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21. AII POW-MIA Site Map A massive POWMIA Archive featuring news, reports, email news network, documents, daily monthly updates, military, government research links, testimony on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea - Cold war, world war ii, Russia, China and Iraq. http://www.aiipowmia.com/ | |
22. Hyperwar - A Collection Of The Second World War Hyperwar a collection of the Second world war A multimedia collection of material related to the history of the Second world war, completely cross-referenced via hypertext links. Topics include http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/&y=02CA716F |
23. The AirShow - Aviation's Golden Age With Emphasis Placed On Stearman Aircraft, 1 Information on the Golden Age Of Aviation, from the end of world war I to the start of world war ii. Barnstorming, air racing, flying circuses, and Lindbergh's Atlantic crossing were all part of this exciting period. http://opencockpit.net/ | |
24. American Aircraft Of World War II Introduction Page Provides reference information on US aircraft used or designed during world war ii. Includes photos and links. http://www.ixpres.com/ag1caf/usplanes/ | |
25. GI -- World War II Commemoration world war ii Commemoration. world war ii ended on September 2, 1945 with the formal surrender of Japan aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. both the triumph and tragedy of war. world http://gi.grolier.com/wwii/wwii_mainpage.html | |
26. World War II Nurses Describes personal experiences of nurses who served in the battlefronts from North Africa to Italy to Normandy to Corregidor and Bataan. http://members.aol.com/ksurn/page5/index.htm | |
27. MSI: U-505 Type-IXc U-boat German world war ii TypeIXc Unterseeboot (submarine) that was captured in battle by boarding parties from the USS Guadalcanal task group 23 on 4 June 1944. It resides in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Il. http://www.msichicago.org/exhibit/U505/U505home.html | |
28. Aircraft Archaeology In Malaya Covers Malaysian aviation wrecks and military archaeology from world war ii to the present. http://www.geocities.com/malaya_hg/home.htm | |
29. Skalman.nu A searchable chronology of critical military and political events during the war with coverage of special topics such as casualties, ship losses and the Nuremberg trial. Includes bibliography and links to related resources. http://www.skalman.nu/worldwar2/ |
30. World War II POW Major Robert Goldsworthy This is the story of WWII POW Robert Goldsworthy http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/1388/ |
31. FRANKEL-Y SPEAKING - Contents Stanley Frankel's award winning account of the months he served in the Solomon Islands and Philippines. http://www.frankel-y.com/ | |
32. Air Pirates Offers photos and information on the recovery of historic aircraft around the world. http://www.airpirates.com | |
33. NursingWorld | ANA Centennial: Voices From The Past...visions Of The Future From NursingWorld, ANA Centennial Voices from the past visions of the future. http://www.nursingworld.org/centenn/cent1940.htm | |
34. World War II Vehicle Museum And Learning Center Features displays, tours and education classes. Includes details of exhibits, hours, admission fees and directions. Located in Hubbard, Ohio. http://www.wwiivehiclemuseum.com | |
35. Home Page Reenactment group based in the north-west of England, with British and German units, as well as civilian re-enactors. Event calendar, weapon and uniform information, related links, and membership details. http://members.lycos.co.uk/worldwartwogroup/ | |
36. Wargaming World War II - Megablitz - Title Page MEGABLITZ operationallevel wargames rules. Scenarios and after-battle reports. A guide for speed painting 20mm figures and equipment. http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~warden/ww2/index.htm | |
37. Richmond Depot, Historical Civil War Reproduction Offers world war ii and Vietnam militaria collectibles, also SOG, SEAL, ARVN, Special Forces, EDLS, Airborne, Ranger, and LRRP items. http://www.kabar44.com | |
38. African-Americans In The U.S. Merchant Marine And U.S. Maritime Service During W US Merchant Marines offer a small tribute to the AfricanAmericans who served in WWII. View photographs of some of the soldiers. http://www.usmm.org/african-americans.html | |
39. What Did You Do In The War, Grandma? 27 oral histories of Rhode Island women during world war ii, written by high school honors students. http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/WWII_Women/ | |
40. AB Figures Produces a selection of figures including Napoleonic, Roman, and world war ii figures for both wargamers and collectors. http://www.ab-figures.demon.co.uk/ | |
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