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1. TAX DATA BASE WORLD TAXES PAGE 7 1. A research tool for Lawyers or business or Corporate use. Estonian Tax Information. Archibald Andersen. business Monitor. register. soc.culture.french http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/data/dbtax7.htm | |
2. Links: Business, Finances, Contracts, Taxes business Finance. Visit Writingworld.com s Rights and Contracts Section for information on rights, contracts, finances, taxes etc. Contracts http://www.writing-world.com/links/business.shtml | |
3. TAX DATA BASE WORLD TAXES PAGE 8a Window Taxation; Deloitte Touche Taxation Summary; Baltic business Directory Taxation Ross Tax world; Tax Net; UK Taxation Directory; Deloitte Touche Taxation http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/data/dbtax8a.htm | |
4. Small Business Taxes Management Small business taxes Management. Copyright 19962003 by A/N Group, Inc Disaster Reliefworld Trade Center AttackThe IRS is providing relief to victims of the world Trade Center http://www.smbiz.com/sbbi.html | |
5. TAX DATA BASE WORLD TAXES PAGE 8 1. A research tool for Lawyers or business or Corporate use. Legal Aspects of Doing business in the United States http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/data/dbtax8.htm | |
6. Business Daily - Business And Finance Related World News. North America. South America. Scandinavia. world News. Currency. Derivatives. Finance. business FM. Banking. Media. WN business. WN Network. taxes, Sat, 15 May 2004. http://www.topfinancialnews.com/s/businessdailynew/taxes.html | |
7. LookSmart Australia questions about preparing taxes for a small business. Find links to related articles. http//www.nolo.com/encyclopedia/articles/sb/ta world Directory. 12. http://explore.looksmart.com.au/synd-oz/explore/index.jsp?catPath=302562;317829; |
8. Mailing List CEEMAN-L: Website: World Taxes Date Tue, 04 Sep 2001 173252 0400 From Dennis McConnell, Maine business School Mac@Maine.edu Subject Website world taxes Message-id http://ecolu-info.unige.ch/archives/ceeman01/0156.html | |
9. PwC V2R - Tool & Techniques: Switch To E-Business Means Tax Worries are Changing The gray areas of ebusiness transactions can be a great source of concern for tax planners. In the bricks and mortar world, taxes are based http://www.pwcglobal.com/extweb/industry.nsf/docid/83DB240A0E5AC66A85256AF700790 | |
10. Business Information For The US Virgin Islands the US Virgin Islands than in any other jurisdiction in the world. The information on USVI business, taxes, tax incentives, and taxfree entities appearing on http://www.usvi.net/usvi/tax.html | |
11. BW Online | April 14, 2003 | Slash Taxes? No, Heal The World along with the rest of the world s, can return should concentrate on reviving trade rather than cutting taxes. retirement account to buy a business, invest in http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/apr2003/nf20030414_6434_db013.htm | |
12. South America Business Daily - Business And Finance Related World News. taxes, Thu, 20 May 2004. world Photos http://www.limapost.com/s/southamericabusiness/taxes.html | |
13. AlterNet: How Big Business Evades Taxes If you were in business, would you sell multiple vitamins to export and import prices to real world prices, the professors figured the 2001 US tax loss at http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=18474 |
14. South America Business Daily - Business And Finance Related World News. in Argentina Even With New Tax May 12 5/12/04 PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 2004 (business WIRE) Resource world Photos http://www.caracasnews.com/s/southamericabusiness/taxes.html | |
15. North America Business Daily - Business And Finance Related World News. Full Story Texas leaders discuss raising taxes By KELLEY SHANNON world Photos http://canadianpost.com/s/northamericabusiness/taxes.html | |
16. Topic 7.8: Business Taxes taxes Those familiar with subnational tax systems around the world will have noted one conspicuous omission from the preceding discussion taxes on business. http://www1.worldbank.org/wbiep/decentralization/Topic07.8.htm | |
17. Kiplinger.com Community - Home Business Tax Help wonderful world of taxes! First, I d suggest that your wife contact the company and ask if it has any tax help for independent contractors. She is in business http://forums.kiplinger.com/showthread.php?p=4090 |
18. Business Daily - Business And Finance Related World News. North America. South America. Scandinavia. world News. Currency. Derivatives. Finance. business FM. Banking. Media. WN business. WN Network. taxes, Tue, 11 May 2004. http://archive.wn.com/2004/05/12/1400/businessdailynew/taxes.html | |
19. State Federal Tax Forms - Taxes Planning - Business Finance Chicago Tax world Tax Forms Check Tax world for downloadable federal tax forms, usable for great insurance, for your car, home, or business? http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/business-and-finance_taxes-and-tax-planning_state | |
20. Senate Rejects Business Tax Proposal (washingtonpost.com) Senate Rejects business Tax Proposal came in a bill to cut corporate taxes in exchange for subsidies that were declared illegal by the world Trade Organization http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A5508-2004May5.html | |
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