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21. Occupational Profile staff writers or commission freelance writers to research Freelance editors are hiredby governments, businesses conduct research and prepare copy; supervise an http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/occinfo/Content/RequestAction.asp?aspAction=GetHTMLPro |
22. Clips For Copy Editors a good editor s hand is invisible to readers and sometimes the writers itis higher standards to the résumés and cover letter of copy editors than to http://www.freep.com/jobspage/toolkit/clipcopy.htm | |
23. JobsPage: Journalism Education And Training Writing lively obits; 1996 National writers Workshops. NEW MEDIA. Puttingprojects in the paper; Pitching projects to your editor FOR copy editors. http://www.freep.com/jobspage/academy/ | |
24. Employment Opportunities We look forward to reading your submissions! copy editors If you d like to be consideredfor such a position, please send your resume to writers@babyzone.com. http://www.babyzone.com/aboutus/writers.asp | |
25. Reference Books For Copy Editors: Bibliography An annotated bibliography of reference books that will be usefulto copy editors, writers, and others who work with words. http://www.well.com/user/mmcadams/reference.html | |
26. Words For Copy Editors to knowing how to make a poor sentence better, a copy editor has to be able todefend his or her decisions to writers, editors, and fellow copy editors. http://www.well.com/user/mmcadams/words.html | |
27. Writers And Editors Some small publications hire freelance copy editors as backup for staff editorsor as additional help with special projects. Aspiring writers and editors http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh20022003/ocos089.htm | |
28. Writers And Editors are hiring freelance copy editors as backup for their staff editors, or for additionalhelp with special projects. Persons preparing to be writers and editors http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh9899/140.htm | |
29. Editors Project editors work closely not only with the writers but also with the designpeople They hire and supervise copy editors, proofreaders, and designers. http://www3.ccps.virginia.edu/career_prospects/briefs/E-J/Editors.html | |
30. Editor the copy editor about 12 minutes to edit this page of text. THE JOB, editors review,edit, factcheck and rewrite the work of newspaper or magazine writers or http://jobprofiles.monster.com/Content/job_content/JC_Entertainment/JSC_Writers/ |
31. Internet Homeworking Directory - Proofreading And Copy Editors manual for newcomers to publishing and for experienced editors who want for copyeditingonscreen and on hard copy; basic reference oxford writers dictionary. http://www.homeworkinguk.com/proofreader.htm | |
32. American Copy Editors Society compelling. By Matthew Crowley Hank Glamann doesn t listen when newsroomcurmudgeons say copy editors aren t really writers. Nonsense http://www.copydesk.org/2004conference/hankheads.htm | |
33. American Copy Editors Society Another question to ask is whether copy editors should be performing verificationand fact checking, or whether writers should be held responsible for the http://www.copydesk.org/2004conference/beyondrealm.htm | |
34. JournalismJobs.com -- Job Listing Work with contract associate editors and writers to develop monthly editorial calendar.copy edit, fact check and proofread submitted stories for compliance http://www.journalismjobs.com/Job_Listing.cfm?JobID=398981 |
35. Freelance And Telecommuting Jobs For Writers - International (Posted 7 April.). Editing editors, copyeditors, ghostwriters, speech writers,CV writers, etc. Managing editor and associate editor required. (Posted 4 March. http://www.writerfind.com/freelance_jobs/ | |
36. New Zealand Technical Writers - Training And Business Documentation Writers And New Zealand) Fourteen years experience as substantive / copy editor, indexer, proofreader Fast,friendly service from expert writers/editors who have a passion http://www.writerfind.com/tech.htm | |
37. Poynter Online - Feedback And please let us not forget the copy editors and writers who call in the middleof the night and want to change a quote to make it better fit the story. http://www.poynter.org/article_feedback/article_feedback_list.asp?id=33725 |
38. Poynter Online ACES American copy editors Society, ACRE Assoc. Newspaper editors, CCJ Centerfor Community Journalism. EWA Education writers Association, IRE Investigative http://www.poynter.org/calendar/calendar_monthly.asp?host=2418 |
39. LitScene.com - The Portal For Writers And Authors: Copy_Editing and selfpublishing help for writers. (Hits 39 Rating 0 Votes 0) Rate It.copy Desk Cafe Open New Window Ranting, raving, resources for copy editors. http://www.litscene.com/Copy_Editing/ | |
40. Design With Reason Visual Thinking For Writers And Editors A happy copy editor will do his or her best to showcase your writing; a cranky Doyou have other suggestions about how writers and editors can think and http://www.ronreason.com/personal/writers.html | |
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