers Second Careerwriters Freelance writers. Discover Interests of Biomedical writers. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~rhetrx/bmw/who/young.htm | |
90. Brady Magazine- Putting Writers On The Map Brady Magazine is an online writer's trade magazine, dedicated to putting writers on the map. Aside from our bimonthly issues that are filled with tips from industry insiders, we also offer many http://www.bradymagazine.com/ | |
91. Education World ® - Curriculum: Creating A Classroom Of Writers Using The "Meet CURRICULUM ARTICLE. Creating A Classroom of writers Using the Meetthe Author Collection. Drive home the importance of each step http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr039.shtml | |
92. Medical Writers & Editors - Health And Medical Information: Diseases And Conditi MedicineNet Home Medical writers Editors. Advanced Search. MedicineNet.comMedical writers Editors. We are a network of http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articleKey=128 |
93. Writers And Editors Of Road & Travel Magazine -- Courtney Caldwell, Denise McClu He has been a member of the Society of American Travel writers since 1982 and contributesarticles to a number of other publications in the US and Canada. http://www.roadandtravel.com/meetthepress/ | |
94. Vegetarian Baby & Child Online Magazine | From Vegbaby To Veganteen...Raising He OUR writers. Ida Jill Black Jill is a consultant, author, and a memberof the New Zealand Freelance writers Association (NZFWA). She http://www.vegetarianbaby.com/writers.shtml | |
95. Young Writers At Kenyon: Writer's Workshops: The Kenyon Review A community of writers. Students especially value the opportunity to meetother talented writers and make new friends from all over the country. http://www.kenyonreview.org/writing/young/ | |
96. Writers In Virginia Program Introduction Sponsors may also apply for subsidy of readings or workshops by other writers thatmeet the criteria for inclusion in the writers in Virginia Directory and http://www.arts.state.va.us/wivintro.htm | |
97. Scenarios USA | Contest Director Ben Younger Boiler Room starring Ben Affleck will work with thisteam of writers to revise their script into the final shooting script. http://www.scenariosusa.com/contest/announcement.html | |
98. Holly Lisle's Forward Motion Writers' Community - Viewing Topics In Meet The Mod http://www.fmwriters.com/community/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=87 |
99. Young Writer's Clubhouse - Real Kids Real Adventures Books And TV Show - Real Li meet some kid authors meet some kid authors Find out which writersgot their start as kids. Do you recognize any of their names? http://www.realkids.com/club.shtml | |
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