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181. Bankrate.com Taxes: Rates, Forms And Free Advice Information on all phases of tax planning and preparation from Bankrate.com. http://www.bankrate.com/brm/itax/ | |
182. Grandfather Tax Report - MWHodges A graphical presentation showing the average worker needed to work 5 months to cover all taxes (federal plus state/local government), compared to working 1.4 months 70 years ago. http://home.att.net/~mwhodges/tax.htm | |
183. Marvin F Poer America's Property Tax Advisor Consultants specializing in real and personal property taxes, tax planning, appeals, valuation and compliance. http://www.mfpoer.com/ | |
184. Commercialappeal.com - Memphis, TN: Business The 2004 Chambers USA America s Leading Lawyers for business listed Glankler Brown as a leading US firm in the area of real estate, and attorney R. Hunter http://www.commercialappeal.com/mca/business/ | |
185. Social Security Choice.org Social Security Choice wants to allow people to invest their Social Security taxes. http://www.socialsecuritychoice.org/ | |
186. CNN.com - Jeffords' Move Significant For Supreme Court, Education, Taxes - May 2 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/05/24/jeffords.focus/index.html | |
187. Skala And Associates Madison, WI firm providing accounting, taxes, financial management, and computer consulting services. http://www.skala.com/ | |
188. Gephardt Wants To Repeal Bush's Income Tax Cuts CNN http://cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/04/17/gephardt.taxes.ap/index.html |
189. CNN.com - Use Of JFK Voice In Tax Ad Decried By Kennedy - March 9, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/03/09/kennedy.taxes/index.html | |
190. CNN.com - Dean Considers Proposal To Ease Tax Burden - Jan. 8, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/01/08/elec04.prez.dean.taxes.ap/index.html | |
191. Bring Our Taxes Home Promoting the legalization of slot machines at horse race tracks in Pennsylvania. http://www.bothpa.org/ | |
192. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Taxes At Epinions.com Consumer reviews of conventional and online tax preparers, plus buying advice for tax services. http://www.epinions.com/finc-Taxes-All | |
193. ATR | Americans For Tax Reform ATR believes in a system in which taxes are simpler, fairer, flatter, more visible, and lower than they are today. The government's power to control your life derives from its power to tax. They believe that power should be minimized. They opposes all tax increases as a matter of principle. http://www.atr.org | |
194. Your IRS Tax Problem Specialists, CKTax An Offer In Compromise Company, Guarante Helping to solve your tax difficulties. Specializing in offers in compromise, nonfiled returns, back taxes, and levy releases. http://www.cktax.com | |
195. Social Security - Quick Facts - Q&A On Social Security Answers to FAQs about Social Security taxes from a strong advocate of privatization. http://www.mysocialsecurity.org/quickfacts/faq.html | |
196. PreferrerTraffic.com - Website Traffic And Promotion Experts! hilarious video. Thanks for visiting Everything about 1000s of hits , targeted hits , hilarious video , guaranteed internet traffic , Effective Web Advertising, web visitors from topinternetmarketingsites.com! http://www.topinternetmarketingsites.com/ | |
197. BNA, Inc. - Essential Information. Expert Analysis. BNA is the foremost publisher of print and electronic news, analysis, and reference products, providing intensive coverage of legal and regulatory developments. http://www.bna.com/ | |
198. BNA - Tax & Accounting Products BNA and Tax Management® are leading providers of tax planning and compliance information, with products that command a unique position among tax resources. http://www.bna.com/products/tax/ | |
199. Townhall.com Conservative News And Information - The Conservative Townhall.com conservative news and information. Policy, commentary, chat and more. the conservative movement starts here http://www.townhall.com/ | |
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