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1. Just Write...Where Letter Writers Meet A quarterly magazine where people place listings to meet other letter writers. Paid subscription includes 50 words in each publication and a forwarding service. http://www.justwriteletters.com | |
2. Enter The OHzone - 'Where Christian Writers Meet' - And Yield To The King! meet the KING Surf OHzone here, or by clicking the buttons below.NOTE If your browser displays a series of advertisements in the http://www.ohzone.net/ | |
3. Writers Lounge - Where Writers, Editors, And Publishers Meet where writers, editors, and publishers meet with agents and producers to network on creative projects, join forces for new projects, and display their best works. http://writerslounge.org | |
4. SURF The OHzone - 'Where Christian Writers Meet' - And Yield To The King! DREAM meet the KING DREAM ROLE Several years ago I had the following dream. I shareit with you now so that you too may profit by its lesson. Doris Howie. http://www.ohzone.net/ohsown/dreamrole.htm | |
5. We Will Be Happy To Publish Your Ebook Or Text Online For Free - We Publish Unpu writersToYou is where unpublished writers meet readers. Poetry, prose, and other works sorted by genre. http://www.writerstoyou.com/?lang=1 |
6. ShawGuides, Inc. | Writers Conferences & Workshops and the following month's writers Conference Workshop Calendar emailmessagecalendar. meet with Publishers, writers and Agents www.writersdigest.com, where you'll find daily market http://writing.shawguides.com/ | |
7. Word Smitten Monthly conference report finds and rates workshops and conferences where writers meet editors and agents. New, reviews, and interviews for publishing community. http://www.wordsmitten.com | |
8. Writers Lounge - Where Writers, Editors, And Publishers Meet where writers, editors, and publishers meet with agents and producers to network on creative projects, join forces for new projects, and display their best works America's top writers and media http://www.writerslounge.org/ | |
9. Poets&Writers, Inc. CAVEAT EMPTOR! POETS writers MAGAZINE IS UNABLE TO CHECK ALL CLAIMS PNWA SUMMER writers Conference. meet agents and editors Unspoiled village where writers write, painters paint http://www.pw.org/mag/classifieds.htm | |
10. ShawGuides, Inc. | Writers Conferences & Workshops and the following month's writers Conference Workshop Calendar emailmessagecalendar. meet with Publishers, writers and Agents www.writersdigest.com, where you'll find daily market http://www.shawguides.com/writing | |
11. Writers Lounge Where Writers, Editors, And Publishers Meet The finest literary site on the Internet, where the best writers, editors, and publishers meet with agents and producers for their mutually beneficial relationships you to MSN Communities, where http://www.writerslounge.org/writersloungenewsletter0801.html | |
12. Brady Magazine- Where Writers Meet Writers 1. Some writers find competition deadlines fire them up and motivate themto keep writing or to more carefully polish what they have written. http://www.bradymagazine.com/writtenword/vol1iss2/eroy.html | |
13. Brady Magazine- Where Writers Meet Writers published in Brady Magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part withoutpermission from the author(s). Opinions expressed by the writers and forum http://www.bradymagazine.com/talltales/vol1iss1/fictionlist.html | |
14. CrossSearch Site: OHzone - Where Christian Writers Meet OHzone where Christian writers meet. Original Christian fiction, poetry, devotionalsand think-pieces . WebRing, newsletter, awards available too. . http://www.crosssearch.com/Arts_and_Entertainment/Organizations_and_Guilds/40090 | |
15. Meet The Writers From Volume 1 Number 3 He comes from an Irish family of poets and writers and has been writing sincehe was 7. He plans to attend college where he hopes to major in English. http://www.writes.org/meet_the_writers/num_3.html | |
16. Enter The OHzone - 'Where Christian Writers Meet' - And Yield To The King!: Deta Enter the OHzone where Christian writers meet - and Yield to the King! VisitEnter the OHzone - where Christian writers meet - and Yield to the King! http://crosscanadasearch.com/Detailed/2932.html |
17. Book Passage Travel Writers & Photographers Conference The Place where Travel writers meet. The Book Passage Travel writers Photographers Conference has developed an extraordinary reputation http://www.bookpassage.com/classes/twc.htm | |
18. BESTWRITERS.COM--Where The Best Writers Meet On The Web! A website featuring featuring the work of Michael D. Shaw, a Los Angelesbased free lance writer, talk show guest, public speaker, and small business owner, who has an opinion on everything. In http://www.bestwriters.com/ | |
19. Meet The Writers & Editors meet the writers Editors. Updated March 16, 2004. Below is a listof the writers and editors who provide the rich selection of news http://www.insightmag.com/main.cfm?include=detail&storyid=87131 |
20. Meet The Writers - Insight On The News Submit a Tip. meet the writers. Free eNewsletter. Archives. Search. Issue Datemeet the writers. meet the writers Editors. Investigative Archive. VersionII. http://www.insightmag.com/news/2000/01/01/MeetTheWriters/ | |
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