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121. Federal Employees, Lawmakers Owe $2.5 Billion In Delinquent Taxes CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/03/08/taxlaggards.ap/index.html |
122. Ministry Of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts And Telecommunications Deals with public servant administration and pensions, policy and administrative evaluation, local finance and taxes, telecommunications and broadcasting, statistics, and postal services. http://www.soumu.go.jp/english/ | |
123. Elect Nicole Doliner Clarkstown Receiver Of Taxes Nicole Doliner candidate for the position of Receiver of taxes in the town of Clarkstown. http://www.geocities.com/nicoledoliner/RECEIVERofTAXES.HTML |
124. A Conspiracy Against Small Businesses Through Unfair Regulations, Taxes And Comp A Conspiracy Against Small Businesses through Unfair Regulations, taxes and Competition. True Conspiracies. http://www.trueconspiracies.com/smallbusinesses.htm | |
125. CNN.com - Dean, God And Taxes - Jan. 8, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/01/08/column.novak.opinion.dean/index.html | |
126. Welfare And Tax Avoidance Mean That Governments Enforce Consumption Taxes reducing. Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and destroy small businesses (35). There are too many taxes. http://www.trueconspiracies.com/welfare.htm | |
127. Canadian Income Taxes - Taxes Canada Online income tax services. Includes information about services offered, newsletter, tips, and phone and email contact details. http://www.taxescanada.ca/ | |
128. The F.A.C.T. Alliance - An Advocacy Organization For The Fair Application Of Cig Organization dedicated to the reduction of tax revenue loss. Read articles on its position. http://www.factalliance.org | |
129. Bush Backs Lower Taxes, Fewer Abortions - January 16, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/01/16/bush/index.html | |
130. Information On Trade, Taxation, Currency, Inflation And Attitudes Towards Money. Articles on accounting, money, taxation, and other aspects of economics in antiquity. http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/economics/index.htm | |
131. Highland Information on the town; including location, population, government, taxes, housing, sanitation, water, highways, and other miscellaneous information. http://www.lakecountyin.com/communities/highland.html | |
132. Who Pays? Main Menu Study found that most states take a far greater share of income in taxes from middle and low-income families than from the wealthy. http://www.ctj.org/html/whopay.htm | |
133. Tax Problems Solved, Tax Return Preparation Enrolled Agents can prepare taxes and help with audits and collection problems. http://damontaxservice.com/ | |
134. EBRI Social Security Research Program EBRI's Social Security research program. taxes, benefits, private accounts. http://www.ebri.org/SSProject/ | |
135. About Cato Institute - Fiscal Policy Studies Libertarian organization dedicated to reducing government spending and lowering taxes. http://www.cato.org/research/fiscal.html | |
136. Foreign Taxes Directory of foreign and international tax guides topics include taxation of aliens, treaty information, transfer pricing issues, country list, miscellaneous aids. http://pages.prodigy.net/agkalman/aklawf.htm |
137. CNN.com - Bush Cheers Bipartisan Accord On Budget, Taxes - May 3, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/05/03/bush.budget/index.html | |
138. Tax-Ease, Inc...Professional Tax Consultants For Personal And Business Tax Prepa Reduces the risk of filing taxes, and calculating Social Security and Medicare withholding. http://www.tax-ease.com | |
139. Tax Information Directory All 50 States and Federal taxes. Complete efiling and older forms for late filings. http://homepages.msn.com/TreasuryDr/freetaxinfo/indextaxinfofree.html | |
140. Lavridsen The truth about taxes Denmark, and how they practise economical facism. http://www.lavridsen.dk/taxnazies/ |
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