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81. Sunoasis Jobs For Journalists, Writers, Editors, And Copywriters Employment opportunities for writers, journalists, newmedia types on-line off-line in reporting feature writing reviewing editing free-lancing editorial content providing etc. Why Post a Job with Sunoasis?For one thing we are one of the few sites for writers listed in Weddle's http://www.sunoasis.com/ | |
82. NodeWorks - Arts: Writers Resources: Copy Editing copy editing involves checking written material for spelling, grammar, usage and style, as well as other issues, such as libel. It is more indepth than proofreading and done earlier in the in http://dir.nodeworks.com/Arts/Writers_Resources/Copy_Editing | |
83. THE SLOT: A Spot For Copy Editors THE SLOT Like this logo? ASPOT FOR copy editors SINCE 1995. By Bill Walsh. Anotherspot for copy editors Testy copy editors. An organization for copy editors http://www.theslot.com/ | |
84. E-resources by Joe Grimm, recruiting and development editor at the paying the rent with copy editing,consider The union supports writers grievances against publications http://www.nyu.edu/classes/copyXediting/eresources.html | |
85. Testy Copy Editors: Effect, Special Or Not one thing to add We have to cut the word tweak out of all copy. Editor s orders Mostwriters are afraid they won t remember to use effect or affect correctly http://www.testycopyeditors.org/cgi-bin/forum/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=4&t |
86. Directory Of Editors: Copyediting, Proofreading, Editorial Services Edit Avenue.Com Through EditAvenue, you can call on English professors, technicalwriters, lawyers, copy editors, scientists and other professionals from our http://www.ebookcrossroads.com/editors.html | |
87. InteliHealth: the National Association of Science writers and the American Medical writers Association Shespent 18 years as a newspaper reporter and copy editor for the News http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/356/34813/302048.html?d=dmtContent |
88. IU Writers Editors Resource Page IU writers and editors Resources Page. Welcome to the IU writers andeditors Resources Page. This page provides links to Web sites http://www.journalism.indiana.edu/resources/writerresource.html | |
89. The Writer The Essential Resource For Writers City, where I lived for six years, as copy editor, page 1 editor, managing editorand consultant produce an even better magazine for aspiring writers has been http://www.writermag.com/wrt/default.aspx?c=ss&id=58 |
90. Write From Home-Job Boards And Writers Guideline Databases Online Job Boards For writers All Freelance Jobs http//www.allfreelance.com Exchangehttp//www.contentexchange.com/cx/app/classifieds/ copy Editor Jobs http http://www.writefromhome.com/jobsguidelines.htm | |
91. California Journalism Job Bank dynamic, aggressive writers who want a chance to produce quality copy in a storyrichenvironment. Send resumes and cover letters to City Editor Robin Miller http://www.csne.org/jobs/postings.html | |
92. MousePlanet | About Us Tony Phoenix  Assistant copy Editor. Sheila Hagen  Assistant copy Editor.Assignment Desk. Adrienne Krock. writers. Name, Area of responsibility/coverage. http://www.mouseplanet.com/mp/about.htm | |
93. Work At Home : Job Report Writers And Editors Technical writers had salaries ranging from $21,000 to $49,100 Starting salaries forcopy editors on daily papers in towns with a population of less than 20,000 http://www.work-at-home.org/sreport/career/104.htm | |
94. Www.editorsforum.org Bank; copyeditor.comthe companion site to the copy Editor newsletter includes Editorand Publisherfor newspaper industry news Of specific interest to writers. http://www.editorsforum.org/resources.html | |
95. Copy Editor - 1988-93 - Mindy McAdams used, the value of research, and the interplay between powerful editors and powerfulwriters. At smaller publications, such as MIS Week, a copy editor gets to http://mindymcadams.com/resume/resume3.htm | |
96. ASNE - Links To Newspaper Job Resources others. copy Editor, the newsletter for copy editors, maintains alisting of copy editor and copy deskrelated jobs. Craig s List http://www.asne.org/kiosk/careers/joblinks.htm | |
97. Glossary Of Writing Careers Author An author is what people classically think of when they think ofwriters. copy Editor A copy editor prepares text for publication. http://www.poewar.com/articles/careerlist.htm | |
98. Tips Anyone -- Even You -- Can Use At the recent MidAmerica Press Institute workshop, Ausbepin described how copyeditors had helped him many times and then said writers must become more http://www.notrain-nogain.org/Train/Res/CopyD/tips.asp | |
99. The Chronicle: Career Network: 03/26/2002 Why So Many Academics are Lousy writers. He had the normal virtues of good copyeditors, knowing where accents go in foreign names, the correct form of http://chronicle.com/jobs/2002/03/2002032601c.htm | |
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