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61. Aptitude Tests, Personality Tests & Career Tests. Use Aptitude Scores To Find Th copy editors, see writers and editors, including technical writers. http://www.analyzemycareer.com/index.cfm?auid=256&action=careerSearch&subAction= |
62. The Bowdoin Orient - Staff And Writers Staff and writers The Editorial Staff. editors in Chief Kyle Staller Kitty Sullivan. Seniorcopy Editor Lindsay J. Mullen. copy editors Haley S. Bridger Alix Roy. http://orient.bowdoin.edu/orient/staff.php | |
63. Springfield College/Babson Library/Recommended Resources/writers for copy editors. Electronic Journalist Online service of the Society of ProfessionalJournalists National Writer s Union Trade union for freelance writers. http://www.spfldcol.edu/homepage/library.nsf/0/1374C1B13F4BD9C245256DEF003B0054? |
64. Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links For Write a directory of quality online resources Webgrammar Webgrammar s Writing area -loads of links copy Editing /writers American copy editors Society - Words http://www.internet-resources.com/writers/wrlinks-wordstuff.htm | |
65. Chicklit: The Library of the mystery writers club. Get information about the club, its activities,membership, and meeting schedules. The Slot A Spot for copy editors Great http://www.chicklit.com/library/librarywriterseditors.html | |
66. Journalism Organizations Assisted Reporting; Editorial writers National Conference of Editorialwriters; copy editors - American copy editors Society; Online http://reporter.umd.edu/journ.htm | |
67. American Association Of Sunday And Feature Editors Press Association, at The Poynter Institute and at the Wilmington writers Workshop.She s a frequent presenter at the American copy editors Society, and she http://www.aasfe.org/convention 2003/silentauction.htm | |
68. American Association Of Sunday And Feature Editors FEATURES EDITOR Seeking an assistant features editor who can team of general assignmentfeature writers at The leading your team in generating copy for other http://www.aasfe.org/jobs.htm | |
69. Editors, Writers, Photographers The Review Wants You! editors, writers, photographers The Review wants you The paper will begin hiringin May for positions including editorin-chief, copy editor, photographer and http://www.edcc.edu/webinc/news.php?ID=360&Date=2004-05-07 |
70. Stories.htm Highspeed, high-stakes copy editing Heavyweight editing in 10 easy stomps An anonymous, underground document that editors and writers Together From the http://www.unh.edu/journalism/classlinks.htm | |
71. Writers And Editors - CareerBuilder copy editors mostly review and edit a reporter s copy for accuracy, clarity, grammar,style and agreement with editorial policy. writers and editors who http://indystar.gannettonline.com/careerbuilder/content/profiles/writers-editors | |
72. CEA Publications CEA Publications Guidelines for writers. Double space all copy, and leave generousmargins. months; those for the CEA Forum are read by the editors, who, every http://www.as.ysu.edu/~english/cea/ceapub.htm | |
73. Copy Editors Blog | New Media | J-Log Online As the American copy editors Society awards prizes to the best headline writers ofthe year, Mangan and McCuistion talk about headlines and other copy editing http://www.mallasch.com/journalism/article.php?sid=828 |
74. Peak Editor Position Job Description Consulting with writers and/or editors on all significant editorial changes beforepublication. Â Ensuring that copy gets to the production stage on time http://www.peak.sfu.ca/CopyEditor.HTML | |
75. Craigslist | Writing/editing Jobs In Manhattan copy editors for architecture book publisher (freelance). Theater company lookingfor scripts for upcoming season (Los Angeles). Press Release writers Wanted (NYC http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/wri/ | |
76. Unisa Online - Links Pen Organizations, newsletters, editorial services, grammar help, other writers resources. The Editor s Slot - another site with resources for copy editors. http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=1871 |
77. Associated Press Sports Editors Bowker Attention Sports editors, writers, copy editors, designers The annual APSE drivein workshop will be held Monday, Dec. http://apse.dallasnews.com/news/1127workshop.html | |
78. Copy Editors Are Amazing (Jeremy Zawodny's Blog) Sanity check for writers.. Your editor? any news on Sterling s PHP Developer s Cookbookedition 3? Congrats on the book, I look forward to picking up a copy. http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/001670.html | |
79. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > Writers Resources National Fellowships for copy editors Information on midcareer fellowships, includinglists of Most Popular In writers Resources The 5 most visited sites in http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=29 |
80. Need A Freelancer? Our members are writers, editors, line editors, copy editors, researchers, proofreaders,picture researchers, indexers, desktop publishers, designers http://www.the-efa.org/clients.html | |
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