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101. CCH Business Owner's Toolkit The information, tools, sample documents and news that small business owners need to start, run and grow a successful small business. the information you need to manage your business. Controlling http://www.toolkit.cch.com/ | |
102. TAX FOUNDATION HOME One of the U.S.' original public policy research groups, monitoring fiscal issues at the federal, state and local levels since 1937. Web site includes data on taxes and spending at all levels of government, including Tax Freedom Day, Tax Bite in the EightHour Day, federal taxes by state compared to federal spending, The Price of Civilized Society, who pays federal income taxes, as well as information on capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, the median family's tax burden, and the latest tax bill. http://www.taxfoundation.org/ | |
103. TaxProblems Solution To Resolve IRS Income Tax Problem Offer to compromise due taxes and settlement of IRS problems. http://www.ireducetax.com | |
104. Business And Technology Indusry Resesarch Search Indices for various topic areas in business, Social Sciences and Information Technology. Coverage includes Starting Points for business Technology Research Company and Industry Brave New http://www.brint.com/Business.htm | |
105. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Budgets And Taxes Latest news, background information, and links on U.S. budgetary and appropriations issues. http://www.policyalmanac.org/economic/budget.shtml | |
106. Wachowicz's Web World: Web Sites For Discerning Finance Students Financial management web sites grouped to correspond with the major topic headings in Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11th ed., PrenticeHall (2001) by James Van Horne John Wachowicz, Jr. http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/wacho_world.html | |
107. Tips On Taxes Links to the IRS, federal government and other helpful income tax sites. http://taxes.virtualave.net | |
108. CNN.com - Bush Cheers Bipartisan Accord On Budget, Taxes - May 2, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/05/02/bush.budget/index.html | |
109. CEOExpress: Business Portal For Executives Created By A Busy Executive CEOExpress business portal for executives created by a CEO http://www.ceoexpress.com/ | |
110. RealTax - Tax Savings For Real Estate Investors And Professionals Expert tax preparation and estate planning that minimizes income tax liability, eliminates future estate taxes, and maximizes returns when buying, owning, and selling investment real estate. http://www.realtax.com | |
111. BBC NEWS | Business Startup pitfalls. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/default.stm | |
112. Spidell Publishing, Inc. Taxletter and a provider of CPE courses for the CPA, Enrolled Agent and Tax Attorney. http://www.caltax.com |
113. Human Rights - Law - Taxes And Injustice In Denmark.. Beware! A Dane describes how three decades after emigrating from Denmark - he was suddenly considered resident in Denmark and ruined by an unfair trial that ripped him of his life's savings. http://www.cashbuilder.com/denmark.html | |
114. Taxes - Online Tax Information - Income Taxes - Federal Taxes taxes, Get the latest Online Tax Information and news from Forbes.com. http://www.forbes.com/taxes/ | |
115. CNN.com - Mayor Bloomberg Sues Countries Over Unpaid Taxes - Apr. 11, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/04/10/bloomberg.taxes/index.html | |
116. Department Of Revenue Information and tax forms. http://www.taxes.state.mn.us/ | |
117. TRIMonline - Lower Taxes Through Less Government An online report card for each of the 435 House members' votes on recent major spending bills, as well as a collection of other Congressional tools. http://www.trimonline.org | |
118. Tennessee Department Of Revenue Homepage Information about all state taxes, with downloadable forms and online filing. http://www.state.tn.us/revenue/ | |
119. Botswana - Ministry Of Finance And Development Planning Includes the Department of Supply, the Central Statistics Office, the Department of Customs and Excise, the Department of the Accountant General, and the Department of taxes. http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_of_finance_and_development_planning.html |
120. Nanny Taxes! Nanny Payroll And Household Employment Tax Services By HomeWork Sol Offers payroll and tax services to families employing nannies and other domestic workers. Nanny tax compliance services. http://www.4nannytaxes.com/ | |
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